Many people in our modern world have this romantic idea that we’re always supposed to have what we want. Most of us have never stop to realize that not having what we want is often at the root of our unhappiness. I’m not talking about fantastical delusions like wishing you had a spaceship, wishing you …
If we’re going to be successful in the field of nutrition, then we’ve got to come to the realization that EVERYTHING you put into your body has an impact. Whether you’re eating a walnut or a doughnut, it will change every cell in your body at some level. Food is truly that powerful. It’s time …
Continue reading “TMHS 069: Super Nutrition And Total Human Optimization – With Aubrey Marcus”
You’re going to be shocked to find out how much your liver function impacts your body’s fat loss (or lack thereof). Your liver is often referred to as the “second brain” of your body, and for good reason. Your liver has responsibilities in regulating hormone function, assimilating nutrients, and handling insulin, just to name a …
Continue reading “TMHS 068: Boost Your Fat Loss With These 5 Tips For A Healthy Liver”
Whether you consider yourself an entrepreneur or not, there are facets of your life that you need to run the lead on. You may be the CEO of a major organization, or the CEO of your house and kids. The word entrepreneur comes from the French word entreprende which means ‘to undertake’. When you undertake …
I remember R&B artist Genuwine had a hit song called “In Those Jeans” a few years back. Though the spelling is different from the genes we’re talking about here today, the objective is still the same. Let me explain… The song is about getting in the jeans of the hottest person possible. Sexually charged: Yes. Unintentionally …
Do you consider yourself an intelligent person? What about an emotionally intelligent person? Your answer to the first question better be, “Yes!” (you’re reading this empowering information aren’t you… sheesh). Your answer to the second question better be a stronger, “Yes!” or at least, “I’m definitely working on it.” What is emotional intelligence, and why …
To be the best, you need to learn from the best. We can avoid so much of the typical struggle period in getting what we want if we simply follow those that have come before us. Why try and reinvent the wheel when we’re not just rolling, but flying now? If you’re going to play …
Everyday the vast majority of your body’s energy is used to digest, assimilate, and eliminate the resources you consume. The resources I’m speaking of are the foods you eat, the liquids you drink, and the air that you breathe. Today, we only experience a fraction of our body’s true potential energy. So much of our …
Can losing weight really be that difficult? Isn’t it as simple as eat less, burn more, and you’ll see that scale move, or did we all just miss the memo? Millions of people worldwide struggle with conventional weight loss methods each year, and less than 10 percent of them keep the weight off long-term. Logically …
Whenever you hear "billion dollar industry" your ears should perk up automatically. With the supplement industry banking billions of dollars each year, there are more and more products hitting the store shelves all the time. More money in play, and more unregulated claims, means someone is usually getting screwed along the way. That somebody is …
Continue reading "TMHS 061: 7 Fat Loss Herbs That Really Work (And Supplement Mistakes To Avoid!)"