It’s even taboo to talk about taboos. Even though we may not realize it, our social taboos are able to keep us imprisoned within our own minds. Don’t you want to know what invisible forces are governing the way you think, feel, and function on a daily basis? Don’t you want to know why you …
It’s pretty clear that we have changed. Only a few generations ago, chronic illnesses like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes were seen in only a small percentage of the population. Today, some statistics show that more than three-fourths of the western world are afflicted with one of these major illnesses. The question is… How did …
It may be jarring to know that seven out of 10 people in the U.S. have been prescribed a drug over the past year. It may be more surprising to know that one out of every 10 people are now taking an antidepressant; among women in their 40’s and 50’s, that number is one in …
Continue reading “TMHS 076: Natural Treatments For Depression – Share This With Everyone You Know!”
Since its inception, the movie industry has heavily influenced the behavior of our culture. Most notably, Hollywood is unmatched at setting the bar for how we strive towards our health and fitness goals. What guy wouldn’t want to swipe the look of Hugh Jackman in X-Men: Days of Future Past? (Minus the bushy sideburns, of …
True wisdom is learning to become friendly with obstacles. Challenges, problems, and unexpected obstacles are all inherent in the development of a human being. We can choose to tussle with them a bit, complain about them constantly, or we can find a way to break through them. Consistently looking for the challenge, and knowing that …
There’s a Slovakian proverb that says, “Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.” Water is at the very basis of human health and longevity. Far more valuable than food, going without adequate hydration sets in motion a ticking time bomb of physical depression and symptoms of disease. You may be shocked to find …
Hormones are everywhere. They are in and around us. They give us life. They generate communication between every cell in our body. They are essential in creating order… and they can also create some pretty epic chaos if we’re not careful. Much like a misinterpreted communication between people, abnormal hormone function can cause your body …
The work you do for a living matters. It matters to your health, it matters to your relationships, and it matters to your overall success. The work you choose to do each day is not something to take lightly. Sometimes life can sweep us up, and we end up spending our days doing things that …
Many people in our modern world have this romantic idea that we’re always supposed to have what we want. Most of us have never stop to realize that not having what we want is often at the root of our unhappiness. I’m not talking about fantastical delusions like wishing you had a spaceship, wishing you …
If we’re going to be successful in the field of nutrition, then we’ve got to come to the realization that EVERYTHING you put into your body has an impact. Whether you’re eating a walnut or a doughnut, it will change every cell in your body at some level. Food is truly that powerful. It’s time …
Continue reading “TMHS 069: Super Nutrition And Total Human Optimization – With Aubrey Marcus”