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Sleep Problems? 21 Tips to Get The Best Sleep Ever

There’s nothing quite like getting a good nights sleep. Waking up refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the world is the ideal feeling that we all would love to have.

The challenge is that in our modern society, millions of people are chronically sleep deprived and suffering the deleterious effects of having low quality sleep.

Sleep deprivation effects are not pretty either. Try immune system failure, diabetes, cancer, obesity, depression, and memory loss just to name a few.

Most people don’t realize that their continuous sleep problems are also a catalyst for the diseases and appearance issues they’re dealing with.

Studies have shown that just one night of being sleep deprived can make you as insulin resistant as a type-2 diabetic. This translates directly to aging faster and storing more body fat than you want to (please say it ain’t so!) 

Now stretch that out over weeks, months, and years then you can start to see why lack of sleep can be such a huge problem.

A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal showed that sleep deprivation is directly related to an inability to lose weight. Test subjects were put on the same exercise and diet program, but those who were in the sleep deprivation group (less than 6 hours per night) consistently lost less weight and body fat than the control group who slept for 8+ hours a night.

There are several other studies showing sleep deprivation encouraging cancer, Alzheimer’s, and depression. But what I want to focus on for you today is what you can do to radically improve your sleep starting TONIGHT, and avoid these chronic issues in the first place. Sound good?

A pioneer, and leading authority on sleep research, Dr. William Dement said, “You’re not healthy, unless your sleep is healthy.”

Nothing could be more true, and these 21 tips are going to help you get great sleep for many years to come.

1. Know the value of sleep. This one is a little unordinary, but it’s probably the most important. Many people are negligent about getting enough sleep because they truly don’t understand the benefits they’re getting from it.

So what is sleep? And why is it important?

Well, defining sleep is a lot like trying to define life. No one completely understands it, and if you try to explain it you’re more likely to sound like Forrest Gump than a world-renown scholar (Life is like a box of chocolates… Sleep is like pretending to be dead).

Sleep is (actually) defined as a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. 

That sounds a little weird, but the most important takeaway is that it’s a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body. If you’re not doing it, then you’re being completely unnatural. And nobody likes unnatural people 🙂

What’s more important is knowing the big prizes that sleep gives you. Generally, being awake is catabolic (breaks you down) and sleep is anabolic (builds you up). Sleep is actually an elevated anabolic state, heightening the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, skeletal, and muscular systems. Basically, sleep rebuilds you and keeps you youthful.

High quality sleep fortifies your immune system, balances your hormones, boosts your metabolism, increases physical energy, and improves the function of your brain. With all the essential benefits that sleep is giving you, you will never, I repeat NEVER, have the body and life you want without giving your body the right amount of sleep.

2. Get more sunlight during the day. One of the most vital things that induces great sleep is your body’s natural secretion of a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in your brain and sends a signal to regulate the sleep-wake cycle in your body.

The production and secretion of melatonin is powerfully affected by light exposure. Sunlight provides the natural spectrum of light that we need to help coordinate the cycle of melatonin production. Get more light during the day, less light at night, and you’re on your way to having a magic sleep formula.

3. Avoid the screen. This is likely the #1 thing you can do to improve your sleep quality immediately. The artificial “blue” light emitted by electronic screens trigger your body to produce more daytime hormones (like cortisol) and disorient your body’s natural preparation for sleep.

Computers, iPads, televisions, smartphones, etc are kicking out a sleep-sucking blue spectrum of light that can give you major sleep problems. Have you ever driven down your neighborhood street at night and seen that majestic blue light beaming out of people’s windows? You’re either like: a. I wonder what they’re watching? or b. I wonder if they’re getting abducted by aliens?

If you want to give your body the deep sleep it needs, make it a mandate to turn off all screens a full hour before bedtime. If you ignore this and continue to have problems sleeping, I promise you Jimmy Kimmel is not going to pay your hospital bills.

4. Use a blue light blocker. Extenuating circumstances come up, and you may need to be on the computer later than you want. This is where cool advancements in technology can come in to help smooth things out. On my Mac I have a free application called f.lux that automatically eliminates all of the problematic blue light from my computer screen at a certain time each day (you can get similar things for your smartphone too).

Again, the best solution is to shut down the technology at least an hour before bed if you’re serious about getting great sleep. But this is a tool you can use that can definitely help you out along the way.

5. Have a caffeine curfew. Caffeine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. If your nervous system is lit up, you can forget about getting high quality sleep. Set an unbreakable curfew stop time to make sure that your body has time to remove it from your system. For most people, it’s generally going to be before 4 p.m. But if you’re really sensitive to caffeine, then you might want to make your curfew even earlier, or possibly avoid caffeine altogether.

6. Be cool. I remember that during ridiculously hot summers, my parents wouldn’t turn the air conditioner up to “save” on the utility bill. Well, I can tell you that I sweated off a lot of pounds those summers tossing and turning in my bed upstairs (oh, and heat rises by the way) trying to sleep through the heat.

Something called thermoregulation strongly influences your body’s sleep cycles. When it’s time for your body to rest, there is an automatic drop in your core body temperature to help initiate sleep. If the temperature in your environment stays too high, then it can be a bit of a physiological challenge for your body to get into the ideal state for restful sleep. Studies have found that the ideal room temperature for sleep is around 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything above 75 or below 54 will likely cause some difficulty sleeping.

7. Get to bed at the right time. This is key! You can literally get amplified benefits of sleep by sleeping at the right hours. It’s been shown that humans get the most significant hormonal secretions and recovery by sleeping during the hours of 10 pm and 2 am. This is what I call “Money Time”.

You get the most rejuvenating effects during this time, and any sleep that you get in addition is a bonus. This is based on the seemingly lost realization that we humans are a part of nature, and when the lights go out on the planet, that’s a que from the universe that it’s time for us to turn down too.

Today, however, we can trump nature and light up our house like a Las Vegas stripper sign. We can be up until 3 a.m. doing the laptop lap dance, and not even think twice about it.

NEWS FLASH: That is abnormal. We are literally designed to go to sleep when it gets dark, so if you’ve made a habit of ignoring this innate law, it’s time to take action to readjust.

8. Use high quality magnesium. Magnesium is a bonafide anti-stress mineral. It helps optimize circulation and blood pressure, balance blood sugar, relax tense muscles, reduce pain, and calm the nervous system. Yet, because it has so many functions, it tends to get depleted from our bodies rather fast.

Magnesium deficiency is likely the #1 mineral deficiency in our world today. And getting your magnesium levels up can almost instantly reduce your body’s stress load and improve the quality of your sleep.

Because a large percentage of magnesium is lost in the digestive process, the ideal form of magnesium is transdermal from supercritical extracts. You can find more info on right here: Benefits of Magnesium

Quality is everything, and taking too much of a low-budget internal magnesium supplement can have you sprinting to the bathroom like Usain Bolt. If you want to get the insider info on how to get your magnesium levels up, make sure to check out this post.

9. Get it blacked out. It’s a well established fact that we sleep better in a dark environment (just check out this EPIC book Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival). But yet, so many people aren’t taking full advantage of this.

Having light sources of any type in your bedroom can disrupt your sleep patterns. And even using an eye mask is not going to be 100% effective for most people.

Did you know that your skin actually has receptors that can pick up light? If there’s light in your bedroom, your body is picking it up and sending messages to your brain and organs that can interfere with your sleep. The best solution is: Black it out!

Get some of the now popular “blackout” curtains that are available from most retailers. And get any other sources of non-stop light out of your room too. Do this one thing tonight, and I promise you that you’ll thank me for it tomorrow. Sleep experts suggest that your room be so dark that you can’t see your hand in front of your face. I grew up with freakin’ night lights, so this was a really big step for me.

Personally, this is the one thing that INSTANTLY had a beneficial impact on my sleep. I blacked out my bedroom and have been getting the best sleep of my life ever since.

10. Create a sleep sanctuary. If getting rejuvenating sleep is a high priority for you, then you need to take some essential actions to treat it as such. The bedroom should be for two things primarily… 1. Sleep and 2. We’ll get to in just a moment 😉

Stop making your bedroom the entertainment hub of your house. And NEVER bring work to bed with you.

Humans are creatures of habit AND habitat. My 1-year old son knows that when we go into his bedroom at night, good sleep is about to go down. He actually gets upset if he can’t get into his bed to sleep right away. Crazy, right?

If you create the environment where miscellaneous activities can take place in your sleep area, you are not creating a neuro-association that it’s time to sleep when you go in here. You may think that you are a big “grown-up” adult, but we are all just super size babies with the same basic programming.

Make your bedroom a sacred place where peace, calm, and relaxation are overflowing. When you walk into a sleep sanctuary it’ll be easy to peacefully drift off to your dreams.

11. Have a big “O”. This is the other primary thing that the bedroom should be used for (as if you didn’t know). Having an orgasm is like a full-on sedative for most people. There’s a rush of relaxing hormones and endorphines when you release, and it’s just the thing to set you up for a great nights sleep.

Keep in mind, you don’t need anyone else to do this (so single people, don’t be worried). But if you’ve got a lover in your life, don’t hold back because the effects can really benefit the both of you.

If you happen to have a partner who is not as passionate about this as you are, just tell them that they’re helping your health by doing it (and if they don’t believe you, just send them this article).

12. Train hard (but smart). I had a client a few years back that moved here from France to go to college. He came to work with me in the gym and had some very specific physical goals that he wanted to achieve. After doing an analysis, I found out that he’s had a sleeping disorder for about 8 years. He typically didn’t sleep more than 4 hours a night, and he was diagnosed with clinical insomnia.

I can tell you, it was written all over his face and body. I said to him, I can kick your ass all day in the gym, but you’ll never get the body you want until you get this sleep component in order. He was reluctant to want to focus on it because it’s been so difficult with him in the past, but he agreed to try a few of my suggestions, and the rest, as the French say, was “historie”.

Instead of the long-duration cardio he used to do, I BANNED him from cardio temporarily. We focused on heavy, superset-style strength training. His workouts were short, but intense, and within days everything changed.

He came in to see me about a week after he started training with me and said, “I don’t know what you did, but I slept like a ba-be.” (remember, it was a French accent).

I made sure that he didn’t train after 5 p.m. anymore, helped him reset his circadian rhythms with a few other tactics, and his life was changed forever.

13. Get your “friends” out of your room. Have you heard of EMFs before? This means Electromagnetic Fields or Electromagnetic Noise. Numerous studies have confirmed that the EMFs coming from our everyday electronic devices can cause disruption of communication between the cells in our body.

This means you can have everything from hormonal problems to cancer showing up by being exposed to these things too long. And even knowing this, so many people whine and moan when they find out they need to get these devices out of their bedroom to protect themselves.

People hang on to their phones and electronic devices like they are their best friend in the world. They act like they’re going to fallout and die if they don’t have their cell phone within texting distance.

Trust me, you’ll live… and if you don’t pay attention to this, all the rest of your years are not going to be very fun. Get the electronics OUT of your room! If sleep is important to you, then you’ll do this. If being healthy and not having a chronic disease is important to you, then you’ll do this. Television, laptops, cell phones, all of these things are kicking out radiation that is disrupting your sleep. Have your entertainment in the entertainment area of your home. Keep your bedroom reserved for sleep and sex.

Really… people still watch T.V. in their bed…? Really!!! Come on people, that’s sleep suicide, and a guarantee that you’re going to have reality T.V. stars giving you bad dreams.

14. Have a high protein, low carb snack close to bed time. If you want to get truly restful sleep, one of the worst things you can do is eat right before bed. Give your body a solid 90 minutes (more is better) before heading off to bed after eating. This is ESPECIALLY true if you’re eating carbs because the inherent blood sugar spike will cause a sharp drop in blood sugar later… and if you happen to be asleep when this hypoglycemia hits, it will likely wake you up and give you difficulties falling back asleep.

If you feel you need to have something shortly before bed (again, at least 90 minutes) then go with a high protein food. The amino acids in the protein food (like tryptophan) can actually aid in getting a more beneficial sleep.

15. No glove, no love (for your feet) – Even though the room temperature would ideally be cooler to induce great sleep, some people can trigger sleeplessness because their extremities are too cold. This is because blood flow is the primary method of distributing heat throughout the body. If your hands and feet are too cold, it could be a sign of poor circulation. The solution: wear a pair of warm sock to bed (aka foot gloves or foot mittens). I personally prefer to be barefoot, but I’m naturally a more warm body person. Test it out and see if it works for you.

16. You booze, you lose – Did you know that you actually get smarter while you sleep? One of the most valuable, and overlooked aspects of sleep is a process called memory processing. This is basically where short-term memories and experiences get converted into long-term memories.

Memory processing is predominantly affected by different stages of REM sleep. Studies have proven the good news about drinking alcohol late in the evening is that you do, indeed, fall asleep faster. But the bad news is that REM sleep is significantly disrupted by alcohol being in your system. You won’t be able to fall into deeper levels of sleep, and your brain and body won’t be able to fully rejuvenate. This is why people generally don’t feel that great after waking up from an alcohol-laced sleep.

You already know this to be true… that’s why the word hangover has become so popular in our vocabulary today. And of course, you’ve seen the movie The Hangover, right? That’s just an extreme case of waking up, not knowing what happened the night before (because you screwed up your memory processing), and possibly having a new tattoo on your face.

If you want to be a champ at this rejuvenating sleep thing, consider having a booze curfew so that your body can have a couple hours to get it out of your system.

17. Calm inner-chatter. There is a great quote that says, “My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I was supposed to do.”

People hop into bed, and then proceed to think about the when, where, who, why, what, and hows of their life… all while they’re supposed to be sleeping. If this sounds familiar to you, then you have a serious issue with something we call “inner chatter”. But don’t worry, there is a cure 😉

What I’m going to share with you is not just a tool to help you improve your sleep, it’s a powerful tool to help transform your life. The inner chatter that you experience is a result of the stress and (untamed) busyness of the day. Now more than ever with the constant flow of information coming at you, it’s important to have a practice to help you (eliminate) that stress. That important practice is meditation.

Meditation is like a tonic. A tonic is something that you can use everyday, and the results continue to get better and better. The more you meditate, the more calm and presence you’ll have in your day-to-day life.

Now when I say more, I’m talking about frequency, and not a specific time requirement. Once you find the right meditation for yourself, you can almost instantly feel a sense of calm and presence by doing your practice throughout the day.

I started off meditating for 30 to 45 minutes every morning for 3 years. Today, I do more “mini-meditations”, often 5 minutes or less, and I feel the same focus and peace that I felt all those years when meditating for a half hour or more. How? Because the effects are cumulative, and the neuro-association my brain and body have made to closing my eyes and focusing on my breath, instantly puts me in that calm space.

Numerous studies show that meditation increases “feel-good” hormones and endorphins, lowers stress hormones like cortisol, and even reduces inflammation in our body. Now, you can buy stuff that can give you similar experiences, but it’ll probably cost you a lot of money (and you might get arrested too).

If you don’t have any good sources for meditation techniques, just ask me. I’ll be more than happy to point you in the right direction. Here’s a couple of meditations you can try before bed: Better sleep through meditation

18. Supplementation… fine, here you go. Ideally, you need to address the lifestyle issues first that are actually causing the sleep problem. If you just jump to taking drugs or supplements then you’ll just be treating a symptom and increase the likelihood that you’ll develop a dependency on something that can harm you long term.

I’m going to share with you just 3 of the more gentle to moderate natural sleep aids. Focus on the lifestyle stuff first, and if you want you can respectfully add these things in too. 1. Chamomile: an excellent tea to have before bed, shown to calm the muscles and nervous system. 2. Kava Kava: the national drink of Fiji, has sedative properties and is commonly used to treat sleeplessness and fatigue. 3. Valarian: moderate sedative – indicated for individuals that have a difficult time falling asleep, and also promotes uninterrupted sleep.

You will notice that I didn’t include melatonin. This has become a very popular supplement as of late with all of our societies sleeping issues. Many experts agree that melatonin supplementation can be very effective for SOME people. But it can potentially down-regulated the ability of your body to produce its own melatonin. This is an actual hormone supplement, so unless you want to chance creating a dependency on this, I’d say avoid it and try other things first.

19. Mr. & Mrs Smith Glasses. O.K. so you want to stay up and go on wild adventures on Youtube (the other day I started off researching rehab exercises for knees and eventually ended up watching bloopers of the t.v. show The Office. You know how YouTube can be 😉 Or maybe you want to take this sleep mastery to the extreme? Well, I’ve already given you a resource for eliminating the “blue light” from your computer screen, but what about the rest of the house?

If you’re a fanatic about this stuff, and don’t mind looking like someone from the future, then you can rock some of these glasses that block blue light and give everything a much safer, softer, yellow tint. They are similar to the glasses that Brad and Angelina wear in the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith during an epic fight scene. If you get the cheap ones, then you won’t look that cool… but hey, this is for science not social points. Although if someone comes into your house and sees you wearing them you’ll totally look like a badass (a little weird, but still a badass).

20. Be early to rise – Ironically, one of the best things you can do to improve your sleep is to get up early. This goes back to the fact that humans have had certain patterns of sleep and wakefulness that we’ve only (within the last hundred years) found a way to override.

By waking up early you start the process of helping your endocrine system link up with the diurnal patterns of the earth. Get up when the sun rises. You might start off having a challenging time, but after less than a couple of weeks, your body will adapt to that pattern and have you feeling more rested and refreshed when you wake up. You can get out of the old pattern of being up at night “tired and wired” by being early to rise and having a natural release of cortisol and going to bed earlier and taking advantage of the natural release of melatonin (that we talked about above). A quote from one of my son’s favorite books… the epic masterpiece, Winnie the Pooh: “For early to bed, and early to rise will make a bear happy, and healthy besides.”

21. Get grounded – Since the beginning of time humans have had more of a constant interaction with the earth, and only recently have we found ourselves more an more “disconnected” from it. New discoveries have shown that the earth itself is overflowing with free electrons (energy) that actually get transmitted to us when we come in contact with it. There are numerous studies showing radical reductions in inflammation and pain by getting people in contact with the earth’s magnetic surface.

Sounds pretty far-fetched, huh? Well, I wouldn’t have believed it if the data wasn’t so thick. For a comprehensive understanding you can check out this book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?. I even did a short video on it a few years back. Have you ever noticed that when you go to the beach or to the lake you end up sleeping like a baby that night? Many people don’t even make it off the beach before they end up knocked out in a deep sleep. What the heck is going on?

Well, it appears that the earth’s electromagnetic surface has the ability to “sync” with your bodies internal clock. I really started to understand this when I realized that our bodies are actually running on electromagnetic energy (that’s why heart monitors in the hospital beep… it’s because of our electric output) Bottom line is, when it comes improving your sleep, getting your body in contact with the earth’s electromagnetic field might just be the thing that changes the game for you.

Now, I’m not talking about camping outside like canteen boy (old Adam Sandler character; look him up) but instead using cool technology that brings the benefits of the earth’s energy into our home. I’ve been using an Earthing Mat under my desk and sleeping on Earthing Sheets for about 4 years. And I’ll tell you what, when ever I travel, I bring my Earthing Sheets with me and I always get a great nights sleep just like I’m at home.

If you enjoyed these tips, make sure to pick up the bestselling book Sleep Smarter for more.

I really hope that you got a lot of value out of these tips. And the action step for you is to just pick 1 or 2 of the tips above and apply them for the next 2 weeks. Notice if you feel more refreshed, better energy through the day, less pain (if you have any), and if you generally just feel better.  If it works for you, then I’d love to hear about it.

Please make sure to share this with the people you care about. And as always, if you’ve got something to add to the conversation, then leave it in the comment section below!

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  1. Wow, this blog is a game-changer! The 21 tips for getting the best sleep ever are both comprehensive and practical. I love how the advice covers everything from establishing a bedtime routine to creating a sleep-friendly environment. The tips on reducing screen time and managing stress are particularly useful. This blog has truly transformed my approach to sleep, and I’m already seeing great results. Thank you for such an insightful and actionable guide! Kamini Vidrawan Ras

  2. Hi Shawn! Thank You SO MUCH for your commitment to evolving your knowledge so you can better serve your fellow humans! Thank you for your passion and thank you for your service!! So Grateful! I literally share your work with anyone that says they’re tired!

    I just have a question about adjustable beds. I had briefly worked for an adjustable bedding company in which the science makes sense but wanted your expert opinion. The rationale that we should be sleeping on our backs but as most mattresses are flat – therefor don’t necessarily provide proper support for the S-shaped curve of our spine so we tend to roll to our side. Here, on our sides, as we put more pressure on our shoulder, hips, knees, internal organs etc. we tend to roll again – either to our front or on the other side. The theory is that every time we move we break our sleep cycle, reverting back and forth from stage 1 to stage 2 without actually achieving the benefits of our regenerative stage 3 of sleep (HGH release and greater cellular regeneration etc.). The pitch is that when adapt to sleeping on our back – fully supported by an adjustable mattress or bed, we can achieve our full sleep cycle – simply because we’re ‘more comfortable’ and less likely to move.
    May I please ask your expert opinion on this?


  3. I really want to thank the author for such a nice blog that helped me to understand how to make life comfortable. With a grounding sleeping product, you feel as relax as walking barefoot in the lawn. Besides, an earthing sheet
    Can dramatically help us improve our sleeping, is a good choice for your reference.

  4. Pingback: How to Come Out of Lockdown Better Than You Went In | FATPOKE
  5. Pingback: The New College Prep: Nutrition and wellness immune system reboot for students in the classroom amid Covid-19. – Empowering Women through Nutrition and Wellness LLC
  6. Pingback: 5 Easy Tips to Start Losing Weight – Miss Healthy Pursuit
  7. Hi Shawn, thanks so much for the great tips. They’ve definitely helped me improve my sleep. I’ve enjoyed turning my bedroom into a sleep sanctuary! I think that using blackout curtains, as well as the blue light blockers for my phone and devices has helped a lot too.
    Are there any particular grounding or earthing mats/sheets that you recommend?

  8. Love these tips and I’m a big fan of your podcast since the beginning!!
    Just one question, Do you have any mattress recommendations?

  9. Love the tips. Question, if you use your phone as an alarm clock are there alternatives clocks that don’t emit EMFs?

  10. Pingback: Wellness With T - Theresa Freeman PT, LMT, CHC
  11. I have a question about using melatonin for my 2 year old for an 18 hour plane flight? We are traveling 6 hour time zone difference and I wonder if you think using this hormone supplement is helpful for short term recalibration. I can’t find any studies suggesting in ill effects for short term use? Also if you do, do you have a brand or something to look for in brands if I were to buy some?

    1. Hey Matteo!! This is Craig, the resident nutritionist here (:

      Shawn talks about melatonin in his book Sleep Smarter. In short, in certain cases we do recommend but in lower doses such as .5mg-3mg at night. A lot of the supplements are 10-12mg which can be too much.

      Onnit has a great sublingual brand we use when we travel. But it’s not for an everyday use, just more or so to help when traveling and help keep the circadian ryhthms in check (:

  12. you have written a really great helped me a lot to improve my sleep and i felt much better.thank you

  13. Pingback: How To Wake Up Early | 5 Tips For Being A Morning Person (Pt. 2) - Jacquelyn Son
  14. My dad has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. He has implemented a majority of your recommendations but is there anything else we can do.

  15. Pingback: How To Be A Morning Person (Part I) - 9 Tips By Jacquelyn Son
  16. Pingback: How to Improve Your Sleep and Be More Productive at Work
  17. Great tips! I have sleep problems and this article is very helpful for me. Thanks a lot for sharing such kind of info.

  18. Hey Shawn,

    I listened to Sleep Smarter on Audible and would love to know which magnesium salts, oils, or lotions you recommend or at least what to look for to distinguish a good quality vs. bad. Thanks!

  19. Pingback: On 3 easy ways to destroy your ability to sleep well (with relevant antidotes) – Sumbella Orchard Khan
  20. Great stuff Shawn. I heard you on a podcast, and now I want to get your book!

    One quick question: Thoughts on LED light bulbs in the house, and if they impact sleep?


  21. Pingback: Power hours - Tuomo Coaching
  22. I can’t stop my racing mind not my Clonazipan 1.25mg help now to sleep. Sevre headatch and racing miidcwith nagative thoughts don’t let me sleep. Suffering from treatment resistant sevre anxiety and depression. Please help as I can’t sleep for several nights.
    I’m 69 males without much resourcescand dependant like dis abled. Pls help.

  23. Pingback: 5 Tips to Avoid 'Seeing Red' on Shopping's Biggest Weekend | NCR Silver
  24. Pingback: Sunday Wonderfulness: Read The Latest Wellness News 11/05/17 – The Wonderfulness Program
  25. I have been building a really good sleep routine. A lot of friends have been talking about magnesium too – I think it’s definitely worth a try.

  26. Pingback: Why We Need Some Stress, But Not Too Much | Jahanwrote
  27. The thing that has worked best for me has been no screen time 30 minutes before bed. It’s quite recently astounding how out of the blue you back off and unwind with no television, no telephone.

  28. Hi Shawn,

    I started taking your suggestions on taking magnesium, what a game changer. I had issues of chronic fatigue, and felt sick. I drive for Uber so I want to be at my best. Thx, Roger

  29. Pingback: Sleep Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making
  30. Love your work! & I’d love you to point me to where I can find info on getting my (10 month old) baby to sleep better when I refuse to do the ‘cry it out’ method of sleep training. I know you have a young son- so I’m sure it’s fresh in your memory! i would be eternally grateful ( & I’m sure you’ve been asked this before!). Thanks! From NZ

  31. Hey Shawn,

    Read the book and applied EVERYTHING, including the Mg (but not the supplements) and no effect. Then I discovered that before the industrial revolution people slept differently – often in two blocks. Adapting to that was the only thing that has helped me after a decade of chronically little sleep and accompanying misery.

    Your book is so complete in other ways – how did you miss this one?


  32. Hi Shawn, I’ve heard you talk about the idea of ‘Money time’ sleep a few times (i.e each hour of sleep before midnight being worth 2). I’m just wondering if you might be able to point me towards the research on this, I’d be very curious to read more about it.

  33. My pleasure, Rahwa, and a debt of gratitude is in order for the criticism (I require it to continue onward!) Rest tight.

  34. Pingback: Recovery Tips from a Recovering "Over Worker" - Andrea Seccafien
  35. Pingback: Make The Most Out Of Your Day With Effective Evening And Morning Routines » EffectifyMe
  36. Pingback: The Importance of Establishing a Routine – Just Decide
  37. Hi Shawn, Love you info on sleep. We are going to do all we can from these great tips! I have a question about kids sleeping. My daughter needs a night light to sleep. What product for kids do you recommend that would be safe for her. We currently just leave her closet light on! oops! Thanks again.

  38. Excellent tips, Shawn.

    The point about artificial screen light is spot on.

    While I use Flux to try and ‘trick’ my brain in to distinguishing the correct time of day, I still find that any screen time within an hour of bed is enough to set my mind racing.

    Personally the best tip I can offer is to read an actual book before bed — and one that is fiction, not non-fiction.

    Fiction acts as escapism and relaxes the brain, whereas non-fiction gets you thinking and analysing. (Not a good recipe).

    Likewise… completely agree on meditation.

    Meditation fixes more than just sleep problems. It can fix ‘awake problems’ too!

  39. Wonderful post, until now probably the best I have seen on this topic, Shawn!

    Some time ago I was feeling bad during the day quite often without even knowing why and this was annoying as hell. Ultimately I have thought about my situation and realized how I have always underestimated my sleep. I gotta say, I did my own little research and solved my sleeping problem before I found this article, but man, you have got a great and complete list here. My sleep and mood changed immediately when I changed my mind about some simple things. Nowadays I stick to many more aspects to improve my sleep and this really has changed my life!

    Having the right combination is most important though. I really believe that having an evening routine at the same time every day is game changing. My routine ends with some minutes of meditation and most of the times I already fall asleep while meditating. And all that in complete darkness with some smooth background sounds, thats my recipe!

    Cheers for talking about this topic, I feel like many people need some help in this regard, Shawn!

  40. I gotta say, Shawn. I read a lot of articles about how to improve sleep but this one might be the completest of all.

    For me, what helped most was a mixture of a few things. Blacking out the room, establishing a night-ritual, meditating (for sure!), leaving my phone out of the room and also being well-hydrated before going to sleep.

    But after all, the most important thing in my opinion is, to realize and (and ACT ON!) the importance of enough sleep.

    Thanks for that comprehensive collection of tips, Shawn!


    1. Absolutely amazing compliment, Dennis! Thank you of sharing that.
      All the best!

  41. Pingback: I Experimented with Sleep - Thank Goodness Its My Life
  42. Pingback: How to Become a Sprinter - Ep. 92 - Open Sky Fitness
  43. Hey Shawn,

    I just got hooked on your podcast in the past month and I am loving it. I was just listening to ‘Help Me Sleep!’ and you mentioned a study about young kids developing near sightedness as a result of having light in their room between the ages of 0-2. Any chance you know the name of that study so I can share that? Thanks!

  44. Pingback: Stress Bubbles » Blog Archive 17 Unique Tips For Sleeping Well - Stress Bubbles
  45. Pingback: The Key to Success is Sleep – Let's Go!
  46. The thing that has worked best for me has been no screen time 30 minutes before bed. It’s just amazing how all of a sudden you slow down and relax with no tv, no phone.

  47. Pingback: Healthy Lifestyles Aren’t Perfect + 4 Tips to Finding Your “Healthy” – Simple Healthy Eats
  48. Pingback: Some great tips for improving your sleep. - Fast and Fresh Catering
  49. Pingback: Mastermind Groups 101—How to start, manage and lead a mastermind group | Bushido Code
  50. Pingback: Soundless Sleep - JuiceMi Gourmet
  51. Pingback: Take Action on Fatigue - Quick Forklift Certification
  52. Pingback: My Top Three Podcasts to Listen To! (When Cooking or On the Go!) | the veggie villager
  53. Pingback: Back to Basics: Practicing What I Preach | Daniel T Stephens
  54. Pingback: Stop Wearing Yourself out Fighting Fatigue – Part 2 | Let the Cultivation of Awesomeness Begin!!!
  55. Pingback: Health and Nutrition for the Dental Team - Great info for your Dental Team
  56. Pingback: Ep #131 – Michael King – How To Dramatically Improve Sleep Through Proper Organ Health – 7-31-2012 - Extreme Health Radio - Your Healthy Living Resource
  57. I definitely needed this article. I have been having a hard time going to sleep lately. Thanks for the tips.

  58. Seriously Shawn I felt like you wrote these tips for Everything you mentioned in here is what I needed to read in order to improve both my mental and physical health. Very insightful and right on point as usual. I can always count on you with 110% confidence when I need answers in regards to health. Thanks Shawn

    1. My pleasure, Rahwa, and thanks for the feedback (I need it to keep going!)
      Sleep tight 🙂

  59. GREAT article Shawn!! Very insightful and I found myself laughing out loud SEVERAL times. 😉 I must admit, my phone and I are attached at the hip lately so I really have to try hard to leave it elsewhere at night. I guess it’s a security thing in case of an emergency since I don’t have a landline any longer.
    Also, I was going to ask you when I see you, but opportunity is now—what would you recommend for sleep on a long flight? Will be flying through the night so I MUST sleep (or at least try :-))
    Again, thanks for ALL you do!!!!
    Was going to write this up last night, but it was bedtime. 😉

  60. Thanks for this and the post on magnesium. Informative, yet amusing and entertaining. I had to clean up the tea off my desk after reading number 11. LOL!


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