Listen to my latest podcast episode:

TMHS 880 : #1 Mindset Coach Reveals How To INSTANTLY Transform Your Life’s Story – With Bo Eason


I couldn’t do what I do without my family.

They inspire me each day to want to be a better man and a greater example for what’s possible. THIS is what The Model Health Show really stands for. It’s about creating a model, your own model, that inspires you to live your best life and also inspires the world around you. You are here to create your own unique model of health, happiness, and success. And I’m here to show you how.

A big part of The Model Health Show are the masterclass episodes that I do as a solo artist (I would probably be making music if I didn’t outgrow my Thriller jacket). It’s a unique part of the show that I put my heart and soul into to create the definitive guide on each subject matter for you. Whether it’s understanding the science behind different forms of exercise, strategies for weight loss and reversing insulin resistance, or natural treatments for depression, when you click play, you will feel empowered.

Besides the solo shows, I also strive to bring on the very best people on the planet in their respective fields for you.

Whether it’s hormone health, epigenetics, anti-aging science, or anything else, you’re going to hear from the world’s best here.

But model health is more than just nutrition and exercise.

We’re covering every-single-subject to help support you in having a happy, healthy life. You think that your relationships don’t influence your health and happiness? You bet your bottom dollar they do! So we have eye-opening, inspiring episodes with top experts to help you do things like create amazing relationships, master your financial health, and strengthen your mental and emotional fitness.

here’s my story.


I Wasn’t Always A Health & Fitness Expert…

In Fact, I Wasn’t Even Healthy

Little did I know that losing my health would cause me to lose everything else. When I was just 20 years old I was diagnosed with something called degenerative disc disease. It was a condition that was considered to be incurable, and it literally brought me to my knees.

My spine was deteriorating rapidly. So much so, that my physician at the time told me that I had the spine of an 80-year old man. I had a hard time walking, I was in chronic pain, and I was losing sight of hope in my life.

I was lost… and over two years went by with things getting progressively worse. My doctors told me to take it easy and get plenty of bedrest. They fitted me for a back brace, and continued to give me more drugs. But they never recommended any lifestyle changes; nothing that I can do myself to create the possibility of getting any better. The situation was “incurable”, end of story. So why try? And I proceeded to gain over 40 pounds during those two years. Things were looking as bleak as ever, but then…

something happened.

I Received A Wake-Up Call From Within

My health was failing, my relationships were failing, I was struggling in school, and I was broke and broken. But when things were darkest, I found a glimmer of light.

While sitting on my bed one night, about to down my prescription and over-the-counter drugs to help me sleep through my pain, my grandmother came rushing into my mind. She had been calling and checking on me throughout this 2-year process, but I would always act like things were alright. Though, clearly, they were not alright.

For whatever reason, I thought about her belief in me. I thought about how she made me feel that I was special and that I would do great things with my life.

I remembered her being there with my mother and stepfather at my high school graduation, celebrating that I had graduated in 3 years of high school (after getting kicked out for an entire year for doing something stupid).

My life was filled with tough moments like that, and I remembered that whatever obstacle stood in my way throughout my lifetime, I found a way to overcome it. But this wasn’t the case with the health of my spine. I just gave up, laid down, and stayed there. BUT NO MORE!

I decided to stop placing the responsibility of my health off onto my doctors. Though they meant well, they didn’t walk in my shoes. And they didn’t believe that I could get better anyway. So, I took full responsibility for my health, put a plan together, and got to work!

Something Bigger Than Myself

Over the course of the next several months, my mind and body absolutely transformed. I’d already lost about 20 pounds of fat that I had put on, but, more importantly, my pain went away! Eventually, months later, I was able to get some scans done of my spine. Not only did I regenerate a significant amount of my spinal tissue, but my two herniated discs had retracted on their own.

I continued to study everything I could get my hands on regarding human health, and even switched my course of study in college. I was on FIRE. And I wanted to help as many other people that I could with what I was learning.

I knew so many people were struggling like I was to find the answers to their problems. So, I made it my mission to reach and serve as many people as I could. I helped people in the gym as a personal trainer, then opened my private practice as a nutritionist and coach after I graduated. That eventually led me to teaching classes and speaking at live events (from tiny living rooms to huge audiences of thousands of people). From there I began writing books and creating podcasts through The Model Health Show. Outside of my family, it’s become the real love of my life to be of service this way. The show now reaches millions of listeners each year, and my passion continues to grow each day.

It is your moments of decision

That one decision that fateful night to take responsibility for my health changed everything. Our lives are filled with those moments… those opportunities to DECIDE. And I think that the difference between hoping for something and actually deciding to achieve it comes down to belief.

When my belief that I could ever get better was wavering, I was able to channel the belief that someone instilled in me (I love you grandma!), and that was the biggest domino for me. Remember: You just need one person to believe in you. Even if that’s just you! No matter what your story has been before this moment, you have the ability to begin writing a new one right NOW.

It is my mission to provide a model for you and to be here continuously to remind you of your greatness. Take action, trust the process, and decide to be the champion you are!

Follow me on Instagram!

The human body naturally produces GLP-1 and many other satiety-related hormones.

But why have so many people’s natural hunger and satiety systems become so dysregulated?

On this new episode of The Model Health Show, @drtazmd is sharing what’s happening in our environment and in our bodies that’s creating rampant struggles with hormones and hunger. Plus, she’s sharing specific foods that have been found to naturally increase GLP-1, the truth about microdosing GLP-1, and much more.

Check out the full episode right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🎧
Learning about air quality has changed my life! After over 20 years of working in health and wellness, air quality was something I simply glossed over with very general knowledge. But the recent L.A. fires changed all of that…

Not only did I learn about the ramifications of wildfires (better described as CHEMICAL fires when man-made buildings, cars, and other structures are involved), I also learned how our air quality affects us in our day-to-day lives regardless of where we live in the world.

The impact that our air quality has on our sleep quality, cognitive function, immune system and more have completely blown my mind. My wife will tell you I’m a little obsessed with this now! I’m running different experiments, constantly analyzing studies, and I’m working to share this knowledge with more people.

The amazing thing about it is that getting your air quality right is something you can pretty much “set and forget” and let the benefits happen automatically while living your life as you normally would. I’m sleeping even better, experiencing MORE energy, and little weird things (like an occasional headache) that I attributed to other things have vanished. And the solution was in the air all along.

The person who sparked this new passion and education for me was Mike Feldstein. He’s an air quality expert and passionate about getting folks educated and empowered. He’s the founder of the beautiful and powerful air purifier @jasprco that I now have at my family’s home, at my studio, and is there in my sleep sanctuary every night.

So, whether you’ve been impacted by the fires, or you simply want to improve and protect your family’s health, I highly encourage you to check out the powerful interview I did with Mike on The Model Health Show right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🎧
As of 2019, more than 3,000 chemical additives are listed by the FDA for use in our food supply. This includes a host of emulsifiers, preservatives, flavor enhancers, texturizers, synthetic dyes, the list goes on and on.

Many of these newly invented chemicals have been found to cause a broad range of acute and chronic conditions in humans and animals.

But it’s not just the thousands of chemicals that are added to our food supply in manufacturing. It’s also the farming practices that are making our food less nutritious and more toxic than ever before.

In this powerful episode of The Model Health Show, @metabolic_mike is sharing some of the little known, yet widely used farming practices that are contributing to our disease epidemics and, most importantly, what we can do to change this. #FDA #cleanfood #organic #farming
The rates of autism have skyrocketed in our society in the span of just a few decades.

Countless families are now impacted and struggling to find answers.

Even if the causative agents behind an autism case are identified, most people believe that little, if any, improvement is available in their situation.

But the resounding truth is that there are solutions available NOW. And more and more families are taking back control of their health.

The phenomenal work of @beth1lambert and @documentinghope is making this information available to the public at large.

After spending time reviewing the studies, learning from Beth, and hearing from a number of families, I was beyond excited to share this interview with everyone. But I was faced with a heart-wrenching situation when YouTube and several podcast mediums censored the interview.

YouTube took the video down, despite adhering to all of their policies (I know because a “manager” at YouTube couldn’t give me a specific reason why it was removed).

What was so heartbreaking about it is that this can truly help people. This can TRULY provide much needed hope and support for families to heal.

This situation was one of the last straws in a sequence of difficult news this past year. And it took me a while to process this and to come back STRONGER to get this message out and stand up for our families in a greater way.

If you haven’t done so already, please share this post and check out the full interview with Beth Lambert on The Model Health Show through your favorite podcast app and through the video platform Rumble. Just type in the show name and Beth Lambert and you will find it. It’s invaluable for families today! 🙏🏽♥️🎧 #autism #familywellness #documentinghope
Dr. Christian Gonzalez is asking us to take a moment and self-assess. WHY do we do the things that we do? 💭

Very often, even the choices we make that harm us GIVE us something that we value.

By understanding the connection, maybe we can break the chains of dependency and seek healthier ways to achieve the benefit we’re looking for.

@doctor.gonzalez on The Model Health Show 👑
Several studies have found that humor and laughter have a powerful effect on your immune system!

What’s something or someone you can always count on to make you smile, laugh, and have a good time?

For me, it’s my wife, Anne. Low-key, she says some of the wildest, most unexpected things that crack me up. The other day we were walking, and we saw this house that was build really weird and she said, “I want to punch that house in the face.” What?! Who says that?! 🤣.

Also, I can always count on @chrisrock @deoncole and @sebastiancomedy for a good laugh.

Who keeps you laughing and uplifted? Any favorite funny movies or people?

Please share below!
Is excess STRESS causing you to struggle with your body and health overall? 😣

Because stress is invisible and “calorie-free” its impact on our metabolism can easily be overlooked.

Today, more than ever, we have to be more intentional about processing the stress in our lives. We have to give ourselves permission to change up our diet, exercise, and lifestyle when need be to help get our body and mind back in balance. ⚖️

On this brand new episode of The Model Health Show, bestselling author and master trainer @autumncalabrese is sharing some powerful tips and insights to help transform your health during times of stress, times of transition (like menopause!), and to be empowered moving forward.

Check out the full episode right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🔥
Emotions are a universal aspect of being ALIVE and being HUMAN. 🧬

Yet, hardly anyone knows exactly what emotions are or if it’s possible to control them.

Because our emotions color and, in many ways, dictate our experience of life, there aren’t many things more important to learn about more than this. 💡

On this brand new episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn from one of the world’s leading experts on emotion regulation, Dr. Ethan Kross.

An award-winning professor in the University of Michigan’s top ranked Psychology Department, @ethankross is the Director of the Emotion and Self-Control Laboratory. And today he’s sharing his latest project, a book titled SHIFT: Managing Your Emotions—So They Don’t Manage You.

Check out the full interview right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🎧
Remember how POWERFUL you are!

You have the ability to create your life with intention and GO HIGHER whenever you set your mind to it.

You are a manifester. You are a walking, talking miracle. And your potential is unlimited!

Multiplatinum recording artist and author @bigsean is here to remind you of how phenomenal you are and to share some proven practices to help you stay true to your greatness and create the life that you deserve.

Check out the full episode right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🎧
Most people have NO IDEA how much unnecessary fatigue impacts their training, recovery, and, ultimately, their results.

We can get fit and stay fit EASIER if we simply stop wasting time with what superstar trainer and coach @jayferruggia refers to as JUNK volume.

The food domain isn’t the only place you’ll find junk. There can be junk sneaking into your exercise, your sleep, and pretty much any area of your life.

This year, it’s time to get rid of the junk and immerse ourselves in the things that really work.

Check out the full interview right now on The Model Health Show through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🦾
I’m a huge fan of Dr. Adi Jaffe’s work. Growing up in a home and social environment with a lot drug and alcohol addiction, for the first time I felt like someone else “got it” when I researched his work.

In this powerful episode of The Model Health Show, @dradijaffe shares why addiction is not a mere disease in the conventional sense. And why, much like other fields of human health, addiction research and treatment has become riddled with disempowerment and poor outcomes because it doesn’t focus on the REAL root cause of addiction.

In this conversation you’ll learn how addiction research and treatment has evolved over time. You’ll discover how modern treatments are hyper-focused on external influences, genetic defects, and rudimentary brain chemistry. And while these things play a role, they do NOT address why we become addicted to things. Whether it’s drugs, food, alcohol, technology, gambling, or any other habit that can lead to our detriment, there is a unique, INDIVIDUAL reason why we become addicted. If we understand this, it’s the way that we can finally become unhooked.

Check out the full interview right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio. ➡️ @shawnmodel 🧠
We cannot continue to isolate our bodies into parts while ignoring the whole.

On this new episode is The Model Health Show renowned cardiologist @dralejandrojunger is sharing powerful insights about systems-based medicine, the truth about detoxification, and critical information about gut health that ties everything together.

Check out the full episode right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🎧
Based strictly on chemistry, are nutrients like FAT the same in ultra-processed foods 🍟 as they are in natural foods 🥑?

Dr. Latt Mansor is here to help us answer this question and more. @lattmansor holds a PhD in Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics. And his work has been focused on all things METABOLISM. 🔥

On this powerful episode of The Model Health Show, he’s sharing groundbreaking insights in preventing and reversing heart disease, increasing your stamina, and radically improving cognitive function. 🧠

Check out the full episode right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🎧
The more we discover about the gut microbiome, the more mind-blowing it gets! 🤯

The trillions of microbes we carry in our gut play a whole “host” of critical roles in our health (see what I did there 😉).

From digestion, to heart health, to metabolic health and more. There are few things that our microbiome isn’t deeply impacting. 🦠

We’ve known for years that certain strains of gut bacteria thrive on very specific types of nutrition. Today we know that there are even strains of bacteria that exclusively dine on very niche things. One of them being the Lawsonibacter microbe that absolutely loves coffee! ☕️ 

If you’re wondering whether this is “good” or not, we have to think about what these microbes do for us and the symbiotic relationship we have when things are in balance. ⚖️

As geneticist and microbiome expert @tim.spector shares on this brand new episode of The Model Health Show, the microbes that love coffee can very well be a major reason why coffee has benefits for heart health and is shown to increase longevity. 🤎

A meta-analysis of 40 studies published in the European Journal of Epidemiology revealed that regularly drinking coffee is associated with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, and all-cause mortality. As Dr. Spector shares, it’s not just the coffee, but the chemicals that our microbes make in us FOR US that create these benefits.💡

Now, even if you don’t drink coffee, it’s highly likely that you carry this bacteria too. How? Find out about this astonishing bacteria exchange happening in our society, how bacteria influences weight loss, and so much more on this brand new episode. 🆕

Check out the full interview right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🎧
A major study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that upwards of 80% of all physician visits have a major stress-related component. Excess stress is literally making us sick and ending our lives early.

Now the question is: What’s the biggest source of stress in our world today?

Well, according to the American Psychological Association, MONEY and FINANCIAL CONCERNS are the #1 source of excess stress in United States today.

Despite our many years of formal education (including those of us who go to universities), we are taught next to NOTHING about the biggest stressor in our world today. We’re not taught about how money “works” or how to be truly financially healthy.

In fact, bestselling author @codiesanchez is sharing how we’re being PROGRAMMED to struggle with money and remain disempowered.

On this brand new episode of The Model Health Show, she’s sharing some game-changing insights from her new book Main Street Millionaire, the truth about building wealth today that ANYONE can utilize, her personal morning routine and work strategy, and so much more.

This is such an important interview because she’s also sharing the ominous corporate capture of homes and small businesses happening right now and why WE are the only thing standing its way.

Check out the full episode right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio! ➡️ @shawnmodel 🎧
There are very few forms of exercise that can:
*Teach you how to MOVE better 🐆
*Teach you how to BREATHE better 🫁
*Restore the engagement, mobility, and HEALTH of your spine 🩻
*Improve your COGNITIVE FUNCTION and put you into a flow state with ease 🧠
*Activate and improve the mobility of all of your joints—from your neck and shoulders all the way down to your feet 🦶🏼

I could go on and on but THIS is why Rope Flow is an integral part of my health and fitness today.
On this brand new episode of The Model Health Show, my friend @nsimainyang is delivering the mind-blowing evidence on why rope flow is so powerful, the truth about microdosing exercise, the best ways to add this into your life for maximum results, and more!

Check out the full episode right now through your favorite podcast app, YouTube, or through the link in my bio 👉🏽 @shawnmodel 🔥

Eat Smarter Family Cookbook


The Eat Smarter Family Cookbook is filled with 100 delicious recipes + the latest science to support your family’s mental, physical, and social health all in one place.

A family that eats together, thrives together.

Order the cookbook and get an amazing bonus today!