Filtered by: "Nutrition"
“Most people who meet my wife quickly conclude that she is remarkable. They are right about this. She is smart, funny and thoroughly charming. Often, after hearing her speak at some function or working with her on a project, people will approach me and say something to the effect of, you know, I think the …
Some foods go above and beyond when it comes to nourishing the human body. Thousands upon thousands of foods have some of the nutrients we need to sustain health, but many of the superfoods you’re about to learn about today come very close to having it all. I have a deep affinity for many of …
Continue reading "TMHS 114: 15 Delicious Ways To Add More Superfoods To Your Meals"
Our health resides in a delicate balance. Each and every day, the actions we take are leading us towards health or away from health depending upon the decisions we make. One week of “dirty bulking” or “falling off the wagon” can cause tremendous harm to our bodies that science is just starting to understand. No …
Nutrition isn’t just about what you eat. Sure, the food you eat gives you nourishment, but the things you drink, the things you put on your skin, the sunlight you receive, the movement you engage in, and many other factors all add to how you “feed” yourself on a daily basis. Recently we’ve discovered in …
Do you allow yourself to want what you really want? Most of us are stuck between our deepest desires and what society believes are the right things for us. We all have desires. We all have a calling from our mind, body, and soul that’s always nudging us in the right direction if we choose …
Continue reading “TMHS 107: Women, Food, And Desire – With Alex Jamieson”
It’s called a medical paradox…. According to Harvard Medical School, despite an ever growing arsenal of powerful drugs and a deeper understanding of asthma symptoms, more people are dying from the disease than ever. It’s depressing effects hit hardest in the millions of children that are living with asthma. There are over 7 million children …
Continue reading “THMS 101: Natural Treatments For Asthma And How To Reset Your Immune System”
Food matters. It matters a lot. The food that you eat affects the way you feel, affects the way you think, and affects the way your body and mind are created. Truly, there are few things more important than the foods you choose to invest in. The food you eat is going to become a …
All diets are not created equal. Every day, billions of people all over the world are partaking in one form of diet or another. Many out of conscious effort. Many out of necessity. No matter what your particular diet beliefs are, there are some specific tenets that are now well known to contribute to the …
Continue reading “TMHS 096: Fasting, Feasting, And The Wild Diet With Abel James”
How can something so soft, so comforting, and so unsuspecting be the cause of many of the health problems running rampant in our society today? And if our ancestors ate bread, and built civilizations on it without consequence, then how can it be bad for us now? All of these questions and more are about …
Continue reading “TMHS 095: Lose The Wheat, Lose The Weight – Wheat Belly With Dr. William Davis”
A statement that Dr. Sara Gottfried made at the end of this episode sent powerful chills right down my spine. She spoke to the powerful truth about a women's work on this planet, and how important it is to get your body in balance. When you hear this statement, you will know it. Leading up …