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TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods 

Filtered by: "Sleep Articles"

People are flipping out about the holidays and possibly “falling off the wagon”, so I was inspired to grab the camera and help talk people off the ledge. Look, it’s the holiday season, so it’s about family, fun, love, and creating memories… but it’s also about FOOD. I love food. Yes, I love it… If …

Hi, I’m Shawn, and I’m a recovering soyaholic (don’t judge me). At Thanksgiving my family would gather together around the table, ready to carve into our very odd looking Tofurky. I told myself that it tasted much better than it did, and powered my way through that heavily processed mound of angry soy meat. It …

There’s nothing quite like getting a good nights sleep. Waking up refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the world is the ideal feeling that we all would love to have. The challenge is that in our modern society, millions of people are chronically sleep deprived and suffering the deleterious effects of having low quality …

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that your magnesium levels are high enough. If there's one mineral that can make the biggest difference in your health and well-being, it's this one. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical processes in our bodies that we know about. From maintaining muscle and nerve function, to brain …

Have you ever thought about why people “fall off the wagon”? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have such an easy time making healthy habits? Well, the difference between struggling with your health and fitness and having the body you want is found directly in your Emotional Fitness. Here in this video, …

In this video you’ll learn some time-tested strategies for achieving all of your most inspiring goals this year. So many people struggle with their New Year’s Resolutions because they don’t have proven strategies in their hands like this. Get a pen and paper ready to do the exercises, and watch all of the amazing things …

Many people make New Year’s resolutions to (finally) get in shape, but see their efforts dwindling away over the following weeks. In this TV appearance on The Best of STL, I’m sharing 3 things you can do to getting in shape DURING the holiday season. You can use this time to get some momentum going …

TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. TEDxSinCIty is a piece of the TED experience brought to you in the spirit of spreading powerful ideas from a localized …

Obviously salads are a wonderful thing to have in your nutritional strategy, but most people are unaware that the salad dressings they are using COMPLETELY NEGATE the benefits of the salad, and make their body store fat like crazy! The bottled “Ranch” and “Caesar” dressings out there are far from good for your health.  You’ll …

In a ranking of the most beneficial technologies we have today for improving our health, the “Green Smoothie” strategy is rated near the top of the list.  This is for 2 HUGE reasons: 1)  Concentration of alkaline minerals.  This helps your body to detoxify, reduce excess weight, improve mood, normalize digestion and much more. 2)  …