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Telomeres and aging have been discovered to be directly correlated with each other. Telomeres are a DNA sequence at the end of each chromosome, which protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration.  As your cells divide throughout your life, it continually shortens the length of the telomeres.  This triggers new genetic information to be …

The vitamin A family of antioxidants has been found to be directly correlated with human life span.  This class of nutrients goes hand-in-hand with carotenoids to provide some of the most potent antioxidants ever discovered. In this video you’ll find out the best sources to find bioavailable Vitamin A and more.

The benefits of honey, bee pollen, and royal jelly are unprecedented. In this video you’ll learn how bee products can help you live a longer, stronger, healthier life. This clip is taken from a live event sponsored by The Natural Way health food store. Get your pen and paper ready because this information is powerful!

The best drinking water for the human body has been the focus of a huge debate. This informative video shares information on the municipal tap water system and the ineffectiveness of water filters. You’ll also learn about the process of hydration and aquaporins, as well as valuable information on bottled water, well water, and living …

Here in this video you’ll learn about the newly discovered part of the brain that is most responsible for what you can achieve in your life. This is ESSENTIAL information to have! Once you understand how this part of your brain functions, then you can actually gain leverage on the results that may have eluded …

This video reveals some of the most remarkable longevity foods ever discovered, and how to use them for the greatest results in your anti-aging diet strategy. When you shift from a focus on disease and illness, to a focus on longevity and vibrant health, it’s truly a freeing experience… The keys you will find out about …

In this part of the video you’ll learn about a little known food that may likely be one of the greatest anti aging foods ever discovered. You’ll also find out about what my personal favorite food is (you’ll be surprised!), and a nice little technique at the end to give your drink a more variety. …