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How Chocolate Can Save The World – TEDxSinCity

TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader.

TEDxSinCIty is a piece of the TED experience brought to you in the spirit of spreading powerful ideas from a localized or regional aspect. Being Las Vegas (affectionately known as “Sin City”), this TEDx event is pushing the envelope on what we think is possible and what we can do to take ACTION to make our dreams a reality.

Shawn’s presentation is showing us how our decisions on the food we eat actually fuels our ability to be creative and successful leaders. It’s not about “eating healthy”, it’s about fueling your body and mind with the most powerful foods in the world!

What’s the most interesting fact about raw chocolate that you’ve learned about? Leave your answer in the comment section below.

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  1. Pingback: Sacred Chocolate Australia | Can Raw Chocolate Save The World?
  2. Wow!
    Improved cognition, increase affect and mood- move over pharmaceutics!
    Excellent presentation of cacao. David Wolfe credit was so awesome.This is one of the best introductions to cacao I have heard to date.

  3. Shawn I would like to buy a hard copy of the fat loss code + the key to quamtum health. I’m not much on e books. I like the feel of real ones. I like to take notes flip through it etc. Just as I like the idea of “real food” as it correlates to having the tangibility of it. I’ve seen the real book in your videos, but puzzled as to why I can’t buy it.

    1. Denise, I agree with you more than you know. To me, nothing can replace that feel of having a book in your hands. The Key to Quantum Health is available right here in hard copy:

      The Fat Loss Code is only available as an eBook, and as a matter of fact, you’re one of the first people to know that we’re pulling it off the shelf soon, and it will be available as a complete training program. Definitely grab The Key to Quantum Health and soak all of it in and make sure to share with me what your experience was. All my best.

  4. Pingback: Shawn Stevenson – How Chocolate Can Save The World « XoCoHealth Blog Page
  5. Shawn you are the most inspiring person I have ever listened to ever since you came to speak that day at UMSL! I have taken control of my life over the past couple of years and can’t begin to explain how much better I feel by incorporating these raw superfoods into my diet! I am in love with Raw Cacao; so pure and delicious! I use it on a daily basis each morning and it definately boosts my energy level helping me throughout the day. Each time I watch your videos I learn something new! One of coolest things about the raw cacao bean is that it contain neurotransmitters helping improve brain function and can increase your intelligence!:] I believe it is so important to take control of your life at an early age because it will only benefit you later on as you age! I’m pretty sure everytime I educate my friends about nutrition who are absolutely clueless I mention your name and your book [The Key To Quantam Health]! By far the most powerful and inspiring book; the best thing about it is that you incorporate all the biological processes and aspects in it! It is so important to understand this information because no matter if it is only one person a day that becomes healthier and understands how their body actually works, it could someday decrease the obesity rate in America and prevent major diseases and cancer. You are truly the best! Just keep sharing your powerful information with everyone and hopefully more and more people will catch on and take control of their lives after realizing what a genius you really are!

    Thank you so much for helping me become a better person!

  6. Shawn, I really love listening to you. You have so much knowledge and so much caring about getting the word out to people. I have been trying for a few years to educate people around me, but most just don’t believe it, or don’t want to listen. Occassionally, someone’s interest will get peaked and they will talk with me and implement some smarter ways of living. I have even worked with people one-on-one to move them to a healthier state of being. Then when they get to feeling better, they begin to slowly return to their old life style. It is very frustrating because you would hope that there would have been an education process as well as a health process going on with them. Now more than ever, our food is under the biggest asault in history, and we must be wise and continue to learn about what we are putting into our bodies and how our bodies respond. Thank you so much for continuing with the educational work and healthy products, Shawn. You are tops!!

  7. Great presentation Shawn! Truly informative and well stated. I have always had an interest in pure chocolate – raw cacao. Although I do know quite a bit about this powerful super food, you still shared some points that I had not thought of or heard of before. I knew raw cacao was nutrient rich. I had forgotten how raw cacao has PEAs. And I am a firm believer that we need to eliminate “sugar” (the real crack cocaine) from our diets altogether. Thank you for the great presentation Shawn, and for the opportunity to participate. Peace! =)

  8. Shawn
    You are working so hard to heal our world, one person at a time. Your research and dedication to find “what is best” for our body types is impressive and valuable. The wonderful gift of chocolate and all of it’s health benefits has been miss represented. Your video is quite clear and comprehensive. Thanks for sharing the gifts of the source, cacao.
    I am grateful to you for helping me to transform my body into that which God intended it to be. I love you , Gaye.

  9. Shawn, I really love listening to you. You have so much knowledge and so much caring about getting the word out to people. I have been trying for a few years to educate people around me, but most just don’t believe it, or don’t want to listen. Occassionally, someone’s interest will get peaked and they will talk with me and implement some smarter ways of living. I have even worked with people one-on-one to move them to a healthier state of being. Then when they get to feeling better, they begin to slowly return to their old life style. It is very frustrating because you would hope that there would have been an education process as well as a health process going on with them. Now more than ever, our food is under the biggest asault in history, and we must be wise and continue to learn about what we are putting into our bodies and how our bodies respond. Thank you so much for continuing with the educational work and healthy products, Shawn. You are tops!!

  10. I watch this event online and it was superb!
    What I had Learned?

    1ºThat we all have the power to change…our health or community one person at a time.knowledge is power!

    2ºThat someone that is far away from here a live have such a powerfull impact because of the internet.
    Shawn is realy a great speaker, great teacher and a BIG BIG Heart!

    One More time a thank You for all the thing You teach me every day

    Big Ug!

  11. Shawn,
    That was a very cool Tedx Talk. After having won a previous contest of yours and opening the bag of Raw Cacao beans for the very first time i KNEW from the smell, that i was about to experience something authentic and special. My senses said there was no hype from the real deal, this was magical. I am still experiencing gratitude for that moment and everything after, that the best is out there and we can get to enjoy it. This weekend, a couple family members and i are getting to see David Wolfe for 2 special events, 2 seperate days in Asheville NC. The first one being of all things a 5 hour chocolate (cacao) party! This is a story about uniting family as much as benefitting health, creating memories, and learning new things. My own mother’s health is improving, after addictions for YEARS(most of her life) to diet sodas and cigarettes, she is finally recently off both. My own health has improved over the last few months, in my view, dramatically, and i’m shedding lbs, regaining my youth and vitality. Of all the superfoods i’ve tried, cacao ranks one of my favorite. The neurotransmitters may be helping me retain new information as well, and i’m learning a LOT and retaining it, in many fields of interest to me. So thank YOU, Shawn, for presenting a contest so that i could experiencing winning and see for myself the magic cacao can create. Though i wouldn’t mind winning, i truly hope someone else gets to experience what i have, by themselves being chosen. I also have your wonderful book The Key To Quantum Health(unsigned) and that also is an eye opener, and incredible reference tool i use again and again. So may the torch be passed 😉
    have a blessed day!

  12. I LOVE the way Shawn says all these things that I know about CACAO itself and about eating Nobly and respecting ourselves by respecting honest FOOD from Mother Nature ~~ it feels so good to add honest INFORMATION [=FOOD] to our bodies, which means having the reasons for the conviction to allow ourself to make Good Choices and not be swayed into any greedy hyped manipulation of nature’s bounty. Please people: understand and act to live without the “recreational drug” called sugar in all its manipulated forms. The entire TEDx conference was terrific & I am so glad this video is available to share.


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