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TMHS 867: Lose Stubborn Weight & Transform Your Fitness When Your Hormones Change – With Autumn Calabrese

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When did it all happen? When did having a big butt change from being a thing to avoid to being a thing that is worshipped?Not that I have a problem with it…

Today it’s pretty common to see 24-hour gyms with dedicated people working out late into the night. I’ve been a willing participant in late night exercise many times (note: this was in college while my decision making skills weren’t fully developed). I would head down to the gym and train after 10 p.m., play competitive …

If fat loss is your goal, then eating carbohydrates before you exercise is a huge mistake that you need to avoid. Eating carbs before you workout is like getting drunk right before a tightrope walking class. Things are going to be WAY harder than they should be, you’re probably going to fail in the end, …

It’s time to stop the madness! I’ve seen so many well-meaning people come in to the gym and make this fatal fat loss mistake. Trudging along at the gym for weeks and months and never seeing the results they’re capable of because of it. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the people who …

Today one of my clients, who’s a bonafide fit senior citizen, told me about a headline from his AARP magazine. The headline really grabbed my attention because it’s something that I believe in wholeheartedly. The headline read “Sitting is the New Smoking“. Playing on the now accepted understanding that smoking will shorten your life span …

Even the fittest people on the planet (who actually LOVE working out) have times when they’re not very motivated to exercise. It’s a totally natural thing. But changing your attitude and getting yourself in action anyway is what separates the people who have a body and life they love from those who don’t. Right now …

Many people make New Year’s resolutions to (finally) get in shape, but see their efforts dwindling away over the following weeks. In this TV appearance on The Best of STL, I’m sharing 3 things you can do to getting in shape DURING the holiday season. You can use this time to get some momentum going …

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who has had the greatest impact on me and my health today.  Every time that I go into my kitchen, I see the Jack LaLanne Juicer and it instantly puts a smile on my face to see how far I’ve come. Though myself and many others have never …

“I’ve tried so hard exercising to lose my weight.  It worked at first, but now I can’t seem to lose another pound… This is just so frustrating!” Have you seen this situation before?  You have friends who don’t workout nearly as much as you, their diet is way less strict than yours is, yet THEY …

Super Set One: a) 15 Weighted Stability Ball Crunches b) 15 Stability Ball Jackknives Rest 45 seconds and Repeat 1 more time Super Set Two: