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TMHS 863: Make Your Mental & Physical Health Your #1 Priority to Go HIGHER – With Big Sean

The Model Health Show is the #1 Health & Fitness podcast on Apple Podcasts!

Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!

Mahatma Gandhi's epic quote, "Be the change you want to see in the world," begins in your own home. Our family, friends, and (most importantly) our children are mimicking and modeling us more than we know. Science has proven that we are, in fact, a direct product of our environment. You can set up an …

There is a lot more to health than just looking good. As a health and fitness expert, it may be grounds for impeachment to say that, but sometimes the reality of things can get off track when we’re bombarded with so many messages telling us otherwise. A fit body does not necessarily mean a healthy liver, …

Your life is like a wheel. There are so many different components that come together to create your own personal "circle of life" (cue the Lion King Music!). These components are: Your health - your family and relationships - your career/work or mission - your finances - and your spiritual health and contribution. Life is …

Our health resides in a delicate balance. Each and every day, the actions we take are leading us towards health or away from health depending upon the decisions we make. One week of “dirty bulking” or “falling off the wagon” can cause tremendous harm to our bodies that science is just starting to understand. No …

Nutrition isn’t just about what you eat. Sure, the food you eat gives you nourishment, but the things you drink, the things you put on your skin, the sunlight you receive, the movement you engage in, and many other factors all add to how you “feed” yourself on a daily basis. Recently we’ve discovered in …

Knowledge is not power. Though we’ve been inundated with the idea that knowledge is power, it’s simply not true. What good is knowledge if we don’t use it? The knowledge we acquire through our life experiences, through education, through study and introspection, have all the potential power in the world. But, it’s just that, potential …

Do you allow yourself to want what you really want? Most of us are stuck between our deepest desires and what society believes are the right things for us. We all have desires. We all have a calling from our mind, body, and soul that’s always nudging us in the right direction if we choose …

Peter Block said, “Why do anything if it is not going to be great?” Each and every day, many of us wake up, going through the motions, and have unknowingly selected a life of mediocrity. Getting to (and through) the things we want in our life is a product of knowing how to manage ourselves. …

Confidence is everything. Confidence is the sole underpinning of every action we take in our lives. Truly, we wouldn’t do anything if we didn’t believe, even a little bit, that we will succeed in making it happen. Confidence does not mean that you don’t have fear. This is the big mistake that trips most people …

There’s a wonderful quote from James Openheim that says, “The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.” This statement speaks to the reality that many of us live in in which we constantly seek happiness “someday” once our prerequisites for happiness are met. Once I get the right …

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Eat Smarter Family Cookbook


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