Listen to my latest podcast episode:

TMHS 867: Lose Stubborn Weight & Transform Your Fitness When Your Hormones Change – With Autumn Calabrese

TMHS 171: GI Testing, Diversity in Our Food & Balancing Protocol with Dr. Anthony G. Beck

Just like any journey in life, the journey to health is a journey of discovery. Each obstacle we face is an opportunity to learn something new about ourselves. Whether it’s healing a disease or finding a way to lose that last tiny bit of body fat, changing our health starts with changing how we think.

Experimentation is our foundational tool. You have to experiment and test things out to truly find out what works for yourself. We are all unique, and what works for your best friend may only set you back on your journey even further. Sure, there are universal principles of health that can take you a very long way. Eat real food, get plenty of movement and exercise, get adequate amounts of sunlight, drink lots of clean water, cultivate healthy relationships, and do meaningful work that fulfills you. These are a few of the basic tenets for living a healthy, happy, successful life.

But what about when you want to take your health to another level? Or what about when you get hit with a real challenging situation, despite following the foundational principles? This is where a deeper analysis needs to take place. You can take shots in the dark and see if anything (hopefully) hits, or you can take action to uncover what the real solution is by looking in the right place. How do you know unless you look? That’s the mantra of the skilled practitioner today. The guessing game is great if you’re playing Pictionary with your friends. But when it comes to your health, guessing can be a massive waste of time, rob you of your results, and, at worse, it can even be life-threatening. That’s why I’m so thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Anthony G. Beck.

Dr. Beck has made a habit of looking in the right place for the solutions to all manner of health problems. His advanced testing methods have helped to change my life, and he’s here today to fill you in on what you need to know to be more empowered in your own health journey. Let’s do this!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Whether or not medicinal mushrooms are good for kids.
  • What Balanced Protocol means and why it works so well.
  • Why your gut health is so influential on your health overall.
  • What GI Testing can tell you.
  • Why the best diet in the world might not be the best diet for your body.
  • How changing your food changes your microbiome.
  • Why it’s not just what you eat, but where you eat that can make all of the difference.
  • Why we need diversity in our food.
  • How many different species of bacteria we have in our gut (this is amazing!).
  • Why conventional allergy tests can be misleading and outright wrong.
  • Why elimination diets don’t work (wait, what?!).
  • Which incredible blood test can tell you how “clean” your metabolism is running.
  • Why you need to be cautious about buying most probiotic supplements.


Items mentioned in this episode include:

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  1. This was such an uplifting and knowledge-loaded episode Shawn. Thanks for bringing on such an amazing dude 🙂 I was wondering if there are any such doctors in the area of Europe? I have had a couple of tests made by a private doctor (Nordic Clinic in Copenhagen), however there still seem to be small things – important though! left for me to get accurate answers to, since I still experience some of those issues you guys also happen to mention in the show. Ie. not eating certain foods like asparagus, cauliflower, snap peas, tomatoes, eggplant, despite IgG doesn’t show any reaction.

    It’s very difficult to find functional medicine practitioners in Denmark… unfortunately! And often times I end up being the one educating and teaching THEM about “health”, gut problems etc… Oh my gosh…

  2. Pingback: 8/26-8/28 | herbal coffea
  3. 2 questions:

    1) Where can I find a doctor in Atlanta that follows Dr. Beck’s protocols?

    2) Where can I find out how to get into this kind of health & nutritional research as a career? I’m currently a microbiologist but want to transition into this kind of research. It seems so much more rewarding! 🙂

    1. Dana, I love that you’re getting tapped into your passion! A doctor like Dr. Beck in Atlanta… I don’t think there are many like him unless he’s trained them. That would be something to ask him. It doesn’t matter where you live because I worked with him remotely. I know he lives in Florida, and I’m in St. Louis. 🙂 Definitely connect with him, work with him, and learn from the best.

  4. What are the names of the tests (which lab) that Dr AGB recommended in the show?
    Great show! Thanks, Shawn.

    1. Hey Val, thanks so much! The Tests are LRA by Elisa, Trace Elements, NutriEval, and GI Effects. The real key is being able to decipher the results, and I’m telling you that there’s no one better in the world than Dr. Beck. If I were you I’d connect with him via and soak up everything you can from him!


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