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TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods 

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Filtered by: "General Health"

Have you ever reached a goal, and then immediately felt unfulfilled or disappointed? Psychologically speaking, this is totally normal. Having big goals gives us a sense of purpose and a reason to look forward to the future. More importantly, striving toward those goals helps us feel connected and hopeful. After becoming a best-selling author and …

Diet culture is confusing. With modern marketing, social media, and endless diet books, is it any wonder that people are confused about what to eat? The reality is, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to diet. Different things work for different folks, and this can even vary throughout different seasons of life. …

What do you do to maintain the health of your brain? You probably already know about the importance of mental stimulation and problem solving for the health of your brain. But the truth is, our brain is an incredibly complex system that can be affected by many internal and external factors. Protecting your health isn’t …

Because science is always changing, so is what’s considered normal in the healthcare industry. It’s astounding to think about a time when lobotomies were a normal procedure, or when leeches were considered a medical treatment. This is proof that when we know better, we can make more informed choices. Being educated about your options, becoming …

Have you ever thought about how long you will live? Have you ever considered what the late years of your life might look like? Just because aging is inevitable doesn’t mean that we have to sit back as our minds and bodies deteriorate over time. While there is no fountain of youth, and no one …

Science agrees: sex is good. Engaging in regular sexual activity not only feels great, but also has many health-promoting benefits. Because sex is so taboo in our culture, no one is really talking about this. That’s why I wanted to dig into the research and bring you a comprehensive look into how sex can help …

The ketogenic diet is generating a lot of buzz these days. Headlines often refer to it as a fad, Atkins 2.0, and even warn of its potential issues long-term. But let's all remember this important fact: there isn’t one perfect diet suited for all humans. From bio-individuality to lifestyle differences, we all operate a little …

It’s no secret, there’s a lot of confusion out there about what to eat. One day a popular article states the numerous health benefits of coconut oil, and the next day it’s labeled as poison. And while it’s true that sometimes the science changes, that’s rarely what’s going on here. It’s important that we understand …

If you do a lot of reading, you’ve probably seen tons of books and articles about topics like mental health, heart health, and gut health. But there’s one incredibly important, powerhouse organ that has been overlooked in this conversation—the liver. In ancient cultures, the liver was thought to be at the root of human consciousness …

You probably already know that proper nutrition and a solid sleep schedule play a huge role in your brain health and function. And with incurable neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia on the rise, it’s important to take control and implement preventative measures to protect your incredible brain. On today’s show, we’re diving into the …

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