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TMHS 859: Free Yourself From Addictions FOREVER – with Dr. Adi Jaffe

TMHS 076: Natural Treatments For Depression – Share This With Everyone You Know!

It may be jarring to know that seven out of 10 people in the U.S. have been prescribed a drug over the past year. It may be more surprising to know that one out of every 10 people are now taking an antidepressant; among women in their 40’s and 50’s, that number is one in four.

The rates of depression have skyrocketed over the last two decades, and the trend is steadily rising. Many experts believe that this is due to a myriad of reasons, but the go-to treatment for practitioners thus far have been SSRIs and other antidepressant drugs.

Though depression is a very real and substantial issue, more and more data is coming forth that physicians are moving too quickly to medication. A study published in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics found that nearly two-thirds of the patients who had been given a diagnosis of depression within the previous 12 months did not meet the criteria for clinical depression as described by the psychiatrists’ bible.

The lead author of the study, Dr. Ramin Mojtabai, said that, “The vast majority of individuals diagnosed with depression, rightly or wrongly, were given medication… It’s not only that physicians are prescribing more, the population is demanding more.”

People are in pain—physical, mental, and emotional—and they want a way out. The public at large has only been able to relate depression relief to medications because that’s primarily what’s been marketed to us. As a society, we haven’t had the opportunity to learn about all the other, far more effective and far safer, options to reverse depression. But that’s all going to change today.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the shocking statistics for depression are (this is jaw-dropping!)
  • What depression is (and what it affects).
  • How depression impacts other diseases and increases mortality rates.
  • How depression coincides with suicide rates.
  • Why antidepressant drugs are largely ineffective.
  • How prescription antidepressant drugs influence your hormones.
  • What SSRIs are and what their potential side effects are.
  • The shocking relationship between eating fast food and being depressed.
  • Where the majority of your body’s serotonin is produced.
  • Why the food you eat can radically shift your serotonin production.
  • What studies are now showing about gluten containing foods and depression.
  • How poor liver function can lead to depression.
  • Why supplementing with vitamin C can reverse depression (and what the best sources are).
  • What incredible supplement can help with dopamine-related depression.
  • The surprising link between omega-3 fatty acids and depression.
  • What ratio of omega-3’s to omega-6’s you really need.
  • Where to find the best sources of essential fatty acids.
  • 4 foods that combat depression and boost feel-good hormones.
  • Where to find excellent food sources of tryptophan (the precursor to serotonin).
  • Why exercise actually out-performs SSRIs in clinical studies.
  • How vitamin D functions as an antidepressant.
  • Why sleep deprivation and depression are intimately related.
  • How the perception of your life’s events work to create your feelings.
  • Why depression is actually valuable, and questions to uncover how depression is helping you.

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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  1. Please add a search function to your website. This will help us find all your resources that have to do with specific concerns or issues. In your podcast about depression, did you mention the effect that heavy metals and other toxins can have on mental health? Thank-you very much.

  2. Pingback: Natural Treatments for Depression Podcast | Battling Fibromyalgia Naturally
  3. Hi Shawn. Really enjoyed this podcast. I’m fascinated by the impact nutrition and exercise has on the brain. Are there any other resources, books or content that you could recommend that covers some of the topics you discussed in this podcast?

    I recently read The Ultramind Solution and Spark – The revolutionary science of exercise and the brain, which were both great.

  4. Hi Dal,
    It’s all actually in the transcript above. It’s a new feature we’ve added. Just click the link above and you’ll be able to get the names of everything mentioned and more 🙂

  5. Hello,

    Can you please write down the supplements which you suggested in the podcast? Some berries etc. Thanks

  6. Heidi, thanks so much for sharing that. I’m honored that I was able to add a piece to your puzzle in seeing yourself as the happy, healthy, whole person that you really are.

  7. Thank you for covering this topic. Too many people feel uncomfortable & stigmatized when it comes to mental health issues and the only way to fix that is to talk about it.

    I have bipolar disorder but this still hit home because I’ve had some fantastic psychiatrists who taught me a lot about balance, moderation and what my body needs. You said we’re all so focused outwardly and I have to credit my doctors for teaching me to look internally. Balance, moderation and consistency are really important for managing bipolar and that of course includes food, drinking enough water, getting enough exercise, getting enough sleep, etc.

    I’ve been fortunate to have great doctors but I know that many still see mental health and physical health as 2 totally different things and that’s ridiculous. I currently live in the UK and they are particularly bad about that here. The most important thing I’ve learned from dealing with bipolar is to pay attention to how I feel & what my body is telling me and to trust that and expect my doctor to do so as well. Thanks again for tackling this issue!


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