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TMHS 867: Lose Stubborn Weight & Transform Your Fitness When Your Hormones Change – With Autumn Calabrese

Even the fittest people on the planet (who actually LOVE working out) have times when they’re not very motivated to exercise. It’s a totally natural thing. But changing your attitude and getting yourself in action anyway is what separates the people who have a body and life they love from those who don’t. Right now …

This important interview to help you achieve amazing health in 2012 is featured on the Magic 104.9 radio station: In this interview you’ll learn:

Have you ever heard the saying, “Prevention is the best medicine”? Well, this is definitely the case when it comes to the flu. After your immune system gets compromised by the flu virus, then it’s a matter of treating symptoms and trying to get better as fast as possible. How about we skip that whole …

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that your magnesium levels are high enough. If there's one mineral that can make the biggest difference in your health and well-being, it's this one. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical processes in our bodies that we know about. From maintaining muscle and nerve function, to brain …

I realized that health and fitness are far more than just the things we “do”.  There are certain principles, mandates, even rules that exceptionally healthy people live by that allow them to experience the vitality that we aspire towards having. We all have rules that we live by.  Some can sabotage us and cause us …

Cardiovascular related illness is the #1 killer in the industrialized world due to unbalanced lifestyle factors, nutrient-deficient diets, lack of exercise, and stress.  We’ll call these the Fatal Four.  Addressing all sides of the Fatal Four statistically brings vast benefits and reversal of symptoms to many heart disease sufferers. According to new research, there’s one …

Have you ever thought about why people “fall off the wagon”? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have such an easy time making healthy habits? Well, the difference between struggling with your health and fitness and having the body you want is found directly in your Emotional Fitness. Here in this video, …

Most people don’t realize that our intimate relationships impact our health and quality of life more than anything else possibly could. There are certain chemical reactions that take place in our bodies that are triggered by the love in our life.  These reactions are irreplaceable, and the distinct result of our interaction with our lover.  …

It’s not often that a snack food comes along that meets my standards.  We know now that the conventional snack foods of today (containing things like hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup) have all been linked to cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Most people get caught up in the so-called “Nutritional Labels” on food and …

What if you found out that the pots and pans you’ve been cooking your family’s food on has been linked to major disease and even death?  Well, that’s precisely what’s been discovered in linking numerous major sources of cookware to preventable illness. Shortly after World War II the Du Pont company unveiled the brand new Teflon …