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Do Your Lover A Favor This Year

Most people don’t realize that our intimate relationships impact our health and quality of life more than anything else possibly could.

There are certain chemical reactions that take place in our bodies that are triggered by the love in our life.  These reactions are irreplaceable, and the distinct result of our interaction with our lover.  Secretions of things like oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins all play an amazing part in keeping us healthy, happy, and connected long-term.

For example, one study by UCLA scientists found that enhanced secretions of oxytocin were found to be protective against depression.  Oxytocin is a neuromodulator that’s secreted in response to general affection, childbirth, and sexual interaction.  Another study shows that dopamine (a reward-driven neurotransmitter) enhances blood flow, protects against renal failure, and helps fortify the circulatory system.

This leads me to the most important organ effected by love and affection, which is the human heart.  Your heart actually has a larger magnetic and electromagnetic field than your brain!  This means that you really do think and feel with your heart, and people who are closest to you will intrinsically impact your overall health the most. 

You can use this as an insight to be cognizant of the energy that you’re bringing to your partner AND to be more attentive about who you’re having in your heart’s energy field as well.

What I want you to do this year is to make a commitment to take it beyond Valentine’s Day and help your loved one release those feel-good hormones as often as possible throughout the year.

Because you two are chemically bonded, the more happy hormones they release, the more you’ll experience the benefits too.  It’s actually a beneficial circle that keeps on giving back to you over-and-over again as well.

Now, there’s a very BIG caveat with this that you need to know about.  And it’s the fact that women and men have very different conditions in which they secrete these hormones at their maximum level.

You can’t expect someone to be happy just because you want them to be.  As you grow in your relationship, you have to learn what drives your partner’s soul and sense of purpose.  And (of course) you have to go into action and help make it happen for them.

Nothing will help you to grow and love more, and nothing will give you more health and happiness when you’re partner is giving the same to you.

For this level of growth and relationship success, you need to make it a mandate to continue to learn and work in your relationship.  The biggest key is to realize that we (as individuals) don’t have all of the answers, and to seek outside expertise to give us insights to help make the magic happen on a continuous basis.

Take the time to read, listen to programs, and take courses together to help you grow your love long-term.  This will help you to AVOID becoming “puzzled” with each other and wondering what went wrong many years down the road.

Your partner wants love too, it’s just that we all give and receive love differently.  It’s truly learning and speaking your partner’s “love language” that will change the quality of your relationship forever.

For this, I’m going to hand it over to the experts (because it would literally take years to figure all of this stuff out own our own!).

Do yourself, and your lover a favor this year, and pick up The 5 Love Languages and keep the magic going long after this Valentine’s Day.  You can grab it on audio right here now: The 5 Love Languages  Or get the paperback version right here: The 5 Love Languages (paperback)

Pick it up, go through it together, and watch the quality of your life change forever.  If I could have one wish for everyone’s relationship to last with happiness and success, I’d have them go through a program like this with passion and focus.  I’m that blown away by it, and I use these principals now every day of my life!

Be proactive because no one is going to “make” you happy, but you can create the environment for each other to allow the love that’s within you to grow and prosper.

I’m wishing you the very best on this Valentine’s Day and beyond.

Leave a comment below and share with everyone what YOU do to keep the love and harmony going in your relationship.  You never know, you could change someone’s life today with your insights 😉

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  1. Shawn … great post, but I’d like to comment on your Featured Video just over to the right. If only the American Congress, or even the United Nations would sit and listen to the message you give in that video!

    Thank you.

    1. Steve, what a wonderful comment. Many of these things are simply the BASICS of being an evolved human being, and more importantly, being a beneficial presence on the planet.


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