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TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods 

The Model Health Show is the #1 Health & Fitness podcast on Apple Podcasts!

Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!

The next Watergate… the next Covfefe… the next New World Order is… coconut oil? It’s remarkable how foods go in and out of fashion. A similar thing has happened with eggs. For centuries folks were eating whole eggs because, well, that’s how they come. Then saturated fat and cholesterol were villainized, and the egg yolks …

What does adrenal fatigue really mean? What causes it? And is there actually a cure? These are just some of the questions we’re answering today with the author of the New York Times bestselling book The Adrenal Reset Diet, Dr. Alan Christianson. Dr. C knows about adrenal issues at a far deeper level than most. …

When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap. That’s how it goes, right? More and more today, napping is being considered acceptable by societal standards. There was a time when being caught “sleeping on the job” was frowned upon. Now, today, innovative companies like Google actually encourage their employees to nap if they …

There are many paths to our fitness goals. Some will get you there faster than others. And some will get you there so overly yolked that you look like crossfitting, keto eating Hulk Hogan. Having 24 inch pythons like Hulk Hogan probably isn’t the goal for everyone. But getting to our body composition and fitness …

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” That’s how the timeless classic from Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities begins… and it couldn’t be any more accurate today. Right now we have instant information at our fingertips. The answers to almost any question you can ask (including important questions …

Pretty please with sugar on top. Who could resist a request like that? Sugar does, indeed, make everything sweeter. Whether it’s a cake, a cup of coffee, or a deal brokered by a 5-year old, when sugar is added to the mix, things can become irresistible. I’ve loved sugar as far back as I can …

What if every child with ADHD is actually gifted? As a society, we’ve been struggling to support our kids who have ADHD. And, as it turns out, many of these children are not just hyper-active, but also hyper-intelligent. The great tragedy today is that many of these kid’s amazing gifts are, unfortunately, overlooked or suppressed. …

With the rapidly growing rates of Hashimoto’s disease, either you or someone you know will be stricken by this disease if we don’t do something about it. Hashimoto’s is hot right now. Not in a Zoolander hitting the runway kind of hot, but a full-fledged epidemic featuring the fastest spreading autoimmune disease in the nation. …

It may sound strange to hear, but cancer actually has a purpose in the human body. And there are many theories on the origins and role of cancer. Theories related to fungus overgrowth, to oxygenation, to immune function, and many others. Researchers have been furiously searching to find the cure for cancer for decades, but …

For generations, many of us have aspired to be like the heroes and heroines we see on the big screen. The charisma, the confidence, and, of course, the incredible physiques have motivated people to hit the gym for decades. Morris Chestnut is definitely on that list of favorite fit actors for millions of people. In …

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Eat Smarter Family Cookbook


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