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TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods 

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Filtered by: "Sleep"

When we set out on a journey to get to a destination, we don’t always know what’s in store for us on the road (or if that road might take us somewhere totally unexpected). The important thing is that we embark on our journey, and, as the wise writer Paulo Coelho says, discover our own …

Let’s talk about sex. There are really few things that influence our lives more than our sex lives. Sex is taboo in our society, but nearly everyone is doing it (or hoping to do it - shoutout to movie The 40-Year Old Virgin!). Now, what if you found out that the quality of your sleep …

You’ve probably heard the quote that “timing is everything”. But what if it’s true? What if the key to better relationships, better health, and more success in our lives really isn’t just about what we do or how we do it, but when we do it that makes all of the difference in the world? …

There are tons of great tips out there making waves for improving your sleep quality. Many of these tips are life-changing. But for some people, sleeping in a cooler, darker, tech-free room, might not be enough. I have to say, I was absolutely floored when I found out just how much our gut health impacts …

There’s a battle going on for your health. Never before in human history have we had so many things vying for our time and attention. And never before have we had so many things that pull us further and further from our natural state of health and well-being. Arianna Huffington has become a voice on …

Albert Einstein once said, “Strange is our situation here upon Earth.” In many ways we are smack dab in the middle of realizing what we are and realizing that we have no idea what we are at the same time. Life is complex, beautiful, and definitely weird. There are so many tricky situations, questions, and …

Today is a very, very special day! My new book Sleep Smarter is now available nationwide and we couldn’t be more excited. The excitement and joy is so high because we are bringing one of the most vital, yet overlooked components of health and well-being to the hearts of the masses. From brain function, to heart health, …

What if you found out that a great night's sleep could make the difference in closing an important business deal? In showing up as a better parent? Or in performing at a high level in your sport or on stage? Today you're going to learn exactly why great sleep is a linchpin for the optimal …

When you’re sleep deprived, you’re not yourself. No… I mean really not yourself. There’s a big impact on your brain, hormones, and we’ll just say “emotional stability” that a lack of sleep can play. So much so that top researchers have dove in to discover just how socially messed up poor sleep can make us. …

We spend approximately 1/3 of our entire lives in a bedroom. That’s a long time to be anywhere… This is what makes your bedroom such a special place. And the environment in this room, whether you realize it or not, has a huge impact on your health and longevity. How can a room actually dictate …