TMHS 868: Burn Fat, Eliminate Injuries, & Increase Your Healthspan – With Mark Sisson
Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!
Traveling can be a sticky health situation. Airports, restaurants, hotels, hopping around from place-to-place, and long periods of being cooped up in a car or airplane can all have different challenges associated with them. Today, you're about to be equipped with the ultimate travel guide to maintain your health, fitness, and energy while traveling. What's …
Everyday the vast majority of your body’s energy is used to digest, assimilate, and eliminate the resources you consume. The resources I’m speaking of are the foods you eat, the liquids you drink, and the air that you breathe. Today, we only experience a fraction of our body’s true potential energy. So much of our …
Initially I was surprised to find out that poor sleep quality has been linked to financial debt and lower income. In our culture, we’re led to believe that in order to be successful you’ve got to burn the midnight oil, keep working hard until you make it, and you can always sleep when you’re dead. …
Continue reading “TMHS 054: Sleep Smarter – The Connection Between Sleep, Sex, Income & Fat Loss”
In this episode of The Model Health Show we're having a real, heart-to-heart conversation about why most people simply can't lose weight. Millions of people have tried, failed, and tried again to lose weight but have come up short in the end. Why has this happened to so many good people? The reality is, it …
Continue reading "TMHS 31: Why You Can’t Lose Weight (The Truth)"
In this episode we have the epic conclusion of our 3-part series on getting the best sleep ever. Did you know that you should feel GOOD when you wake up each day? Did you know that you should not have an energy crash in the afternoon and be in desperate of a nap? Instead of …
Continue reading “TMHS 6: Help Me Sleep! 21 Ways to Cure Your Sleep Problems (Part 3)”
In this episode of The Model Health Show you’ll hear Part 2 of our 3 Part series on curing your sleep problems. Many people are beginning to realize that sleep is the one thing that can’t be replaced. You can choose from thousands of different diet and exercises programs, but there simply is no alternative …
Continue reading “TMHS 5: Help Me Sleep! 21 Ways to Cure Your Sleep Problems (Part 2)”
In this episode we go in-depth on specific strategies to help you sleep. It’s been reported that nearly 50% of our society has problems sleeping, so this is a HUGE topic to cover. It’s a huge issue, but most people with sleep problems aren’t talking about it. They just get used to not having energy, …
Continue reading “TMHS 4: Help Me Sleep! 21 Ways to Cure Your Sleep Problems Part 1”