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Whether you’re hungover from a nasty flu virus or a wild night out with your friends, it’s always important to have reliable remedies close at hand. Here’s a seemingly magical tonic, that will knock back any surprise sickness and get you back in the game in no time.  It’s called the Breathe Deep Hot Toddy. …

Over a decade ago I was diagnosed with a devastating spinal condition that threatened to leave me crippled for life.  Degenerative disc disease was the diagnosis I received, and every conventional assessment said that there wasn’t any hope for me. For 2 years I believed them, and spent every waking hour in pain.  Every night …

We all know the story by now… Holidays come, and pounds come along with them.  If you’re in the flow with your workouts, then the holidays show up and throw a wrench in your program.  If you’ve yet to start watching your waistline, then the Holidays can often push you back even further. Well this …

That trip to the buffet or dinner with the family can end up haunting you far after the meal is finished.  Subjection to dangerous E. coli strains can result in things like gastroenteritis (stomach flu) and severe urinary tract infections.  E. coli exposure can commonly show up as “food poisoning”, but the new long-term implications …

Telomeres and aging have been discovered to be directly correlated with each other. Telomeres are a DNA sequence at the end of each chromosome, which protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration.  As your cells divide throughout your life, it continually shortens the length of the telomeres.  This triggers new genetic information to be …

The vitamin A family of antioxidants has been found to be directly correlated with human life span.  This class of nutrients goes hand-in-hand with carotenoids to provide some of the most potent antioxidants ever discovered. In this video you’ll find out the best sources to find bioavailable Vitamin A and more.

The benefits of honey, bee pollen, and royal jelly are unprecedented. In this video you’ll learn how bee products can help you live a longer, stronger, healthier life. This clip is taken from a live event sponsored by The Natural Way health food store. Get your pen and paper ready because this information is powerful!

This topic is one that is really personal to me.  Having worked with several beautiful moms over the years and providing their pre-natal and post-natal nutritional programs, I’ve seen firsthand the remarkable impact that the right nutrition can having on a growing baby. Recently Dr. Mercola released a CRITICALLY important article further disclosing the runaway …

Many people come to my office utterly confessing that they have a sweet tooth that’s causing all of the problems in their life.  First of all, it’s good to have a sweet tooth… It’s one of the joys in life to have some sweet treats made with love, by the people who are bringing “sweetness” …

So many times we miss out on the solutions hiding in plain sight.  Recently Dr. Mercola released an article touting the substantial power of cinnamon to regulate your blood sugar levels.  Cinnamon is a versatile herb that’s long been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.  It’s one of the highest sources of antioxidants of …