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TMHS 876: Lose Weight, Reduce Inflammation, & Increase Your Lifespan With the Power of Fermented Foods

In this video you’ll learn some time-tested strategies for achieving all of your most inspiring goals this year. So many people struggle with their New Year’s Resolutions because they don’t have proven strategies in their hands like this. Get a pen and paper ready to do the exercises, and watch all of the amazing things …

Many people make New Year’s resolutions to (finally) get in shape, but see their efforts dwindling away over the following weeks. In this TV appearance on The Best of STL, I’m sharing 3 things you can do to getting in shape DURING the holiday season. You can use this time to get some momentum going …

I’m in love with chia… what can I say.  Not only is it a full spectrum nutritional powerhouse, but there’s just something about it that keeps me feeling better than usual every time I have it. For centuries chia was prized by the Aztec and Mayan civilizations.  It was a true staple food, and a …

TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. TEDxSinCIty is a piece of the TED experience brought to you in the spirit of spreading powerful ideas from a localized …

Eighty-five percent of all complaints filed with the FDA are for adverse reactions to aspartame, including deaths. There are also 90 plus different symptoms reported in the complaints, everything ranging from blindness to insomnia. With a product being so obviously dangerous for human consumption, why is it still in our food supply today? Well, the …

When people that are truly into health and fitness get together to eat and party, you literally need a security guard on duty to protect the guacamole bowl. Why is this??? Because this ugly looking dish is strangely seductive, and it actually tastes ridiculously good! Guacamole dates back to the great Aztec civilization. They called it …

Many experts on the leading edge of health would say that since the implementation of the first USDA Food Guide in the early part of the 20th century, things have went drastically awry.  Human health is more than just picking from a few categories of food.  We have thousands of years of documented history, and …

The number of Bariatric Lap-Band surgeries have been rapidly increasing every year.  It’s a clear indication that many people are VERY serious about losing weight, but the actual cost of lap-band surgery may actually be their own life. New reports are showing more and more of the long-term effects of this procedure, and the results …

Obviously salads are a wonderful thing to have in your nutritional strategy, but most people are unaware that the salad dressings they are using COMPLETELY NEGATE the benefits of the salad, and make their body store fat like crazy! The bottled “Ranch” and “Caesar” dressings out there are far from good for your health.  You’ll …

This superfood shake is outrageously good. It stacks up in taste with any ice cream shake on the market, with one very distinct difference:  It’s 100% natural, loaded with superfoods, and it will give you unstoppable energy for hours! This Recipe of the Week features the Goji Berry, which is the only food proven to …