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851: Do These 4 Things to Burn Fat & Build Muscle at the Same Time

Filtered by: "vitamins"

TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. TEDxSinCIty is a piece of the TED experience brought to you in the spirit of spreading powerful ideas from a localized …

One of my good friends is a native of the beautiful country Argentina.  I was astonished a few years ago when she told me of the daily use of the antioxidant powerhouse Yerba Mate and how’s it’s so integrated into the fabric of their culture. At the time I was already a huge fan of …

With multiple explosions at the Fukushima power plant, each day is bringing greater concern about what needs to be done to prevent a possible worldwide disaster. In this important interview you’ll learn the critical steps you need to take to protect you and your loved ones from radiation exposure. Listen here now: [podcast][/podcast] The 5 …

The vitamin A family of antioxidants has been found to be directly correlated with human life span.  This class of nutrients goes hand-in-hand with carotenoids to provide some of the most potent antioxidants ever discovered. In this video you’ll find out the best sources to find bioavailable Vitamin A and more.