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TMHS 791: Eat Like This To Boost Your Energy, Prevent Disease, & Live Longer! – With Dr. Casey Means

Filtered by: "natural sweeteners"

Fast, delicious, and PACKED with nutrition. These superfood power balls are a hit with kids and grown ups alike. Just mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl, roll into balls, and pop them in the freezer for an out-of-this-world snack. These are great when you need something fast when you’re running out the door, …

For thousands of years our ancestors have created rejuvenating beverages known as elixirs. The benefits of water and liquid-based nutrition are praised for their usefulness as a delivery system for medicines. This video series teaches you step-by-step how to make a powerful performance enhancing elixir.

How sweet it is to have access to these natural sources of sugary flavor.  These time-tested sweeteners do the job of providing you with flavor and energy WITHOUT short-circuiting your pancreas, and causing your body to store fat like Jabba The Hut. If you haven’t heard the news by now,  dietary fat doesn’t make you …