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TMHS 791: Eat Like This To Boost Your Energy, Prevent Disease, & Live Longer! – With Dr. Casey Means

Filtered by: "diabetes"

How sweet it is to have access to these natural sources of sugary flavor.  These time-tested sweeteners do the job of providing you with flavor and energy WITHOUT short-circuiting your pancreas, and causing your body to store fat like Jabba The Hut. If you haven’t heard the news by now,  dietary fat doesn’t make you …

So many times we miss out on the solutions hiding in plain sight.  Recently Dr. Mercola released an article touting the substantial power of cinnamon to regulate your blood sugar levels.  Cinnamon is a versatile herb that’s long been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.  It’s one of the highest sources of antioxidants of …