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Filtered by: "Personal Development"

Today, more than ever, we are mistaking being busy for being effective. Great work is more valuable than ever today. Whether it’s work related to health and fitness, real estate, tech, art, or any other field, the quantity today is massive. But quality is what we truly desire. For those willing to engage in deep …

“We have met the enemy, and he is us.” These are the wise words stated in the long-running comic strip Pogo by Walt Kelly. Who knew a comic strip could drop such profound truth?! The greatest obstacle in our success is not something or someone external… our greatest obstacle is our own minds! We all …

Every human has the capacity to achieve great things. That’s undeniable. But what makes the difference between those who step into that greatness, and those who let their potential dwindle and die? I think the answer to that question can be summed up in one word: will. When the inevitable challenges arrive in the pursuit …

Love is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Not just in a metaphysical way, but in a very tangible, practical way that guides our choices everyday. Love compels us to care for and support others. Love compels us to create and bring our thoughts into physical form. Love compels us to put …

Discipline is often associated with all kinds of negativity. But, what if I were to tell you that healthy discipline was the key to creating the life of your dreams? Not your ethnic background, not your socioeconomic status, not your sex, not your age, not any of that stuff. Discipline is the key to getting …

Success leaves clues. We have a remarkable opportunity today to learn from people who’ve turned their wildest dreams into reality. At no other time in history have these superheroes been so accessible. Videos, podcasts, social media interaction, live events; there’s so many ways to learn from the very best people in the world. This episode …

What if the mere act of setting a goal could help you achieve anything you want? Life would seem stranger than fiction, for sure. But, what if I told you that the act of setting a goal in a certain way would bring you face-to-face with the things you most dream about and desire? Well, …

In the words of Lauren Hill, “It could all be so simple… but you’d rather make it hard.” The action steps to creating the success we want, be it in our health, our career, our finances, or anything else, are unequivocally simple. But, every-single-day many of us fall flat on our faces trying to execute …

When we try to change our lives by trying to change our actions, we’ll often times find ourselves falling short. This is because trying to change our actions is like trimming the branches of the problem. The problem is still there (only prettier). The real change happens by targeting the roots. And the roots are …

Every second of everyday, our minds and bodies are transforming. Transformation is a part of life. But all transformations are not created equal. Personally, I’ve transformed from a thriving athlete, into a couch potato with extra cheese and bacon bits. I’ve transformed from being incredibly self-centered, to dedicating my life each day to serving others. …

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