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TMHS 868: Burn Fat, Eliminate Injuries, & Increase Your Healthspan – With Mark Sisson

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Filtered by: "General Health"

Experts call it “estrogen pollution”. We are living in an era where we are bombarded with estrogenic compounds, and the health effects are extremely disturbing. This is a problem for all of us. Both men and women have estrogen receptors. These receptors are present throughout our entire bodies, from our brains to our reproductive organs. …

It’s even taboo to talk about taboos. Even though we may not realize it, our social taboos are able to keep us imprisoned within our own minds. Don’t you want to know what invisible forces are governing the way you think, feel, and function on a daily basis? Don’t you want to know why you …

It’s pretty clear that we have changed. Only a few generations ago, chronic illnesses like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes were seen in only a small percentage of the population. Today, some statistics show that more than three-fourths of the western world are afflicted with one of these major illnesses. The question is… How did …

It may be jarring to know that seven out of 10 people in the U.S. have been prescribed a drug over the past year. It may be more surprising to know that one out of every 10 people are now taking an antidepressant; among women in their 40’s and 50’s, that number is one in …

To be the best, you need to learn from the best. We can avoid so much of the typical struggle period in getting what we want if we simply follow those that have come before us. Why try and reinvent the wheel when we’re not just rolling, but flying now? If you’re going to play …

Everyday the vast majority of your body’s energy is used to digest, assimilate, and eliminate the resources you consume. The resources I’m speaking of are the foods you eat, the liquids you drink, and the air that you breathe. Today, we only experience a fraction of our body’s true potential energy. So much of our …

Have you ever heard the saying, “First impressions last a lifetime”? Whether it’s true or not, we make snap judgements about people upon meeting them for the first time. It’s built into us as an evolutionary advantage to be critical, recognize patterns, and to observe the health and safety of those around us. Whether consciously …

What if you were able to read an entire book every day of your life? Can you imagine how much knowledge you’d have access to? And can you see how valuable you’d become as a leader in business as well as your personal life? It’s well known that we’re only using a small fraction of …

Have you ever wondered why you look radically different from when you were a 1-year old baby? I mean, what happened?! Was this big 'ol body really contained within that little body? Today you're going to find out how we actually age, and demystify most of the taboo subject of aging. We're also going to …

I recently gave a short presentation in front of a group of over 7,000 people. They were all there as cancer survivors, or the loved ones of those who’ve survived or who have lost their fight. This event really sparked something in me. To witness a sea of people all coming together for one purpose, …