TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods
Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!
Navigating the challenges our world is facing right now can be incredibly emotional. Emotions like fear, overwhelm, anxiety, and uncertainty have become daily occurrences for some folks. How we interpret and deal with those emotions impacts how we show up in our relationships, our careers, and our health. On this episode of The Model Health …
“Happiness is a quality of the soul, not a function of one’s material circumstances.” -Aristotle How do you respond when you face a challenge in life? Whether you’re facing some truly dark days or simply dealing with first world problems, it can be easy to get caught in a cycle of negative thoughts and patterns. …
It’s a simple truth: We are all, collectively, experiencing a challenging time right now. But instead of sitting in the negativity the news and social media feeds us, what can we do to convert concern into action? My guest on this episode, New York Times bestselling author and internal medicine physician Dr. Austin Perlmutter, explains …
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably spent more time than you would like to admit on your couch, in front of a screen, or both since the pandemic started. We’ve all been there, so it’s no surprise that a recent study published by BMC Public Health showed that levels of sedentary behavior have skyrocketed …
If you knew an ingredient in your food could make you sick, would you still eat it? Probably not. Yet from orange juice to peanut butter cups, the synthetic ingredients lurking in everyday pantry staples could be doing you more harm than good. And while industrial food producers would love you to think otherwise, poor …
Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “We cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Today, I want to apply that sentiment to the pandemic that our society is facing. As we seek solutions to a public health crisis, it’s important that we take a deeper look at the contributing …
Continue reading "TMHS 436: The Pandemic Behind The Pandemic"
If you’re like most Americans, you probably have a few bad cell phone habits. Most of spend hours every day attached to our devices, with little to no boundaries or schedules. The thing is, this is no mistake. Our devices and apps are expertly engineered to alter our brain chemistry. So if you find …
The mask debate has become highly politicized and fueled by emotion. But instead, what if we approached life with logic, science, and reason? On this episode of the Model Health Show, my mission is to provide you with the tools you need to evaluate scientific studies and prepare yourself to shut down the cognitive biases …
For many folks around the world, right now is an immensely challenging time. Many of us are doing our best to make the most of a complicated situation. No matter what hardship you’re facing, there’s always the chance to seek out the opportunities that often present themselves during difficult seasons. Today you’re going to learn …
Continue reading "TMHS 430: Get Creative During Chaos & How To Inquire Within – With Guest IN-Q"
Now, more than ever, it’s important to take control over your perspective. When it feels like the entire world is in disarray, your mindset will determine your ability to persevere. Luckily, the way that you think, react, and behave is entirely within your control. If you’re in need of a massive shift in perspective, today’s …