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TMHS 787: Cereal Killers Reloaded!

The Model Health Show is the #1 Health & Fitness podcast on Apple Podcasts!

Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!

Every day, we’re exposed to thousands of chemicals in our environment. Everything from the air we breathe, cleaning products, and even furniture can contain dangerous toxins that over time, can pose a risk to your health. The good news is, the more you understand about the realities of toxins, the more empowered choices you can …

Symptoms like weight gain, brain fog, and low energy have long been associated with the so-called inevitable decline of aging. The truth is, we don’t have to accept the physical challenges that are commonly associated with aging. With the correct strategies in place, we can achieve or maintain vitality for decades to come. Today’s guest, …

Anxiety is a natural human mechanism designed to protect us from harm. Experiencing anxiety can help optimize your reactions in dangerous situations, but today more than ever, folks are experiencing excessive anxiety in response to everyday responsibilities and activities. Millions of American suffer from anxiety, and its prevalence continues to rise. What can we do …

“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” – Confucius What does it take to go from good to great? We often think about achieving more as a long, incremental process. But what if you could grow exponentially and achieve more by doing less? On …

Every family has its own microculture: a set of beliefs, habits, values, and traditions. Among the numerous external factors that can influence your health and wellbeing, the culture in your household can have a monumental impact on your daily habits. But unlike many other environmental influences, you have the power to intentionally mold your family’s …

Just like many other aspects of your life, your health and fitness routines are bound to change throughout different phases. On today’s show, you’re going to hear about how to find balance with your diet and exercise as you age. Our guest, Chalene Johnson, is a fitness icon, entrepreneur, and New York Times bestselling author. …

What drives us to have cravings toward certain foods? And what can we learn from our cravings? On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about what cravings actually are, what causes them, and five specific strategies to stop craving unhealthy foods. You’re going to learn the evolution of cravings throughout …

In our fast-paced, technology-centric society, it’s easy to focus on the ways in which our devices are making us more distracted and disconnected. But what if we harnessed the power of technology for good? What if we could utilize technology in a way that could promote neuroplasticity and improve cognition? Today’s guest, Dr. Adam Gazzaley, …

We know that heart disease is the number one killer in the US, claiming one life every 33 seconds. By association, cholesterol has become a dirty word in conventional medicine and in the media. But cholesterol itself is not inherently bad—in fact, cholesterol is a critical compound for human health, responsible for immune health, fetal …

Plastic has become one of the most common and convenient substances in our modern world. Especially when it comes to food packaging and food storage, plastic has infiltrated the market, frequently used for everyday items like storing leftovers, bottled water, and baby bottles. However, plastic contains thousands of harmful compounds that have the potential to …

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