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836: How to Use STRATEGY to Build Your Health, Community, & Life – With Seth Godin

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Filtered by: "Stress Management"

Meditation or medication? Today, more than ever, it’s a choice that many of us have to make. We live at a time of great distraction, and terrible health influences around every bend. When I walked into the restaurant where I’m writing this, I strolled past a glass case of desserts where there was a rice …

Stress can be ruthless. It’s a silent assassin that can break down your brain, screw up your internal organs, and pack fat onto your body. But… That’s only one face of stress. Stress can also be invigorating. It’s capable of making you more physically fit, biologically stronger, and literally keep your brain decades younger. So, …

You’ve seen the headlines… Ads telling you to just “Eat these 5 fat burning foods” and you’ll be able to achieve miraculous things. You’ll drop 10 pounds in two weeks, lose several inches off your waist, and even get your own reality show on VH1. Ok, I added the last one in, but you get …

Working as a clinician for many years, one of the most common questions I would get is, “What can I take for more energy?”. It was always a tough question because I knew I’d just be treating a symptom by giving them energizing natural supplements like maca, cordyceps, and ginseng. Sure, it’s better that they …

How do you actually know what you think? A lot of us are under the impression that we know what we think because we hear a lot of inner chatter in our heads (straightjacket not included), or because we talk about what we think with other people. But that’s not what we really think. The …

When it comes to stress, you’ve got three basic options today. One, you can crumble under the weight of the stress, succumbing to things like heart disease, obesity, and depression that are all linked to chronic stress. Two, you can run from the modern world and hideout in the mountains (grow a beard), in a …

Benjamin Franklin made a powerful statement when he said, “There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.” Consistent happiness, success, health, deeper relationships, and an empowered mindset are all predicated on your ability to know who you truly are and what you’re about. Your success is going to be …

Hormones are everywhere. They are in and around us. They give us life. They generate communication between every cell in our body. They are essential in creating order… and they can also create some pretty epic chaos if we’re not careful. Much like a misinterpreted communication between people, abnormal hormone function can cause your body …

The work you do for a living matters. It matters to your health, it matters to your relationships, and it matters to your overall success. The work you choose to do each day is not something to take lightly. Sometimes life can sweep us up, and we end up spending our days doing things that …

In this episode of The Model Health Show we’re discussing one of the biggest underlying causes of poor health and unwanted weight gain. It’s a highly misunderstood phenomenon called STRESS. Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. The definition of stress makes it …