TMHS 868: Burn Fat, Eliminate Injuries, & Increase Your Healthspan – With Mark Sisson
Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!
Dealing with suboptimal sleep can have damaging effects on your daily life, hormones, cognitive function, and so much more. In our culture, we often resort to things like sleeping pills or melatonin supplements just to get some rest. But taking the time to uncover the true root cause of insomnia or other sleep related problems …
The human body has an amazing capacity to heal. Whether you’re dealing with an injury or an illness, there’s no denying the mind’s critical role in facilitating healing. But for most folks, understanding the powerful connection between the mind and the body takes practice – and that’s what you’re going to learn today. On this …
You may think that exercise and fitness are just about going to the gym, drinking a protein shake, and getting your reps in. However, a key component of fitness that many people miss is their mindset. On today’s show, you’re going to learn exactly how to improve your mindset to grow stronger, healthier, and happier …
Continue reading "839: How to Live Longer and Stronger – With Dr. Sandi Scheinbaum"
Over the last several years, there has been a pronounced uptick in the rates of anxiety. In fact, anxiety disorders have become the most common mental health concern in the country. On today’s show, you’re going to learn the truth about anxiety. This compilation episode highlights why anxiety has become so prevalent, including how things …
Over the last several years, intermittent fasting has been widely regarded as a powerful method to shed unwanted fat, improve insulin sensitivity, and even take advantage of the benefits of autophagy. But what’s often missing from the conversation on fasting is that most, if not all, of the research on fasting has been conducted exclusively …
Our modern world with all its conveniences and technologies often encourages a sedentary lifestyle. And more and more studies are affirming that opting out of regularly moving our bodies is making us sick, unhealthy, and is even shortening our lifespans. Movement is a foundational practice for all life – and if we want to make …
We all strive to be better in our relationships, at our jobs, and in our day-to-day life. And it turns out, there are a few simple behaviors you can add into your routine that will make you smarter, healthier, and more productive. In fact, even just small adjustments to your daily routine can have a …
Continue reading "820: 7 Daily Habits That Will Make You Smarter, Healthier, & More Successful"
Your dental health is a critical indicator of what’s happening with your overall health. In fact, your oral health can reflect your inflammation levels, risk for Alzheimer’s disease, and many other serious health conditions. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about how to create strong, healthy teeth, and the truth about conventional dentistry treatments …
Continue reading "819: The Health Killers Lurking in Your Mouth – with Dr. Dominik Nischwitz"
There’s a new and growing classification in the world of healthcare: metabolically healthy obesity. Is it possible to be obese and healthy? And on the flip side of the coin, are thin bodies automatically healthier? That’s what you’re going to learn on today’s show. Our guest today is Dr. Jonny Bowden. He is a board-certified …
Continue reading "818: They’re Lying About Obesity! | Dr. Jonny Bowden"
When you think about the advantages of exercise, your mind likely goes to things like better cardiovascular function, fat loss, or other physical benefits. But did you know that exercise can actually help you build a better brain? Physical activity has the capacity to improve your memory, creativity, and concentration. On this episode of The …
Continue reading "816: Use These 5 Exercises for a Better Brain"