Listen to my latest podcast episode:

TMHS 867: Lose Stubborn Weight & Transform Your Fitness When Your Hormones Change – With Autumn Calabrese

TMHS 328: The Intersection of Health, Fitness & Faith with Isabel Price

If weight loss and the process of reaching optimal health can be reduced to a simple science, why are so many people sick, unhealthy, and overweight? Don’t get me wrong, principles like hormone function and metabolism are very real, and building blocks like movement and diet do matter.

But here’s the thing: in most cases, people who find themselves unhealthy or overweight did not get that way from a place of positivity or happiness. It is times of extreme stress, grief, or general apathy that lead to many health problems and weight issues. There are plenty of intelligent and capable people in the US (and worldwide) who simply cannot reach their weight loss goals, especially on a long-term basis. Our rampant obesity epidemic is proof that there is a deeper issue at play.

Today’s guest, Isabel Price, has made it her mission to help people reach their health goals, uncover their best selves, and stop struggling with diets. Her spiritual approach emphasizes the importance of community and connecting with your innate worth. I hope you will listen to this episode with an open mind and take the principles to heart, no matter where you are on your journey.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why changing your mindset can change your physical appearance.
  • How her mother’s health issues inspired Isabel’s career.
  • Why fear-based marketing is ineffective long-term.
  • What it means to treat your body like a sculpture.
  • Why Isabel doesn’t necessarily encourage her clients to lose weight.
  • The difference between having to take care of your body and getting to take care of it.
  • Why your worth and your weight are not connected.
  • The two gifts we’re born with, and how they’re intertwined.
  • How all of your experiences culminated have prepared you for your future.
  • The two statements you have to believe in order to create change.
  • How Isabel’s mindset shifted after losing her mom.
  • The question you need to ask yourself to set realistic goals.
  • The details of Isabel’s health routine.
  • How to add more activity into your daily schedule.
  • The importance of community and creating real connections.



Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Shawn Stevenson: Welcome to The Model Health Show. This is fitness and nutrition expert, Shawn Stevenson, and I'm so grateful for you tuning in with me today.

This is a very, very special episode, and we're talking about an issue that is not just a US epidemic. This is a worldwide epidemic.

What we're seeing now today, the data is showing about 2.1 billion people today are now clinically overweight or obese. And just hearing those numbers, it's really even hard to wrap our minds around, and it's been a big shift culturally, you know?

It's one of those things that we think often trickles out from the US, like this is where a lot of these issues kind of really took it up a few notches, and this is because of the food system here and the marketing.

I know for myself personally, this is a very special and personal episode because most of my family members as I grew up were either overweight or significantly obese.

And even me, my fat gene kicked into gear when I was diagnosed with this so-called incurable spinal condition, and I stopped doing. You know? I became very inactive on the request of my physician.

And what happens when you are not moving anymore? You become docile. Not only did my bones and my spine degenerate, but everything else does, but the one thing that doesn't change is those fat stores keep on working.

And so I got to a place where I was significantly overweight myself, and it was a struggle because you don't want to feel like that. You know?

And so for me mentally, once I started to decide to try to get my health together, to try to lose this weight, marketing was right there.

I went from my processed food diet of like- listen, I want you to understand this. I would get two triple cheeseburgers. Alright? McDonalds, right? Two triple, and then I'd get the fries, and sometimes a beverage as well.

And I don't know if you have Steak & Shake where you are, but we have Steak & Shake here in St. Louis, and that was fancy if you want to get fancy, but also I was like, "It costs too much."

And the reason it costs too much is they actually cook the burger. Which then I was like, "Wait a minute. I have a problem with them actually cooking the food instead of like some frozen random soy packed possibly beef?"

Right? And so this was just my level of thinking, and so I took that processed mindset and - as cheap as possible mindset - and carried that into the rest of my approach with losing weight.

I'll use these processed shakes, AKA SlimFast. I saw the commercial, we have a shake for breakfast, one for lunch, sensible dinner. I tried that out, didn't work. Alright?

It worked temporarily, let me be clear, but it was just the same approach. You know? As cheap as possible, and as processed as possible, because I didn't know that there was a difference.

And once I changed my approach mentally is when I began to change my approach physically. So what I want to really express to you is that the catalyst for me transforming my body and my health, and thus influencing the lives of millions of people after that, was a change in my mind.

Right? The change in the conversation I was having in my own psyche and in my own heart. It was really the first domino for everything else.

And so I think that we tend to operate differently and try to attack the food. We try to attack the exercise, right? We try to attack the stress, or whatever it might be.

And all those things matter, but what matters most is how we're relating to ourselves. And so I've got a very special guest on today, and she's got a really important message, and it's coming from a different perspective.

She's helped millions of people to lose weight through her conventional approach, but she started to see over the years that as we become less and less connected as a society, that more and more people were struggling to even get started and to stay on track because of the conversations weren't changing with their minds and their hearts.

And so her approach is unique, and people sometimes wonder like, "Why would you have conflicting information or different information on the show?"

It's to understand that nobody is 100% right. We need to have some things that have some unique crossover, and also totally different perspective on things so we can have healthy conversations and understand that not one thing is going to work for everybody.

We're all unique and we need to find tools and insights that work for us where we are right now, and also giving ourselves permission to know that that will change as well.

That is the very best service that I can give to you, is to give you options. Right? It's to give you the ability to choose for yourself what speaks to your heart and your mind right now.

And so her approach is melding her faith along with her knowledge as a nutritionist, and it is an optimal well-rounded perspective in working with the whole person, and working on their spiritual well-being, which she believes is a trickle-down effect to everything else in your life. Alright?

So I think you're going to really enjoy this, and enjoy her insights, and her story is incredible. She's one of my favorite people, and just been such a light and such a giving force of goodness in my life, too. And so I can't wait to get to that.

Before we do though, listen, I want to share something with you. For me personally, it's not just trying to tell our brains what we want it to do, but actually taking care of our brains overall.

And so I've been looking for many years, like what are the very best things nutritionally that can support the development and health of our brains?

Because when I was in a traditional university, I was taught that once you reach the maturity of your brain developing, that's it. It's just downhill from that. Right?

Your brain cells, you start losing them, and you don't get any of them back, and it's just not true.

Today we know that our brains can create new brain cells, right? It's neurogenesis, and there are very few things that we know about botanically - things in nature - that can support this process.

One of those things, the University of Malaya did some research and found that lion's mane can actually support the process of neurogenesis.

So this literally means creation of new brain cells. Alright? It's absolutely amazing.

And specifically, they studied some individuals as well that experienced traumatic brain injuries, and finding that lion's man is incredibly supportive in that area of study as well.

So for folks that just want to take their incredible brain to another level, and support it that way with lion's mane, or if you've had some damage done, this can be something that can be very helpful.

Alright, so I want to make sure you know about that. I get my lion's mane from Four Sigmatic. Alright? This company does a dual extraction of the mushroom so you actually know that you're getting- when you hear a study like this, how are they extracting it?

Are they like boiling the mushroom? Do I boil it? Should I frickaseed it? Put it in the Instant Pot? I don't know. How do you-?

You need to do a hot water extract and an alcohol extract. Alright? It's called a dual extraction, and Four Sigmatic does this when 99.9% of companies don't. Alright? So you actually get what you're looking for.

And they're in these simple, convenient little packets. I love the lion's mane elixir when I have it by itself with a little bit of like strawberry MCT oil, or a little bit of almond milk, and I think it's great like that.

Again, you just open the packet, hot water, hot almond milk, and maybe a little Stevia, and you enjoy it like that.

They also have lion's mane coffees, hot chocolates with like medicinal mushrooms with rishi, and cordyceps, and so many amazing things.

Alright? But these elixirs are really, really valuable. I love the rishi elixir as well. I have that most nights of the week, alright? And there's clinically proven benefit for improving your sleep quality.

The list goes on and on. Definitely head over there and check them out. You need to have some Four Sigmatic in your cabinet. I'm telling you,, you get 15% off everything they carry. Alright?

That's for 15% off everything. And on that note, let's get to our Apple Podcasts review of the week.

ITunes Review: Another five-star review titled, 'Life Changing,' by PositiveKev.

"Before I discovered Shawn and The Model Health Show, I was lost and confused in the world of diet, exercise, and overall well-being.

I began learning how to take care of myself in many different ways, and I was able to translate the sometimes complicated info to my family and friends.

I'm seeing a wave of positivity in my own life, and I owe credit to this show, and the multitude of lessons and ideas taught by Shawn and his guests. Thank you so, so much."

Shawn Stevenson: Thank you so much for leaving me that review over in Apple Podcasts. That means so much to me, and that's what we're really about, is really helping to make sense of all this stuff.

There is a tremendous amount of information out there obviously, but how can we simplify this? How can we make things as accessible? But also how can we get to the deeper message behind all of this stuff?

And fortunately, that's what today's episode is all about as well. And so on that note, let's get to our special guest and our topic of the day.

Our guest today is the incredible Isabel Price, and she is the co-founder and creator of the wildly successful Internet-based nutrition program,

And it's been ten years- so a whole decade right now, has sold over two million programs to people all over the world.

And her new program, The New Life Promise, combines her love for nutrition and her faith to begin to change the conversation around weight loss and health from one of guilt and shame to one of love, compassion, and surrender.

And I'd like to welcome to The Model Health Show, my friend, Isabel Price. What's up, Isabel?

Isabel Price: Hey, Shawn. This is super fun.

Shawn Stevenson: I'm so happy to have you here.

Isabel Price: I'm so happy to be here.

Shawn Stevenson: So true story, we met by- how did we meet?

Isabel Price: You're going to tell everybody how we met?

Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.

Isabel Price: So I had been listening to your show for several months, I think. How long have you been doing this?

Shawn Stevenson: Over five years.

Isabel Price: Okay. Alright, so maybe like a whole year, and I really built my business and raised my kids the first couple years on just pure caffeine. I'm talking like if I could have walked around with an IV of coffee, I would have.

And after years of this, I really- I mean, for all I knew about nutrition, this is what I was doing to myself.

But with a two-year-old, and a newborn, and a business that was thriving, and all this is great, I was keeping up by just drinking tons of coffee.

And I was listening to your podcast, and I was like, "This guy needs to help me." And that's when I reached out, and I was like, "Do you do one-on-one coaching? I've got some things I've got to work on."

And you took me on as a client. And actually, your last client, right?

Shawn Stevenson: You were my very last person I worked with in my practice, yup.

Isabel Price: Yup. Yeah, so now- what is it now? Like three years later?

Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, it's been- yeah, three years.

Isabel Price: Yeah, three years, and I'm still coffee-free.

Shawn Stevenson: Wow.

Isabel Price: So what you do works, Shawn.

Shawn Stevenson: Incredible. Incredible. So first of all, just to backtrack a little bit. You are just one of the most giving and supportive- like you've gone out of your way to support me, and your work- you've impacted the lives of so many people.

Like you're great at what you do. You care at a different level, and working with you, it's just kind of like- it was a little bit of a struggle at first until I really found out who you were, and I was like, "Oh my goodness, absolutely." You know?

And you know, but you're also somebody who has an important message. But first, before we even get to that part - and I want to know this too, because there are some things that I don't know as well - how did you get into this field in the first place, and what sparked your interest of health and fitness?

Isabel Price: Well my story is very similar to many people who share their passions on the Internet or in books, was through my personal experience, and it really was my experience with my mom.

So she was diagnosed with diabetes in her forties, and I had watched my grandmother, who also had type II diabetes, give herself injections. Every single time she was going to eat, she was injecting herself with insulin.

So my mom was diagnosed with diabetes, and we all just felt like, "Okay, she's just going to go down the same road as Grandma did."

And in a way, she kind of did, but worse. And you know, back then, like over twenty years ago, you didn't just Google like, 'what should I eat for type II diabetes?' Right?

Shawn Stevenson: Right.

Isabel Price: Like we didn't have that, and also people didn't know. Or maybe they knew, but they sure weren't telling us. So that just kind of started me just reading and researching like, "There's got to be something to this."

I was in college at the time, or I started in high school and then in college, and I started studying this and figured out that, "Yeah, there is a lot that we can do."

And when I started sharing that with my mom, who was very sick - being put on all kinds of different medications, blood sugar out of control, high blood pressure, high cholesterol - she didn't want to hear it.

You know, she didn't want to change, and I think part of it was too like I was her daughter, so you know, "What do you know?"

Shawn Stevenson: Right, proximity.

Isabel Price: "The doctor is telling me this."

Shawn Stevenson: "I changed your diapers."

Isabel Price: Yeah. Like, "You don't know." And also at the time, what I know now, is my mom was so stressed, she was working two jobs, her relationship with my dad was not the best at the time. It got a lot better, but at that time it wasn't good, and she was depressed.

So here I was suggesting that she take away the only thing that was making her happy, and that was food. You know? That was bread, that was fast food, that was sweets, and she just didn't want anything to do with it.

And like a lot of diabetics, she suffered a lot of side effects, and one of them was her kidneys shut down.

So when your kidneys shut down, you have to go on dialysis. And now if people don't know what dialysis is, it's basically you go to a dialysis center usually in a hospital, you get hooked up to a machine, and that machine filters your blood the same way that your kidneys would. Right?

So you're doing this for four hours each time you go, three days a week. Right? So here was my mom's schedule.

Now at this point, she's in her sixties, right? Like she's had this raging diabetes, all kinds of side effects for quite some time.

So on Monday, she'd go to the dialysis center, she'd be there for four hours. Right? And when you come home, you feel terrible. Right? You're tired, you're nauceous, you can't really do anything, so you go to bed.

Then the next day, Tuesday, you feel a little bit better, but then you go back on Wednesday, and you do it all over again.

And she would go Monday, Wednesday, Friday. And now so Saturday she'd feel a little bit better, but then by Sunday she was starting to feel awful again, because she really needed this dialysis.

So this was her life, right? And here I was in college almost graduated, and I'm watching this. Right? And so it doesn't just affect the person that's sick. Right? It affected me, it affected my sister, it affected my dad.

So now fast-forward four years. She was on dialysis for four years. Can you imagine this is your life for four years?

Shawn Stevenson: Oh my goodness.

Isabel Price: Right? And it really started to take a toll on her body, but she was on the kidney transplant list the whole time. And we had all gotten tested, and nobody was a match, right? So none of us could give her a kidney.

So her name comes up, and she gets a kidney. So we have to go to Philly, we lived in New Jersey at the time. We go to Philly, and the doctors were like, "Listen, this is risky."

And they had told her this already. Like, "You're very sick, you have high blood pressure, the dialysis has taken a toll on your body. You could potentially die getting this surgery."

But she didn't care, and neither did we, because she wasn't living anymore. Like that wasn't life, right?

So anyway, she got the surgery and it was a success. It was incredible. And once she came to, and she was in the recovery room, and I was there with her, she looked at me, Shawn, and she said, "Isabel, I will do everything you tell me to do."

I mean that's it. Like she had gotten a second chance at life, and she was changing.

So she did. Right? I mean, and it was quite a recovery from there, but she did. She changed her diet, she ate all the things I told her to eat.

You know, I moved back home to help take care of her, and here was all this information. Right?

So she would go back for her follow-ups, and when you get a transplant of any kind, you have to go on anti-rejection medications, you go on heavy steroids, you go on Prednisone.

And the doctor had said to her, "Listen, if you gain a lot of weight, don't be scared. We're putting you on some heavy meds here, and if you gain weight, we'll just figure it out later. Right now, the most important thing is that your kidney doesn't reject."

So you know, she's taking her meds, she's following the protocol that I put together. At her twelve-week follow-up - and we were going consistently - but at her twelve-week follow-up, she had lost forty pounds.

Shawn Stevenson: Wow.

Isabel Price: And she was on all of these meds. And the doctor said to her, "I have never seen anything like this."

Because her kidney was doing great, her body was doing great, and she had lost forty pounds on all of those medications.

And Shawn, when you have gone through something like that with your mom, and you have something, you're like, "I've got to tell people about this! Like how do people not know?"

Because we would go to the follow-ups, and we would see the same people in the waiting room that we would see week after week; they were gaining weight.

I mean they were doing well as far as like not rejecting the organ that they got transplanted, but they were gaining weight and not feeling well.

And that was it, Shawn. That was it. I found our mutual friend, Craig Ballantyne, he was selling stuff online. He helped me put it out there.

I got together with a business partner who's still my business partner now, and now two million programs later, here we are.

Shawn Stevenson: That's so incredible. Oh my goodness. And just a little side note, Craig, I've had him on the show a couple of times, and it's because of you, again, connecting us. You've just been such a light.

And like with your mom, for example, like just an angel. You know? Just helping her, and taking that information, and finding a way.

Because I know it can light a fire under you. It's just like, "Why don't people know this?"

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: Right? But now, after all these years in this business, there's a different climate with this weight loss thing. The information is out there, it's not rocket science as far as like changing our bodies.

It's very practical, simple things that are very accessible today, especially with podcasts like this.

But there's an issue going on with our minds and with our hearts, and so that's what you're really shifting the conversation to because you're seeing that that is really the biggest issue.

Isabel Price: Yeah. So what ten years in this industry has taught me - and even longer because I was practicing as a nutritionist even before I wrote everything out and sold it online - has taught me that the information is there, right?

Like when my mom was diagnosed, okay maybe it wasn't as obvious, but now the information is there. Nobody is struggling with their weight because they don't know what to do.

They're struggling because they're struggling internally. Right? It's like the emotions, they're struggling spiritually, right? And that's what I see now.

And even though there are a lot of people in our industry, Shawn, that are having a good conversation, or a better conversation about it. Right?

Like no shame, no guilt, freedom in food, I see that a lot. The conversation that people are having internally is still one of shame and guilt.

Shawn Stevenson: Let's talk about that. So what is this conversation that's going on in the mind of a lot of folks struggling with their weight right now?

Isabel Price: You know, the biggest one is, "I'm not enough." You know? And we see it all over social media, right? Like what everybody else is doing, and this is what I should be doing.

Like what is the most common thing we hear from people when they talk about their weight and their health?

"Shawn, I really should be eating better. Like I really have to." And it's all these- and that comes from guilt and shame, and it's in the marketing as well.

You know? Like that's what a lot of the marketing is, it's fear-based. You know? It's like if I was like, "Shawn, you have a seven-year-old. You have to take care of yourself." Right? A lot of marketing does that.

And unfortunately, like I've been a part of that marketing, and now I'm like, "I don't want to. I don't want to talk to people like that anymore. I don't want to say like, "Well you know, your wife is counting on you, Shawn. So you'd better-"

Then how do you feel? You know? Then you feel crappy as opposed to encouraging you in a different way.

Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, absolutely, and- because even that statement can make you feel like I'm not enough. I'm already so messed up, I'm so behind the ball.

Isabel Price: Right.

Shawn Stevenson: So taking a different approach to it. So I guess the first question then with that said is how do we actually do that?

How do we start to shift the conversation going on in our minds if we're feeling, and believing, and speaking to ourselves like we're not enough, like we are just destined to fail, like it's just a continuous struggle, everything is too hard, and comparing ourselves to everybody else, for example on social media, which again was not an issue ten, twenty years ago.

Isabel Price: Right.

Shawn Stevenson: And it's a whole different- it's a battlefield out here psychologically. So how do we start to change that conversation?

Isabel Price: We really need to look at it- we really need to look at taking care of ourselves in a completely, completely different way.

So let's say I was an artist, and I made you a sculpture, right? And it was a beautiful sculpture, and I gave it to you and Anne for your house. Right?

And you were like- you were just in awe of it, right? And you took it home, and you put it on a shelf, and once a week you would dust it, just to make sure that it looked nice.

And people would come to your house, and you'd be like, "Look at this sculpture that Isabel made me. Isn't it great?" And every once in a while you'd text me and be like, "Sculpture is still looking great. It's awesome." Right?

You would take care of it out of love for me, right? Or just out of love, right? But what if I made you the sculpture, and you took it home, and you put it on the shelf, and you looked at it and you were like, "That's just one more thing I need to take care of."

And every time you dusted it- because you did. Once a week you'd be like, "I hate dusting, but I'll do it." You know? Or if the only reason why you did it was because you thought I'd be mad at you if you didn't. Right?

You'd be like, "Well, I don't want Isabel to get mad, so I'd better just dust this thing and take care of it." Right?

What's the difference there? Right? Like one is you're taking care of it just really out of love, respect, like so happy and grateful that I made you this thing. And the other one is just doing it out of like guilt, almost like a have-to.

And I truly believe that God gave us this beautiful, beautiful temple, this vessel, and if we can shift our mindset to think like, "I want to take care of what you gave me." Right?

Like, "I've got two arms, and two legs, and I can do all this stuff. And of course I want to feed it the right way. Like thank you, God, that I have this opportunity."

And until you get to that place, then it's just a bunch of have-tos, and dragging yourself to the gym, and eating food that you don't even want to eat. You know?

As opposed to one of, "You know what? I'm so grateful to be able to do this." Right? And there's a lot of people that weren't born with two arms and two legs, and even still, many of them make the most of it or actually do take care of themselves even better than some of us who were born being able to do everything.

Shawn Stevenson: Living outstanding lives.

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: Living their best life.

Isabel Price: Yeah, exactly.

Shawn Stevenson: So with that said, you also now- you might be at a place where you're telling people- like instead of telling them they need to lose weight, you might tell somebody that they don't need to lose weight.

Why would you do that? Especially with you being in this field, and selling weight loss programs, why would you say that to somebody?

Isabel Price: Because the first thing that I want to communicate to them is that, "You are enough exactly as you are right now." Right?

"You are absolutely perfect right now. Who you are, your thoughts, what you have to give to this world right now. Now, if you want to wake up each day and feel better, and be able to do the things that you want to do, now that's something that you get to do.

You don't have to. You don't have to do anything. Shawn, you don't have to be here, you don't have to do this, you didn't have to go to the gym this morning, but this is what you get to do."

And until I can get to that place with them, like not, "This is what you have to do," but "This is what you get to do," then it's just a lot of wasted time.

Then it's a lot of, "I lost ten pounds, I fell off the wagon. I ate healthy all week, and then I went to a party this weekend, and I just ate whatever."

So until I really feel like they've made that mental shift, then it's just a bunch of beating yourself up, forcing yourself.

Shawn Stevenson: When you said that, like it literally just struck me. You know? Like I felt- I really listened to what you said, and I hope that other people did as well, that you are perfect how you are right now.

Because I think that part of the big stress undercurrent of our entire lives is trying to be something that we're not right now.

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: You know? And I felt very at peace and settled in that moment, and I know you didn't say that to hit me like that, but it did, and I really hope that the rest of us can experience that as well.

Just to take a moment to understand that you are enough. You are perfect as you are right now.

All of your life conditions that you've been through, and that you've overcome, you're at this place right now, and it is beautiful.

Isabel Price: Yeah. Yeah, even if you are 400 pounds, or 150 pounds. Like whatever those pounds say on the scale, you got to this place in your life for a reason.

Like I don't believe in coincidences or luck. Right? My dad was an entrepreneur, and my mom was very, very sick almost my entire life. Right?

This is not a coincidence, right? Like God has a divine plan, and He was like, "You need a dad who's an entrepreneur so you have a business mind, and you need to go through this with your mom so that you can bring forth this message into the world."

Right? And the advantage that God has that we don't have is that He sees the whole plan. Right? He sees the whole thing start to finish. We don't. We just see this moment.

So that person who's struggling with their weight, they only see that moment. Right? But they don't see what this could be, right?

Like maybe this is the way you're going to encourage other people to get healthy. Like let's all get healthy together, right?

I had a friend who said to me a couple weeks ago, she said, "Isabel, what if I never lost any weight but all I did was just work on being healthy?"

I'm like, "Amen! Like, yes! Yes!" That would be great, because you don't have to lose weight. Now, you want to feel good, you want to be healthy, you want to take care of this body that you have. But no, you don't have to. You're perfect the way that you are.

Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. I love that so much, and I didn't know you were going to mention that, but I've said this before many times on the show, but life qualifies you for what you're doing now.

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: And the statement goes- and depending on your faith, but you could say that, 'God doesn't call the qualifed, God qualifies the called.'

Isabel Price: Yes.

Shawn Stevenson: Or, 'Life doesn't call the qualified, life qualifies the called.' And so the conditions that you were in enabled you, but you still have to say yes to it. That's the thing, you know?

At some point you have to have that divine 'yes.' And so same thing with what I do. I was in these certain conditions that qualified me to do what I'm doing today.

I was reluctant to be behind a microphone or to be on a stage in a sense. Like I definitely wanted to be like New Edition. I wanted to do a little bit, but at the same time, I was very shy.

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: And by being shy, and being quiet, I listened a lot and I would hear not just the words people would say, but the texture, and the tenor, and the intention behind those words.

Like I realized it's not just what you say, it's how you say it. And so these little things would come up, and also my life, and going through a condition that was so-called incurable.

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: And all of those things would just qualify me. Because I could have stood in that place, and if you would have told me then that I was perfect, and for me to just accept it in that moment, that life was qualifying me for the next step, it could change everything.

And so that's what I'm wanting people to get, is that life has qualified you for what's next. Right? Your life right now.

It might not seem perfect, but you are, and it's just been all this divine process taking place. And now at some point - it could be right now - you have that divine 'yes' to really take things to another level.

Wow. So alright, even though- again, you being in this field, and having the audacity to tell people, "You don't need to lose weight," and getting that conversation going, and changing how we're talking to ourselves, there are also two gifts that you talk about.

There's two gifts that you say that we're born with. So we've got already accept that we're perfect as we are, but two gifts, so what are these two gifts?

Isabel Price: So a friend shared this with me a couple weeks ago. He said he heard a pastor once say, "God gave me these two gifts. He gave me this temple, and He gave me a message." Right? "And unfortunately, if my temple goes, my message goes with it."

And it's just- it's so true, right? I mean, Shawn, like you have a message, right? And you bring that message into the world. And if your body is no longer here, if Shawn goes, then the message goes with Shawn. Right?

And I think we really need to remember that because we all have a message for this world, whatever that is.

You don't have to be on a podcast to do it, you don't have to sell programs on the Internet to do it. Your message could be right in your home to your children, right?

Your message could be at a school if you're a teacher. Right? But in order to do that, you have to take care of your body so that you're still here to bring forth that message. Right?

So then people would be like, "Well, Isabel, what if I walk out and I get hit by a bus?" And I'm like, "Listen, you control what you can control, and let God control the rest."

Right? But we know that we have control over what we can control. Look, my mom could have gotten that transplant and woken up and gone right back to the fast food, and the bread.

But the nine years that that transplant and eating healthy gave her, she got to meet all three of her grandsons - two of them being my kids - and she poured into them in a way that they still talk about her now. Right?

She had a message that she still had to bring forth into the world, and she took good care of herself, and she was able to do that.

You know, when I first heard that, that we have this temple and this message to bring forth, I really thought about my husband.

So my husband now volunteers as a football coach at the local high school, and he's played football his whole life, he played football in college.

Shawn Stevenson: Shout-out to Stuart.

Isabel Price: Oh, Stuart is just it. Okay? Stuart is my hero. So he played football in college, and he got hurt, and he- but still played, right?

So now he has a bad back, right? So he is constantly having to take care of his back, right? So with the foam rolling, and eating the anti-inflammatory foods, and the 'keeping my core strong,' and all of that.

And now he volunteer coaches at the local high school, and for him, it's not about football. It's about pouring into these boys, and teaching them good life skills, what it means to be a good man, what it means to be disciplined, what it means to work hard.

You know, what it means to really like live a life that- someone who follows Christ. Like that is Stuart's message, right? That's his mission.

And he says, "If I don't take care of my body, I can't bring that to these kids." Right?

So you know, and he's had his ups and downs, right? Like when his back hurts, he's like, "Man, I need to get out there and do what God has really called me to do."

And if he didn't- if he didn't, who would be missing out? Those boys, right? The world. And I think for a lot of people, think about who would be missing out?

Like Shawn, how many hundreds of thousands of people would be missing out if you hadn't done what you did? And you read those reviews every single week, and that stuff is real. Right?

Like these people, they have been changed. Right? That stuff is real. So we've got to take care of these temples to do it.

Shawn Stevenson: Those kinds of moments, those stories get me thinking about like the paradigm of like A Christmas Carol or It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart, and just like what if I wasn't here and how the world would be different?

And it gives me a sense of- because all of us are looking for that feeling of, 'I matter.' A feeling of, 'I'm special.' You know? We are all looking for that, and hopefully we will have that instilled in us as children, but there are a lot of people who don't get that.

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: But our soul is still searching for it, and we'll find that sense of 'I matter' or 'I'm special' maybe through connection with a game, maybe through connection with folks who are doing drugs and alcohol.

Maybe it's connection with people who are doing whatever. You know? There's all these different scenarios, but we're all trying to find that place where we feel like we matter, where we feel like we're appreciated, and we can do that in a positive, healthful way, or we can do that in a detracting way.

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: But we have to kind of- and this is what I wanted to have you on for, was to talk about our deeper human needs. Right? The things that we really need so that we feel more capable to do those action steps.

It's not- and I love that you talked about this. It's not like, 'I have to.' You know? You just get to that place where you just feel like, 'This is who I am, this is what I want to do, it feels good. Thank you.'

Right? And so let's talk about some of those things. Let's talk about some of the qualities that we should kind of aim to develop for our character for us to really- weight loss is going to be a side effect of developing these internal character traits.

Isabel Price: Yeah. Well, I really think it's two statements that if all of us truly believed them, then everything else falls into place.

And the first one is, 'I am enough.' Right? And really believing that you have everything that you need right now. Right?

Because here we are, we're just constantly, constantly searching and seeking. Right?

"So, why do you want to lose weight?" "Well, because I want to take a good picture and post it on Instagram."

"Well, why do you want to do that?" "Well, because I want a lot of likes, and I want people to look and me and think that my life is perfect."

"Well, why do you want that?" Right? "Because I want to feel loved, and I just don't feel loved right now, and I want to feel loved."

So when you just keep asking those questions, it always goes back to, 'I am enough.'

And then the second one is, 'I am not alone.' Right? You are not alone. And I feel like people want to lose weight so that they can maybe find a life partner, or maybe more people will like them, or maybe they'll appear in a certain way. Right?

But you know, a lot of people feel isolated because of- and sometimes - and we don't have to go into the deep psychology of this.

Sometimes people purposely isolate themselves with the weight, right? Because they don't want anyone to know who they really are. They don't want to let people in.

But just know, you are enough, and you're not alone in this. Right? People will understand if you open up. And even though we have all of these friends on social media, people feel more alone now than ever before because there just isn't enough of this human connection; like this real, real human connection.

And if you open up to someone and say, "You know what? I just feel a lot of shame around my weight. I feel really bad that I got to this point."

Like, it's okay. Like, let it out. Like, let's talk about it. That was then, this is now. Like, who do you want to be now?

And to answer your question about the character traits, it's really asking the question, "Who do you want to be?" Right? "Who do I want to be?"

You know, I didn't think that we were going to talk about this, but it just came to me, so that must mean that we should talk about this.

My mom passed away three years ago, and right after she passed away, I was really, really struggling. Right?

And I had a call with our mutual friend, J.P. Now, I've known J.P. for a very, very long time. I don't know-

Shawn Stevenson: J.P. Sears that is, everybody.

Isabel Price: J.P. Sears, yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: We'll put that in the show notes. Go ahead. Go ahead, this is very interesting already.

Isabel Price: Okay, so I've known J.P. for a long time, maybe- I don't even know, twelve or thirteen years, and had a call with him, and he was like, "How are you doing?"

I'm like, "I'm not good. Like J.P., I'm struggling." You know? And everybody knows the super funny J.P., and I really- I know that J.P. too, but I really know the really being able to connect with people.

And he said, "Isabel, you're struggling because the only Isabel you know is the Isabel with a mom. And you don't know- you've never met the Isabel without a mom."

And I was like, "Whoa. Like, nobody tells you that when somebody passes." And he was like, "So you're mourning your mom, but you're mourning the Isabel with a mom."

He said, "So what I want you to do, is I want you to write out who is Isabel without a mom? Who do you want to be?" And he was saying that in a good way, right?

And I was like- and that, Shawn, just shifted me because I was like, "Well, who do I want to be? Like, who does my mom want me to be?" Right?

And you know, I get emotional still thinking about it, and I think people need to do that in the same way without somebody passing. Right?

Like okay, so you've gotten to this point in your life. You're very overweight, or you're not at the health that you want to be, but in this moment you get to choose. Like, who do you want to be?

Is it really like the Instagram model with the six-pack taking a picture of her glutes every other time? Like, is that really who you want to be?

If it is, then God bless. Like, you can do that. You know? But just tell me honestly, you know? And when you ask people that, they'll say like, "Man, I just want to be a good mom."

Like, "I just want to be a good daughter." Like, "I just want to wake up in the morning and not like have everything hurt." You know?

Like, "I've got grandkids now. Like, I don't care about having a six-pack. Like, I just want to chase after my grandkids." You know?

And I think if people just answer that question, then they'll see that getting to that point - getting to that healthy point - is actually a lot easier. Right?

Because look, for what I want to do, like I want to feel good each day, I want to feel good for my kids, I want to put on clothes that I like. You know what I mean?

That doesn't take like steamed broccoli and boiled chicken breast and two hour sessions at the gym. It doesn't. It takes some pilates, and yoga, and some squats, some pushups, some healthy eating.

Like, it doesn't have to be that complicated, but people really need to answer the question. Like, who do you want to be? Like, what do you really want? Who's the Shawn that you want to be.

Shawn Stevenson: Oh man, that story is so powerful. Oh my goodness. Shout-out to J.P., and shout-out to you for having that awakening. You know? And taking that, and to doing what you're doing now.

Wow, that's just incredible.

Just to backtrack a little bit, when I would hear that before, I didn't think that it was enough to hear, "You are enough." And the way that you articulated that, I think that- I know that I really felt something different from it to really understand that.

Because it's from that place- once you know you are enough, and then to create or to write out who do you want to be?

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: Right? I think you've got to get there first. I think it's much more difficult to write out the life that you want. You won't give yourself permission if you don't know that you're already enough.

So thank you for that, and also 'you are not alone.' A lot of these conditions when folks are struggling with a sense of connection, relationships, and also our weight, a lot of it happens in isolation.

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: You know? We're going to have a tendency to not binge eat around other people, right? Or binge eat around other people who are specifically healthier folks. You know?

And so having the audacity to get yourself in a different environment, and to first of all know that literally we are all connected. I mean literally. You know?

Isabel Price: Amen. Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: And so if we look at even string theory, or just understanding things like- Princeton University did some research- even just now how we're sitting here talking.

Our brain waves are already linked up. Alright? So they can see this. They can literally monitor folks' brain waves. You get around another person, your brains sync up. Alright?

Isabel Price: Isn't that amazing? Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: You think like, "Are we like birds? You know, they do the whole formation. Can humans do that?" On a whole different level, you know?

We see that in nature, but we don't realize that we have that connection. We are social creatures. This is how we got here to this place. It's not in isolation.

So you can have the moniker of being an introvert. I'm not going to take that from you because I dig it, you know? I like to be by myself with books, alright?

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: A lot of times, you know? But with our mutual friend, Craig Ballantyne, when he was on last and he talked about his struggles with anxiety, and this extreme latching onto the label of being introverted.

He would hide out from people, like literally asking hotels to put him on a low floor so he doesn't have to be in an elevator with people. Right?

Isabel Price: Wow.

Shawn Stevenson: It's just like, "Oh my goodness," but there are many people who are doing that; finding ways to creatively avoid others.

And I know we all do this in some form or fashion in our lives. First of all, it's just like, "Why are you calling me? Okay? Because do you understand, like you could text that stuff, first of all. Or you know, DM me, or whatever."

People call people still, and this is what's so different about certain friends of mine. Like they'll literally call me, you know?

It's like C.J. is jumping in my mind. You know? He'll just call and it's just like- it's refreshing when it doesn't happen a lot. You know? But I could see the stress that would come from talking to people. Right?

But instead of trying to find ways to hide out from connection, let's proactively find ways to further connection, if that makes sense.

Isabel Price: Yeah. Yeah, and the right connection. Right? Like the connection that just really fuels you. Right?

Like we were together in San Diego just a couple weeks ago, and Craig was there, and Bedros was there, and my friend Shanda was there, and her husband- I mean, I came back, I'm like, "Man, like I just feel-" I felt energized, you know?

Shawn Stevenson: Did you say I was there? Because I don't think I heard me.

Isabel Price: No, I said we were there. Like we were there together.

Shawn Stevenson: Okay, we. I didn't know if it was French.

Isabel Price: Yeah, no, no, no. We were there together, and our friend Joel was there. I mean, it was just- I came back and I felt good, but I felt different than I had like years back when I used to go to stuff like that.

I would come back and I'd feel energized in a bad way. I'd be like, "I've got to do more. I've got to do more. Blah, blah, blah is doing this, and I've got to do it."

It was just that constant hustle, which literally was like the issue with the coffee, really. It was like, was I addicted to coffee? No, I was just addicted to doing so much. Right?

Like more, more, more, more. Right? You know, why? Like impress more people, make more money.

But this time, I came back energized just in a good way. You know? Like Shawn is doing this, and my friend Joel is doing this, and Shanda spoke, and she was great, and Craig is up there.

You know? Like just really being happy for everyone because like I'm enough. Right? Doing my thing.

Shawn Stevenson: Yes, oh my goodness.

Isabel Price: And Shawn's enough doing his thing, and we can each do our own thing. You know? Like a lot of people say, like stay in your lane, and be happy for other people in their lane. Right? And wave to them in their lane.

"Hey! Your lane is looking good! Good for you!" And just doing it from that place.

Shawn Stevenson: I pictured that, "Roll your window down. You." "What?" Yes, you'll remember this later. Oh my goodness.

Yeah, you know what's so crazy? Is that I felt the same way, you know? I don't know if it's just our brain waves syncing up right now.

Isabel Price: Probably. Yeah, because you were sitting next to me, so yeah, so you caught it. Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: But you know, it just felt really good after- for me it was the whole week of- first, we had the Take Control Conference, and then shooting with 24 Hour Fitness. Shout-out to those guys.

I should be on your television monitors, whoever's at 24 Hour Fitness. And doing multiple episodes of the show, but connecting with our friends Craig Ballantyne, Tim Grover, and I went by some of my friends' organizations there.

But then, for Craig's event- because this is what I want to throw this out there for everybody too is that for myself personally, I speak at events all over the world, but every year I strive to pick two events just to go, and I'm not doing nothing.

I'm not getting on the stage, I'm just going to just absorb. Right? And the thing is it might be 80% to 90% of the stuff that you already know, and you might be applying a lot of that, but there's going to be something.

Maybe a couple somethings that can change your life if you're just getting out, being proactive, getting in the environment, and I most definitely got those things.

And you know, when I left there, it wasn't this like- because I've done that too, just like, "Let's go."

Isabel Price: Yeah. "More hustle. More Hustle." Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: Breaking the two by four or whatever, you know? But it was more like, "Yes." Because I could see, like it's going in this direction, and now I have these things to support me. It just felt a lot more graceful at this point.

Isabel Price: Yeah, and I encourage people- we're talking about like a business setting, right? But so much more than just business happens in those settings. Right? Because we talk about so much.

But I really encourage people to find that type of loving setting when it comes to their health. Don't go to the gym if you don't like the gym. Right?

Don't go to the yoga class because all the girls look perfect and they're wearing their Lulu outfits if that's not what resonates with you.

But find your place where you just know you can go there and you are safe, right? And what I mean safe, safe to say whatever you need to say, safe to cry if you need to cry. Like just find that place. And it might not be easy. Right?

Shawn Stevenson: You've got to experiment.

Isabel Price: You might have to go through a couple different places before you find it. Right? Some people find Crossfit and they're like, "That's just my family." Right?

Shawn Stevenson: Absolutely.

Isabel Price: Like that's how you want to feel, like you're going somewhere and it's like your family. You want to be there.

Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. I love that so much. And speaking of family, my family - and I know you love them, too - but I've got two boys. Alright?

The older one, you know my son Jordan who's eighteen right now, he gets up first thing, because he's about those gains right now as an athlete.

And like he's getting another extra meal in early, but man, he eats a lot of food. You know, the same thing with my younger son now, he's really just like- he's on that snack life. You know?

A lot of parents feel like they're the garcon of their child and always dealing with snacks, but obviously it can be a big expense. You know?

And for me, I wanted to be able to get rid of that excuse because when I got into this field, and I first changed the way that I was eating, a lot of stuff was not accessible to me.

Like I was going to Whole Foods, Wild Oats was around at that time, and I was spending money I didn't have trying to get this thing I was supposed to get; organic, and this, and that.

But for me, number one, it was an investment, and so I saw it like that and definitely I won. Right? I came out on top of that investment.

So that's step level one; understanding that it is an investment. But for a lot of folks, it doesn't matter. Like they can't see the midterm or even longer term, and so I want to eliminate that barrier of entry of like, "This costs too much."

And so that's when Thrive Market reached out to me a while back - years ago, a couple years ago now - and I was just like- I was looking at the model, I was going and buying stuff from their site, and I was seeing like, "I just saved $79" buying the same stuff from Whole Foods, and I literally was like- I felt kind of bad like, "This can't be right."

And you know, when I talked with Gunnar who's the CEO, and I was just like, "How are you guys making money?" And of course it is a revenue generating organization, but they have a deeper mission, and they're doing a lot of stuff the right way.

So number one, you can get whether it's gluten-free foods, Paleo foods, vegetarian foods, whatever thing you subscribe to, they have it all categorized, curated the very best companies to provide that food for you, and personal care products, household cleaning products, and things like that so you're not dousing your laundry with a bunch of these chemicals and parabens and all of this stuff.

They've got all of it at sometimes upwards of 50% off. Usually 25% to 50% off the price you'd find, and I was saving all this money, and telling other people about it.

But then I found out this other thing, which is every paid membership, they give away a membership to a low-income family, veteran. It's amazing. It was just blowing my mind, and just making it so easy for people, and so I know that you love them too.

Isabel Price: Oh yeah, every week. Every week, Thrive boxes come to the house.

Shawn Stevenson: So what kind of stuff are you getting when you order from Thrive?

Isabel Price: So I'll get like almond flour, coconut flour. I feel like the prices are the best on Thrive. We'll get like Paleo crackers, and stuff that at Whole Foods it's like $7, on Thrive it's like $4.99 or something like that. You know?

So that's the kind of stuff we get. Quinoa noodles- oh my goodness, all kinds of stuff just every week.

Shawn Stevenson: I get the Paleo mayo- the Primal Kitchen chipotle mayo.

Isabel Price: Yes! Yes, the mayo.

Shawn Stevenson: I'm not ever going to run out. I mean, I buy like four at a time.

Isabel Price: Like people can't get it on Thrive because Shawn has them all pretty much? Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: It was sold out one time. I was like, "So what?" But no, real talk, and also snack bars for the kids, they've got different sprouted rice, sprouted quinoa, and again, you're saving dollars on everything. You know?

And that really adds up especially over the course of a year. We're on track to save I think almost $1,000. What can you do with that extra money? You know?

That can be something to support a vacation, education, going to a live event. You're saving money buying great food for yourself, and then having that back in your pocket. It's just amazing.

So anyways, Pop over there, check them out. It's together as one word, 'modelhealth.'

And not only do you already get 25% to 50% off the retail prices you would find at other stores, but you also- your first purchase, you're going to get an additional 25% off your first purchase off your entire cart. Alright?

Yes it is true, you're welcome. Alright? And also they give free shipping on that first one as well. So pop over there, check them out.

Free membership for thirty days for you, and just keep the membership because it's just going to keep paying you back over and over and over again. Alright,

Alright, I want to talk to you about you, your routine. I'm curious.

Isabel Price: Oh goodness, I didn't know we were going to talk about this.

Shawn Stevenson: There's a lot of different flavors of things, like you said, and I know it's probably changed over the years.

Isabel Price: Yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: So ten years ago, Isabel, what was she doing versus what are you doing today?

Isabel Price: Yeah. So as far as like a daily routine?

Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, because I mean like were you into Crossfit back in the day? Or were you at the gym hitting it hard and now it's like more Pilates? Like what's that look like.

Isabel Price: Yeah, well now I sleep more. Which is- yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: I'm just going to go ahead and do that.

Isabel Price: Due to you, so that's really just great. So as far as my health routine, I kind of divide it up in the week. Like I make sure I have two days of some kind of strength training.

I make sure I have one day of like a sort of Yoga Flow. I'm sort of reluctant to even call it yoga because I don't really know anything about yoga. I just kind of- I don't know.

Shawn Stevenson: Do your own.

Isabel Price: Do something that's like, "This might be yoga." But it's just-

Shawn Stevenson: Call it your own, 'Jenga.'

Isabel Price: Yeah, that's it, right?

Shawn Stevenson: You're doing these Jenga- Twister Jenga.

Isabel Price: But it's just more like so that I can stretch, and move my body around. I have a rebounder, right? So that's what I do for cardio. I kind of do like the rebound thing, right? I do that.

And what I do now is all throughout the day, I get up about every forty-five minutes to an hour and I'll do squats and pushups, bridges, get on the floor.

So I just consistently move all day long so that I don't have to do like an hour workout in the morning. I'm just always kind of squatting, and I have like a pullup door in the door frame.

I have a kettlebell that's kind of hanging out there, and I'll do a couple kettlebell swings, and then I go into my next meeting. Right? So I go into my next meeting, I'm like, "Hey."

Shawn Stevenson: I love that.

Isabel Price: So I kind of just space it out throughout the day, and every single day unless it's raining, I go for a walk with my kids. So we go on a little nature walk, sometimes they ride their bikes and I walk with them, but almost every single day we go for a walk.

So I told you my kids are in Disney right now with my husband, and when they were leaving, my youngest who's seven, he said, "Mommy? Are you still going to go on walks without us?"

And I was like, "I might. I might go on a walk." So that's kind of my routine because listen, I'm not competing in fitness anytime soon, I'm not going to be a bodybuilder anytime soon, and that's like my mommy/entrepreneur protocol. Right?

Like I want to feel good during the day, I want to keep myself at some good strength, and that's pretty much what I do.

Shawn Stevenson: I love that so much. It's a huge like opportunity for some folks, and a tool, is instead of having this idea like you need to have this totally structured workout five times a week, this and that.

My biggest thing, and what I've seen to be the biggest thing lacking as far as fitness for people; it's not a lack of deadlifts, it's not a lack of cardio, it's a lack of just being more active through the day.

Isabel Price: Yes.

Shawn Stevenson: That is the biggest thing. And we talk about keeping your metabolism on point. The issue- like we think about this in terms of food a lot, as far as our metabolism is concerned.

You know, I was- and this is so wrong, but I would teach people fifteen years ago as a personal trainer that if you don't eat breakfast, your metabolism isn't on.

Isabel Price: Oh, I was there, too. I was there, too.

Shawn Stevenson: Right? So it's just like if your metabolism isn't on, you're dead.

Isabel Price: Right, yeah.

Shawn Stevenson: Like you're not even here. Right? It's just not true. It is working, but there is an uptake when you eat. Right? You are going to burn calories when you consume calories ironically.

But you could also end up with a net gain, right? Because you're not looking for a net gain necessarily. But exercise can do that same thing in adjusting what your metabolism is doing.

And you know, there's this concept that exercise pulls oxygen consumption when you do a workout, but you get a litle hit of that every time when you just- like you said.

And so this is what I want people to do, and take this on if this feels right, like a good fit for you.

After every so often, maybe it's as you're changing tasks. So it sounds like you chunk your schedule. But forty-five minutes to an hour, just do like twenty bodyweight squats and twenty pushups, and adjust them how you want. Right? And then move onto the next thing, or bang out forty jumping jacks.

Isabel Price: I wish I could remember who I heard it from. Man, it's a female author, but anyway maybe it'll come to me. She said like most people are going to the gym for an hour in the morning and then they're sitting for eight hours.

I'm like, "Oh my goodness, that's me." So now, I just kind of cut it short in the morning, and I do a little something to get myself going, and by the end of the day, I may have done more than an hour workout. You know?

Especially if I do a lot of bodyweight squats that day. Yeah, I mean we're just working out, going to that spin class, and then sitting our tail in the chair all day.

Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.

Isabel Price: It's like okay, well that's not good either.

Shawn Stevenson: And it's not just even the metabolism part, but just the functionality. Like you're becoming very- we're creating our bodies- because our body adapts to the environment, becoming very good at sitting in chairs.

Isabel Price: Yes.

Shawn Stevenson: Right? And not to do the things that we really want to do. And this is why we see more injuries taking place. So that's another reason to be active. But the person who I first learned about that from was Katie Bowman.

Isabel Price: That's who it was. That's who it was. And maybe I heard her on your podcast. That's exactly who it was.

Shawn Stevenson: I would hope so.

Isabel Price: Yeah. I only listen to your podcast, Shawn.

Shawn Stevenson: That's right. That's right. I'm just like, "Yeah, let me get your phone right now." But with Katie, she said that- so even if you go to the gym, you work out one hour a day, you're only 4% more active than the rest of the sedentary population.

Isabel Price: Wow. Wow.

Shawn Stevenson: Right? But here's the thing, that 4% does matter for sure.

Isabel Price: Right.

Shawn Stevenson: But what we want to do is live more like our genes expect us, which is to be more active through the day.

And so for us, if you don't have to go out and forage, or to go and gather your water, the things that we historically would have been doing- or hunting during the day, we do need to simulate.

So this would be like go ahead and knock out a few squats and lunges and call it a session right there and move onto the next thing. You can go jump on that mini rebounder. That's a thing my friend Aubrey Marcus does.

He's got the rebounder in his office, and I like to think it's because he only listens to my podcast as well.

Isabel Price: You know what? We just follow what you say, Shawn. We just do what you say.

Shawn Stevenson: So yeah, I love that and that approach. So what about as far as nutrition? Are you like a big breakfast person? Are you like- like what are you into? I know it's different for everybody, but I'm just curious what you're doing right now.

Isabel Price: I'm really like- I love routine. Right? I really do love routine. So I get up around 5:30 in the morning, and I'll make myself a mushroom kind of tea coffee because that's what Shawn taught me to do.

Every once in a while, maybe I'll have like some Matcha tea and I'll put some coconut oil and like almond milk in there. So that's- and some collagen powder, so that's like really filling. Right? So that's like 5:30.

So by the time I have breakfast, it's like 8:30 or 9:00 in the morning, and my breakfast is usually ginormous. Right? And it's like a huge dinner. Right?

So it's like chicken wings, and vegetables, and quinoa, and like cucumbers and carrots. Like if you looked at it, you'd be like, "This girl is eating dinner." You know?

And that's my breakfast, right? I don't know, I need like a lot of food in the morning, and I've already kind of done my little mini workout.

And then I kind of do the same thing for lunch, but it's a little bit lighter, and I hate saying this, but many times I'm just kind of eating lunch as I'm working. Right?

So it's that same meal that's there, it's a little smaller. I'll have some bone broth in the afternoon, and then me and the kids eat dinner pretty early, 5:30 or 6:00.

And that one, it's almost like it's the same meal that just is like ginormous, medium size, and then a little bit smaller. And then before bed, like maybe I'll have like a turmeric golden milk.

Our friend, Drew, right? I'll make the gold, which is so good. I had that at Drew's house. I went to Drew's house a couple months ago, and he made that for all of us. I was like, "Give me like ten of these."

Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, Organifi Gold. Yeah.

Isabel Price: So yeah, so I'll do that.

Shawn Stevenson: I just gave him some today.

Isabel Price: Oh yeah, it's just so great. Or sometimes I'll make my own, right? I'll do some turmeric, and ginger, and do that before bed.

So yeah, I'm just- like my plate always looks like a good amount of protein, whether that's chicken, turkey, beef, bison, fish, whatever it is.

Some veggies, cooked and raw, and then maybe some quinoa, some brown rice, some sweet potatoes, some butternut squash, whatever it is. That's like a typical Isabel plate.

Shawn Stevenson: Isabel plate. You were like, "Chicken, turkey," I thought it was that 'You Name It' song. I just started singing in my head.

So man, I could just talk to you about so many things, but I want to shift gears back to the new program because of you understanding that this conversation needs to shift off of just talking about food and fighting ourselves, and changing the conversation that we're having within our own minds and hearts, and helping people to do that. You know?

Actually working with folks to get them to that place where they're actually experiencing that, "I am enough," and using that as a launching pad to really- allowing that message that you talked about to come forth in our lives right now so we can execute on the thing that we are here to do as an individual.

So can you talk a little bit more about the program, where can people get it?

Isabel Price: So the new program is called The New Life Promise, and I really got to a point in this field, and helping people in nutrition that I just couldn't do it anymore without talking about the spiritual emotional component.

I just couldn't. It's just too hard for me to have a conversation with somebody about why they fell off the wagon again without being like, "Let's go a little deep here and see what's there."

So all the same principles that I've been teaching people for the past ten years- and updated, right? Because you and I, like we've learned a lot over the past couple years, so we continue to update it.

But the nutrition principles, they're pretty much very similar. Right? But it's the first part of the program which is really taking a deeper dive into, "What are the things you're telling yourself?" Right?

Like, "What is the story that you're telling yourself in your head? What are the words that you're speaking over yourself?"

Many times, the things that we say to ourselves are- we would never say them to our kids. Right? Or think about if Braden was walking around saying stuff like, "I'm worthless. There's just no hope for me. I just can't do it, Daddy." You would feel terrible, right?

You would feel terrible because you're like, "That's my son. No, you can do it." And I tell people like, "Just think about like God, who created you," right?

Like how does He feel when He hears you saying things to yourself like, "I can't do it. I'm just worthless. I've tried so many times, what's the point?"

So we start with that. That's the whole first part of the program. And then a big part of the program too is having this community; this safe community where you can go and we can talk about the stuff that's really holding you back.

We can pray together, we can encourage each other, and that's a part of the program, and that's just so, so important. Right?

Because like the Bible says, 'Where two or more are gathered, there I am." And you know, I started doing that a little bit on our current program page.

Like really just sharing scripture with people, and praying, and people just loved it. It was like, "Man, this is just what we need." And it was just confirmation for me, like okay this is the next step for me.

So it's called The New Life Promise. You can find it on my site, which is It's there, and yeah, I'm just so, so excited about it.

Shawn Stevenson: Awesome. I'm excited about you coming and spending time with me.

Isabel Price: Thank you.

Shawn Stevenson: You've again jusst been such a blessing in my life, and always seeking for ways to give, and to be of service, and it's just like you're one of my favorite people for real.

Like when I see you, I just feel like, "Man." Like I just want to be around you, and it's also just so amazing to hear your story because there are many things today that I didn't know, and to see where you are now, and the light that you're shining, and the people that you're impacting, and I know you're just getting started.

I know you are enough, but I know you're going to be just continuing to grow, and to reach more people in a very important way and powerful way. So I just wanted to thank you for that.

Isabel Price: Yeah. Thank you, Shawn. That means a lot.

Shawn Stevenson: You're welcome. You're welcome. Can you let everybody know where they can connect with you online and give them that URL as well again.

Isabel Price: Yeah, so it's And then on social media, IsabelDPrice on Instagram and on Facebook.

Shawn Stevenson: Perfect. Isabel, thank you so much for coming in.

Isabel Price: Oh, you're welcome, Shawn. This has been great.

Shawn Stevenson: Awesome. Everybody, thank you so much for tuning into the show today. Again, one of my favorite people, and you probably know why.

And this is a really important conversation to have because today more than ever, a lot of folks, we have so much connection online, but far less connection in the real world.

And we don't want to mistake the two because those friends on social media, they might be kind of friends in a strange way, but in reality we need connection, we need deeper conversations, we need proximity. You know?

So getting out of our little boxes that we can put ourselves in, and of course engaging in online community, but let's do that at a higher level as well, and let's take the steps necessary to engage with that in the real world too.

And that's just one of my big takeaways, because even as I talked about it with Isabel- last time I saw her was at an event that I did not have to go to, right?

But I made a decision that this is something I need to do for myself to continue to grow me. And because I'm around a lot of this stuff all the time, but there's always another level, and- but coming into this was very different because feeling - like she said - that I am enough, I'm at a really good place.

And it just felt really good, and it felt good to connect and to see her there, and it was a catalyst for her being here today.

And so just keep that in the back of your mind. Let's engage more with higher quality conversations with our virtual community, but also take action.

Maybe you can take that little tip from me of maybe it's just one event each year, but for me, two events every year for myself, for my growth, for my support of my mission, and who I am, and who I want to be.

And also, this is a great opportunity to again remember that you- outside of all the stuff that we've talked about today, remembering that you're not alone, and that there is something special about you.

There's a life force, there's an energy that helped to create you, and really starting to understand how valuable, and how much that really means.

Because there are so many different realities that you could be experiencing right now, but you are here, and you have the capability to hear my voice, and to elevate yourself, and just again remembering how special and powerful you are.

But you need to get to that place where you eventually have that divine yes, and you say yes to your greater mission, you say yes to living a life on purpose, you say yes to really tapping into your unique beauty and your unique greatness.

Because you have a gift, you have a talent, you have a capacity that has never been seen before in the history of all things. And you are here right now to express that, but it's only going to happen when you say yes. Alright? And it's time.

So I appreciate you so much. Thank you for tuning into the show today. If you got some value out of this, make sure to share it out with your friends and family on social media.

Tag me, tag Isabel, let her know what you thought of the episode. And please know, we've got some fire. We've got some incredible episodes coming up. Alright?

Some incredible guests and show topics all for you, alright? So make sure to stay tuned. Take care, have an amazing day, and I'll talk with you soon.

And for more after the show, make sure to head over to That's where you can find all of the show notes, you can find transcriptions, videos for each episode, and if you've got a comment you can leave me a comment there as well.

And please make sure to head over to iTunes and leave us a rating to let everybody know that the show is awesome, and I appreciate that so much.

And take care, I promise to keep giving you more powerful, empowering, great content to help you transform your life. Thanks for tuning in.

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  1. Love this episode awesome to listen to a God based message on your podcast. You both talked about going to events, I remember hearing about events on the Financial podcast wit Jamal King too. What events are you talking about?
    I feel drawn to better myself and ready to do something different in my life. I’m ready to change my circle of people in my life. You talk about feeling energized, I so want that.

  2. Love your message!



  3. Hello Shawn,
    Loved this episode. I’m a believer in Christ and it’s great to hear this on your show. At the end you mention you want to go to at least 2 events a year. What are Events? I’m curious because I feel drawn to do something new in my life and I want to change my circle and me around like minded people. It was even mentioned in the Financial podcast a couple episodes ago. I want to see if its something I’m interested in.
    Thank you God Bless.


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