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TMHS 787: Cereal Killers Reloaded!

The Model Health Show is the #1 Health & Fitness podcast on Apple Podcasts!

Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!

It’s never been easier to access information than it is today. Most of us have access to multiple devices with endless apps and notifications. While in some ways, having a wealth of information at our fingertips can be beneficial, it can also lead to overstimulation, distraction, and disconnection. On today’s show, you’re going to learn …

The human endocrine system is comprised of an entire network of organs and glands that control a myriad of processes in the body. Your endocrine system creates and releases hormones that control everything from your metabolism to your sexual function. And while the body is designed to filter out exposure to chemicals, our modern society …

“Let the world know why you’re here and do it with passion.” – Wayne Dyer On this special episode, we’re celebrating ten years of The Model Health Show by highlighting ten of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about growth and success along the way. We’re diving into topics like the power of goal setting and …

The beauty of creating a routine that supports your wellness is that aside from a few basic tenets, you can choose what types of practices fit your preferences and lifestyle. If you have access to a sauna, it can be an efficient means to reduce stress, enhance recovery, and lower inflammation. Although sauna therapy has …

Over the last few decades, the human environment has changed significantly. We’ve introduced new technologies, foods, and inputs into our daily life such as the widespread use of antibiotics, ultra-processed foods, and much more. But what we’ve overlooked is that rapid and extreme changes to our environment have had a negative effect on our microbiome …

As we age, there are a multitude of factors that influence our quality of life. Our nutrition, sleep quality, and movement practices all play a role in how our brains and bodies operate into our golden years. But the latest data affirms that the one factor that has the biggest influence on our health as …

Did you know that balancing your blood sugar can impact nearly every aspect of your health? Your skin, mood, inflammation levels, body composition, and much more are influenced by your glucose levels. If you can learn how to eat in a way that consistently supports stable blood sugar, you can transform your health. Today’s guest, …

We all encounter stress regularly in some capacity. Whether you have past traumas, injuries, or the stress of daily routines, our bodies can easily become overwhelmed by absorbing the hits and blows of life. And while stressful events are often avoidable, what we can focus on is building stronger, more resilient bodies that can recover …

In our fast-paced, modern society, it’s not uncommon to experience low energy, high stress, and trouble sleeping. If you struggle with symptoms like poor sleep or stress management, you might be among the thousands of folks who are suffering from adrenal dysfunction. And unfortunately, conventional medicine tends to dismiss symptoms of adrenal fatigue as normal …

Humans have been consuming various teas for thousands of years for a myriad of reasons. Whether you’re trying to unwind, soothe a scratchy throat, or warm up on a cold day, drinking a cup of hot tea can be a soothing ritual. In many cultures and traditions, tea also serves as a medicinal, health promoting …

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