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TMHS 791: Eat Like This To Boost Your Energy, Prevent Disease, & Live Longer! – With Dr. Casey Means

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Filtered by: "Nutrition"

Despite the low-fat trends of the past few decades, mounting evidence points to the importance of dietary fat for human health, particularly brain health. In fact, the dry weight of the human brain consists of about 60% fat. Fat is essential for brain function, but we need to consume certain types of fat in order …

There’s no denying the incredible power and resiliency that our bodies have. Every cell and system in your body is constantly at work trying to keep us alive and healthy. But due to our fast-paced lifestyles and convenience-based food systems, we’ve lost touch with the habits and patterns that support our body’s natural health promoting …

Have you ever noticed an uptick in your mood after a great workout or a relaxing massage? This is no coincidence, thanks in part to serotonin. Serotonin is a dual hormone and neurotransmitter that’s responsible for several critical roles in the body, including modulating mood, aiding in digestion, memory formation, and much more. On this …

We know that heart disease is the number one killer in the US, but aside from that, it turns out that much of what we know about how heart disease develops is wrong. In The Cholesterol Myth, Dr. Jonny Bowden makes a compelling argument about the real culprit for heart disease, why our cholesterol testing …

The healing and calming power of the breath has been recognized for thousands of years. There’s a reason why breathing is an important element of many yoga and meditation practices, childbirth techniques, mantras, stress management practices, and so much more. Our breath is an essential, evolutionary component of our body and mind.  Today’s guest, James …

Did you know that the kidney bean is actually good for your kidneys? Or that the brain-shaped walnut is proven to have brain boosting benefits? Coincidence or not, there are a long list of foods that have a striking resemblance to the body parts and systems they provide nutrients for.  On this episode of The …

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” – Isaac Asimov  At this time in human history, we have access to more information than ever before. A world of information is literally at our fingertips 24/7. Despite this, many folks are trapped in a system of …

Every year, we learn more about the role and function of the gut microbiome. Our microbiome plays a tremendous role in our overall health including regulating our immune system, body composition, and so much more. But even with our ever-expanding understanding of the microbiome, our modern-day habits and practices are failing to support our gut …

There are hundreds of different diet frameworks available, many of which have proven to be successful for a lot of folks. But the thing is, many of these frameworks promote conflicting information. It’s understandable why so many people are confused about what they should be putting on their plates. At the end of the day, …

Despite billions of dollars being invested into cancer treatment every year, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US. Cancer is one of the most prevalent health issues our society is facing today. Its devastating reach has impacted millions of people worldwide, hurting folks and their loved ones physically, emotionally, and financially.  …

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