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Filtered by: "General Health"

Plastic has become one of the most common and convenient substances in our modern world. Especially when it comes to food packaging and food storage, plastic has infiltrated the market, frequently used for everyday items like storing leftovers, bottled water, and baby bottles. However, plastic contains thousands of harmful compounds that have the potential to …

“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” – Jim Rohn Our fast-paced culture not only encourages busyness, but in some ways, it mandates it. Most folks have jam-packed schedules consisting of work obligations, commutes, family commitments, and more. But there’s a huge difference between being …

There’s a pervasive myth surrounding chronic illnesses. Far too many folks have fallen victim to the disempowering idea that our genes dictate our health outcomes. While variants of certain genes can be a risk factor for developing some conditions, genes alone cannot cause disease. The most important factor in determining your health is the choices …

“If you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger Almost everyone struggles on some level with incorporating exercise into their routine. Exercise is super important for your total body health, so implementing a routine can help improve your lifespan, boost your metabolism, decrease your BMI, …

Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.” -Anthony J. D’Angelo Relationships are the most influential factor in our health, and healthy relationships can literally transform our lives. But how do we know which relationships will be successful? Why is it so important to invest our time and energy in making them work? Today’s episode is jam-packed …

“A daily mind-body practice is non-negotiable.” ~Dr. Sara Gottfried Hard to imagine something worse than busting your tail to improve your health and seeing no progress. But being confronted with new research that seemingly erects additional hurdles can feel even more defeating. Doing battle with your genetic makeup sounds like a losing fight, right? Luckily, …

Genes play a part in every aspect of our health … but do our genes cause obesity and weight gain? What really fuels our metabolism and impacts our health? Is there any “alternative fuel” option that can make our bodies run smoothly - without side effects? Dr. Latt Mansor is a renowned world expert on …

There is a myriad of ways in which our Western diet and lifestyle are depleting our health, including their impact on gut health. Both your gut microbiome and the integrity of your gut lining are key components of your overall health, affecting your immune function, inflammation levels, and risk for chronic diseases. On today’s show, …

Blood glucose, or blood sugar, is your body’s main energy source. Although blood sugar is a critical part of your physiology, more is not better. Elevated blood sugar is a component of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, conditions that affect millions of Americans. But even if you have normal blood sugar, keeping your levels in …

“When you drop any new idea in the pond of the world, you get a ripple effect. You have to be aware that you will be creating a cascade of change.” – Joel A. Barker American culture is built on the foundation of busy schedules, desk jobs, screen time, and a myriad of factors that …

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