Filtered by: "Fitness"
All exercise is not created equal. Just like calories, there are good forms, not-so-good forms, and everything in between. To get the body and health you want, it’s critical that you learn to exercise smarter and not just harder. In our society of over-indulgence, we can latch on to the idea that if a little …
Continue reading “TMHS 092: Top 15 Ways To Do HIIT For Fat Loss (And What Makes HIIT So Effective)”
Traveling can be a sticky health situation. Airports, restaurants, hotels, hopping around from place-to-place, and long periods of being cooped up in a car or airplane can all have different challenges associated with them. Today, you're about to be equipped with the ultimate travel guide to maintain your health, fitness, and energy while traveling. What's …
You likely won’t get to your destination if you have the wrong map. Each and every year people all over the world set out to change their lives in honor of the New Year. It’s a fresh start; a chance for something better. Yet, the reality is that most of us fall well short of …
The word ninja was once used to designate someone highly trained in martial arts (masked, deadly, and absolutely nothing to do with mutant turtles). Currently, if you look up the definition of ninja, you’ll see that it’s used in a slightly different way. A ninja in our world today is defined as a person who …
One of the biggest mistakes in conventional medicine has been the disconnection between psychology and movement. The health of your brain, nervous system, and endocrine system are all intimately tied to your ability to move. A lack of natural movement creates stagnation in your mental, physical, and emotional health. But, what is natural movement anyway? …
Since its inception, the movie industry has heavily influenced the behavior of our culture. Most notably, Hollywood is unmatched at setting the bar for how we strive towards our health and fitness goals. What guy wouldn’t want to swipe the look of Hugh Jackman in X-Men: Days of Future Past? (Minus the bushy sideburns, of …
You’re going to be shocked to find out how much your liver function impacts your body’s fat loss (or lack thereof). Your liver is often referred to as the “second brain” of your body, and for good reason. Your liver has responsibilities in regulating hormone function, assimilating nutrients, and handling insulin, just to name a …
Continue reading “TMHS 068: Boost Your Fat Loss With These 5 Tips For A Healthy Liver”
To be the best, you need to learn from the best. We can avoid so much of the typical struggle period in getting what we want if we simply follow those that have come before us. Why try and reinvent the wheel when we’re not just rolling, but flying now? If you’re going to play …
Can losing weight really be that difficult? Isn’t it as simple as eat less, burn more, and you’ll see that scale move, or did we all just miss the memo? Millions of people worldwide struggle with conventional weight loss methods each year, and less than 10 percent of them keep the weight off long-term. Logically …
There is no such thing as a welcomed injury. When you’re rolling along enjoying your sport or exercise, an injury can make you out-of-sorts, in pain, and even depressed. So, what do we need to heal quickly from an injury? And better yet, what do we need to do to prevent more injuries in the …
Continue reading “TMHS 052: Exercise & Sports Injury Healing And Prevention”