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Filtered by: "Fitness"

Why not start your body off each day in a fat-burning state? It’s as easy as drinking a glass of water… and here’s why. A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that drinking just 17 ounces of water can increase your metabolic rate by up to 30%. Wait, what?! …

There are many paths to our fitness goals. Some will get you there faster than others. And some will get you there so overly yolked that you look like crossfitting, keto eating Hulk Hogan. Having 24 inch pythons like Hulk Hogan probably isn’t the goal for everyone. But getting to our body composition and fitness …

For generations, many of us have aspired to be like the heroes and heroines we see on the big screen. The charisma, the confidence, and, of course, the incredible physiques have motivated people to hit the gym for decades. Morris Chestnut is definitely on that list of favorite fit actors for millions of people. In …

I remember playing the hot potato game when I was a little kid. The music plays, and the “hot potato” (usually a tiny beanbag) is passed around by kids in a circle. When the music stops, if you’re the unlucky one holding the potato, you’re out! The potato makes you lose. Well, maybe that silly …

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a professor, a trainer, a coach, a well-meaning gym buddy, a special news report, or a random passerby say that you need to do more cardio to burn more fat, I’d have Scrooge McDuck level cash in my account. If so many people say it, …

Saying that this will change your life is an understatement. What we were taught about conventional exercise is running people into the ground (literally) and our society isn’t any healthier as a result of it. Today you’re going to get the truth about the most important form of exercise for human health and fitness. It’s …

Conventional wisdom says that your body burns fat as a whole, and that you can’t “spot-eliminate” fat. Well, if conventional wisdom had a nose, it would be growing like Pinocchio’s right now. In past episodes we’ve discussed how your body actually burns fat, how it’s eliminated, and what fat even is in the first place. …

What does a good sandwich, an Oreo cookie, and a Hot Pocket all have in common? Well, even though I might not be sycked to eat any of those things, it’s the stuff in the middle that makes them what they are. Without the fixings in the middle of the sandwich, you’d just be eating …

When we set out on a journey to get to a destination, we don’t always know what’s in store for us on the road (or if that road might take us somewhere totally unexpected). The important thing is that we embark on our journey, and, as the wise writer Paulo Coelho says, discover our own …

Burning fat is an inside job. Your body has an innate intelligence that’s designed to burn more fat for fuel, or to store more fat for a rainy day. The most important realization you'll ever have is that this intelligence is all based on the programming you give it. The good news is that there …

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