Listen to my latest podcast episode:

836: How to Use STRATEGY to Build Your Health, Community, & Life – With Seth Godin

TMHS 631: Use These Mindset Shifts to Create More Confidence, Health, & Success – with Dr. Michael Beckwith

Because life is full of ups and downs, from time to time we all need a change of perspective, inspiration, and a reminder of how powerful we are to affect change. Personally, when I find myself in need of wisdom, guidance, and a general mindset shift, one of the first people I turn to is Dr. Michael Beckwith. Dr. Beckwith is one of the most sought-after meditation teachers, speakers, and thought leaders.

On this special compilation episode, I’m bringing you two of my favorite interviews with Dr. Michael Beckwith. You’re going to hear about topics like setting an intention for your life, how to create lasting change, and upgrading your mindset. This episode is about tapping into your personal power to create better results, how upgrading your awareness can change your life, and how to improve your results by simply changing the questions you ask.

You’re also going to learn tools for changing your internal dialogue, how to reclaim discipline, and so much more. My intention is for this episode to arm you with empowerment, growth, and mindset shifts to help you reach your goals. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work.
  • Why interconnectedness is a crucial part of service.
  • What discipline actually is.
  • The definition of intention deficit disorder.
  • How meditation can help you upgrade your awareness.
  • The importance of having a driving intention in your life.
  • Four stages of personal growth & why growth isn’t linear.
  • Why pain is a great catalyst for change.
  • The power of asking yourself empowering questions.
  • What it means to align your speech with your goals.
  • Why social media is a symptom, not a problem.
  • What the virus of the mind is.
  • The relationship between fear and the immune system.
  • Where solutions come from.
  • How fear prevents creativity and innovation.
  • The difference between healthcare and sick-care.
  • How imagination leads to real change.
  • The power of taking responsibility for your assumptions.
  • An important question to ask yourself during difficult times.
  • What compassion actually is.
  • How we can create a better future.


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Shawn Stevenson: Welcome to The Model Health Show. This is fitness and nutrition expert, Shawn Stevenson, and I'm so grateful for you tuning in to me day. Like so many things in our reality, our bodies work in a binary system in many different ways. For example, when we're in a state of stress, our sympathetic nervous system, that "fight or flight" nervous system is really running the show. And the parasympathetic, "rest and digest" nervous system is halted, it's getting muted. Both of those things are not running the show at one time. It's very similar to the zeros and ones with binary code. When one thing is on, the other thing is getting pushed to the side. And very much like progress in our lives, we can't go forwards and backwards at the same time. Both of these things are not happening simultaneously. It's a tug-of-war situation that takes place and we find ourselves getting stuck.


And if we stretch this out to our cognition, to our perception of reality, to our ability to achieve, what happens when we are inundated with stress? What happens when we are lacking the awareness of how powerful we are to effect change and to write our stories? What's getting muted is our creativity, our zest for life, our sense of empowerment. And more so than ever, there are things in our environment, the majority of people in our society today are being inundated with disempowering messages, messages driven by fear, really looking to tap into that sympathetic fight or flight nervous system because what that does is that it keeps you on high alert. And so, when we're on high alert, our ability to be peaceful, to be calm, to perspective-take, again, those things are getting muted. And what does that do? That makes people more controllable to run in one direction.


And so, right now we need to expand our awareness, expand our ability to tap into the plethora of internal tools that we have at our disposal. Again, our ability to be more creative, more empowered, more intelligent, our abilities to problem-solve, all of these things are accessible. That's why I wanted to put together this special compilation of conversations that I had with somebody who evokes that within me. This is the person in my life outside of my wife and my kids and my mother-in-law who provides me with that level of insight and inspiration when I need it to really help to remember my power to effect change in the world, even when stuff can be chaotic on the outside. And so, I wanted to be able to package up these messages because I know it can be immensely valuable.


Right now, we're in a place where there's a momentum shift that's happening. But it's not done yet, if we're talking about being progressive and being able to be affirmative for focusing on health and wellness of our citizens, this conversation is growing, but this is the time to double down. And so, I'm very excited about putting this together and to be able to share this with you today. I think it's going to absolutely motivate you, but also to provide you with some powerful tools that you can use for many years to come.


Now, speaking of the tools that people are utilizing to help them to get through the day, in our society, people, that coffee heater is the go-to for so many of us just to get our morning started. For some folks it's a wonderful ritual, for other folks, it's a crutch. And for other folks, it's an addiction. It's just one of those things where in our culture, it's been so glamorized and also bastardized. Now when I say that word, I'm thinking about Jon Snow, Game of Thrones, is it been bastardized, and the root of coffee, which has been utilized for thousands of years, has been so mutated and degradated to the degree that it's no longer even resembling what it once did. Today it's littered with pesticides and insecticides. It's often coming along with, for the average person, highly refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors and colors, and these "creamers" that are hitting our bloodstream with really low-quality, highly-refined seed oils. Again, under the guise that this thing is, "Oh, it's a low-calorie this or that."


So it's so far removed from the root of coffee which can be, in it's truest form, really remarkable for human health. For example, a study published in practical neurology detailed how regularly drinking coffee has been shown to help prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Coffee helps to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. A lot of folks don't realize this. Alzheimer's is creeping its way into the top of five leading causes of death here in the United States.


Now what might be new to some people is the fact that coffee also has some truly remarkable effects on our metabolism. Again, we're not talking about coffee with all of the bells and whistles, the conventional bells and whistles, but we're talking about high-quality coffee in and of itself. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that light to moderate coffee drinkers, we're talking somewhere in the ballpark of 1-3 cups a day had the lowest amounts of visceral belly fat compared to non-coffee drinkers and heavy coffee drinkers. Again, there's a bell curve, there's a bell-shaped curve of benefits.


Now also, researchers at the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham discovered, and by the way, when I say that one, I'm thinking Robin Hood. But not just the Kevin Costner, all right? Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Shout-out to Mel Brooks, shout-out to Dave Chappelle. In that movie he played a character named Ahchoo. I'm not kidding. So if you haven't seen that one, absolute classic. But research at the University of Nottingham discovered that coffee may be able to influence the activity of your brown adipose tissue. This is a type of fat that burns white adipose tissue, that storage fat that we're thinking about which is showing up on our bodies, the stuff that we're trying to "burn" or to eliminate, we're talking about the white adipose tissue. And so, coffee has that effect as well. They're actually using thermal imaging and found that drinking coffee lights up brown fat dominant locations on the body indicating increased thermogenesis.


Now don't stop there with high-quality coffee, organic coffee. What if we infused that with long storied medicinal mushrooms like Cordyceps? A study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine found that Cordyceps protects our mitochondria. This is where fat is actually getting burned by scavenging reactive oxygen species. Also, several human studies have indicated that Cordyceps improves cardiovascular function, VO2 max, insulin sensitivity, the list goes on and on and on. That's the coffee I had today. Organic high-quality coffee infused with Cordyceps and this is coming from Four Sigmatic.


Go to That's and get 10% off their incredible coffee blends as well as their mushroom hot cacaos, mushroom elixirs, and just everything that they carry. This is exclusive with The Model Health Show, go to That's for 10% off. Now let's get to the Apple Podcasts review of the week.


ITUNES REVIEW: Another five-star review titled "Life-changing" by RMJackson24. "Every episode offers information that is life-changing. I wish I would've had this in my life 20 years ago."


Shawn Stevenson: Awesome. The best time was 20 years ago, the second-best time is right now. I'm so happy that you found me, and I appreciate you so much for taking the time to leave this review over on Apple Podcasts. And on that note, let's get to the special empowerment compilation. When I'm in need of empowerment and inspiration, personally, the first person that I turn to is my friend and mentor, Dr. Michael Beckwith. And he's the founder of Agape Spiritual Center and also best-selling author. And one of his programs changed my life long before I met him, the life visioning process, which was a absolute game changer. And in this first segment, he's going to be talking about the importance of our intention and he's going to be talking about this phenomenon of having an intention deficit disorder.


And he's also going to be talking about the four stages of psychological growth and how to traverse these stage. Because many of us are existing in stage one, it's causing a lot of turbulence in our lives. And so that's a really, really important piece for you to listen for. And he's also going to be diving in on how we can instantly shift our mindset and our perception by utilizing the innate power of something called, from a scientific perspective, it's something called instinctive elaboration. But he's simply going to break it down and talk about the power of utilizing questions. So, let's jump into this first powerful conversation with my good friend, Dr. Michael Beckwith.


Michael Beckwith: I love people, first of all. And then, primarily, when you're in service, when you understand the nature of reality, the nature of the interconnectedness between people, between each and every one of us, you are here for each other. So, I live to be in service. And so that connects me to people. Now I know a lot of people who are in service, but they don't necessarily like people. So, they have a hard job. I have an easy job because I like people and I like being of service. Helping motivate, inspire, encourage, activate, it's all a part of who I am.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So, what about the folks? We were just talking about this too, that are in service, but they don't want to be in service. Can you work on that to... Because I think you just mentioned it, that there's an interconnectedness that I don't think we realize.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. Right. Well, when you have to do something, you don't like doing it, then you have to pray to fall in love with what you don't like to do. And that also gives you a hedge in success because being successful, there are things you don't like to do in developing a discipline around it. So, you have to establish an intention to really fall in love with the things you don't like to do. Just like you have to fall in love with eating certain vegetables. You can't have an immature taste bud your whole life and eat candy. You have to eat spinach, you have to... I've grown to like beets, you have to... So, in that same way, there are things we may not have a proclivity towards, so we have to ask "Let me fall in love with this part" until what you don't like to do becomes something that you start to like and then it becomes really cool.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. But you just said a dirty word in there. You said discipline.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: So even when when I hear it, there's still, there's a little tinge of like that sounds very difficult.


Michael Beckwith: Well, when you look at the word disciple, disciple comes from a word that means you're in love with something. So if you're a disciple of something, you're a disciple of the martial arts, you're a disciple of music, disciple of the piano, you actually love the music. You actually love the outcome. So when you become a disciple, discipline becomes a blissipline. A word I coined many years ago. And you actually... It's not like "I gotta do this", "I don't want to do it but I gotta do it", you actually start falling in love with the outcome of what you're doing in that moment. So if it's martial arts, if it's exercise, if it's nutrition, eventually, the outcome of the discipline that has become the blissipline, you actually dig it.


You look at anybody who's working on themselves and once they start to see the results of their work, something happens inside. They get excited about, the chemicals start flowing in their body, neurons start firing, the endorphin starts kicking in, it's like, "Yeah, this is tough right now to lift this weight, this is tough right now to do whatever it is I'm called to do but I'm so connected to the outcome that the discipline has now become a blissipline." The bliss chemicals are flowing. So yeah, I think in our culture, discipline has become a bad word, but we have to reclaim it and take it to another level.


I just flew in from Denver yesterday. I was participating in America Meditates, and people from all over the world gathered, and they would in a number of hundreds of cities live stream as we were teaching about meditation and mental health. There was Tim Ryan and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was putting it on and Marianne Williamson, a number of people because there's a correlation between meditation and the transcending of mental illness. So meditation, if we describe what meditation is, it's paying un-distractible attention to reality, to the eternal, to that which is real. And you learn to have dominion, as you were just talking, you're having dominion over your attention so that you can place your attention to where you want it to be. So in meditation, you're paying attention. You can ease the breath, you can use a mantra, however you want to do it, but ultimately you're paying attention to that which is changeless.


Now most people suffer from an attention deficit disorder and an intention deficit disorder. So their mind is all over the place. Their mind has been hijacked by worry, fear, anxiety, anxiousness, beliefs that aren't true. And then their life becomes... Then they start to experience those thoughts and those perceptions. So there are different aspects to meditation. One aspect is there's a cleansing to it. There's those thoughts they surface so that you can look at them. "Is this true? Is this not true?" You can embrace, help dismantle, transmute them. And then there's periods of meditation where you have real bonafide insights. You actually know something that you either formally just believed or maybe you didn't even know this part of reality even existed. So, there's meditation where you have insights and there's meditation where you're clearing things.


But the average person, his mind is hijacked by the world, the media, social media. They're thinking thoughts that don't even belong to them. They think they're thinking those thoughts, but their mind is obtaining those thoughts from the sea of mental garbage. So, in meditation, you're purifying your awareness so that you can actually see the world as it really is, not just as it's being projected to you. Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: Wow. That's powerful.


Michael Beckwith: So, it's very important that...


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. I love the fact that you said intention deficit disorder. So, can you talk a little bit more about that?


Michael Beckwith: Most people, again, until they have... They live with a level of deliberateness in their life, they suffer from an intention deficit disorder. They wake up and they're mainly reacting to circumstances. They're living as a reaction to things that are going on in the world, but they don't have an intention, a driving intention for their own life. So, at the end of the day, they've simply just managed their reactions to whatever's going on, rather than establishing an intention, an intention to be your best self, an intention to improve in an area of your life.


Now when you have intention, now the universe through its laws can begin to help you with that intention. But if you don't have any intention, you're just kind of buffeting around on the ocean of life wondering why you're not going anywhere. So, I teach people to make sure you establish an intention. Same thing in meditation. We have a point in meditation where you actually establish an intention. Why am I meditating? I'm meditating to have a realization of my oneness with life, to activate wisdom, to activate intelligence, to become conscious that I'm supported. You can have whatever intention you want, but to live an unintentional life, you're just going to go around in circles.


Shawn Stevenson: That just makes so much sense even starting... It's just like I think a lot of us, if we're not trained, like in the way that you're discussing, our meditation is just like "Let's see what happens" versus just like "Let's set an intention." It's just like when we set out of this door, like "Where are you going?" to set that intention. That's powerful. Like, I never really...


Michael Beckwith: It's necessary because the world of phenomena is swirling. We're going to go outside in a minute and we're going to read a news item about some crazy thing that's happening, and it can just suck our attention, and then we're not going where we need to go because we're caught up in the swirl of something else, you see? So intentional living is where we want... We want to bring people to an intention.


Now what happens is, by law, I'm talking about mental law. When you establish an intention, you start to be... Intention is directional. It's like I want to walk in that direction. So, what happens is, by law, the mental laws start to assist you to walk in that direction. Now you may not get exactly where you think you want to get. It might even be better. Things may open up that you don't even know exist yet because you've established an intention whereas just rather than just sitting back and waiting to see what's going to happen, that's a different kind of waiting. You establish an intention, then you wait for wisdom, guidance, direction. But just to wait around and see what's going to happen with your life, that's foolishness.


You know, you've heard the old statement from the Bible that says without vision, that people perish. If you don't have an intention or a vision for your life, you're just going in circles. You're just going in circles.


Now, you said something, let me just say this one thing, 'cause you said you applied it. Now, people say to me sometimes, "I understand the teaching. I've read your books. I've seen you on the livestream. What's the advanced teachings?" And I say, "Beginning is theory, advanced is practice." So, you practiced. Most people don't do that. They're not going to stick with the thing long enough to actually see the fruits of it. Like you say, they may read the book, they may hear a lecture, they may get excited for a moment, but to actually day by day by day actually practice, that's where the change is.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, that's powerful. And even just going back to the analogy with the basketball player, it's just building those muscles and a skill set, in a sense. And so, what makes life visioning different from goal setting?


Michael Beckwith: It's... I break the reality into four stages. First stage is being a... Is the victim stage. We think something is doing something to us. Second stage is the stage we learn how to manifest and that's where you learn goal setting, you learn visualization, the creative use of your imagination, you take your imagination back where it's been hijacked, you start to realize that you're being supported by a progressively friendly universe. But then the next level is visioning. Visioning is what you did, is saying in substance, that there's something within me, I don't know what it is yet, but I'm open and receptive to it guiding me. So, I make myself receptive to that which has been placed within me, only within me, to come forward and articulate itself. So, I'm asking a question. Goal setting and visualizing is "I know what I want, I want this, I'm going to visualize it. This is my goal. I'm going to do A, B, and C, and D to get to the goal."


Now that's beautiful, it's wonderful, but many times people get to their goals, and they still feel empty. And they feel like, "Okay, I've done this, I've done that, I have all these things, but I'm not happy yet." So that means they haven't tapped into their real... What is called meant to be. It's like as I should be and as I meant to be. Should be is from outside sources. "You should do this." Meant to be is there's something within you that only you can do, the way you can do it. And so, visioning brings you to your meant-to-be-ism. It's like a rose is not going to be an avocado tree. And an oak tree is not going to be a magnolia. You're going to be you. I'm going to be me. So, there's something about me that I'm trying to set free. So envisioning, I'm asking a question, ultimately. "What within me is trying to emerge? What gift am I to give? What blessing am I to bestow upon the world?"


And if you ask those questions sincerely, you start to be guided in a language and in a way that you can understand, and then you start to walk in that direction, and then there are things like you were saying, you didn't even know that even exist, that are outside of your experience. But they start to come into your experience by asking the right question. So, it's a big difference. But however, the fundamentals of goal setting and visualization are very important, that's the foundation. Then you leap from that into visioning.


It's to us, by us, through us, and as us. The first stage, something is happening to us. There's something out there that's out to get us. There's a God, there's a devil, there's astrology. There's all these things that are determining our destiny. Our parents, how we were raised, our experiences become excuses. And then, stage two, we actually learn how to... We learn the laws of manifestation. We learn creative visualization, creative imagination, right speech, right conversation, hanging out with the right kind of people that are going in the direction you want to go in. You learn basic fundamentals of manifestation. And now, to us, not only becomes by us, but it becomes for us, meaning everything that's happened to us is actually pushing us towards a lesson, to learn something. So, what looks like is happening to me, after a while, it's transmuted into for me. So that negative thing that happened, actually, is making me learn compassion, wisdom, intelligence, forgiveness, integrity. So, if something terrible has happened to you, you can let it knock you down, but ultimately it can be for you, and you can say, "Because that thing happened to me when I was a child, I have way more compassion today. I have way more strength."


And so, in the manifestation stage, we learn that. And then, we start to segue into stage three, which is through us, meaning life on its own terms is wonderful. Life is alive, life is teaming with itself, life never dies, life is always expressing. And so, life starts to operate through us, that's the level of flow or the zone. I call it flow motion, where you've done your work, you've trained, you've prepared, but then something takes over and beyond what you can prepare yourself for, something is just operating through. You've seen orators, you've seen poets, you've seen athletes, you've seen doctors, you've seen surgeons, something takes them over. That's stage three, but it's built upon the structure that they've created in stage two.


So then, there's stage four, which is as us, with a sense of separation between you and life. Now, life has a lot of names. People call it God, great God of the universe. I happen to call it limitless love intelligence, everywhere. You start to realize that you are an emanation of this life. You're not separate. Life isn't... God isn't over there, life isn't over there, and you're over here, because if life is omnipresent, that means life has to be right here. Whatever name you want to call it. And you start to have pinprick moments where you realize "I'm at one with this. I'm not separate." And that may last a nanosecond, or it may last an hour, or it may last days, but little by little by little, your filters are cleansed, and you live at these higher octaves for longer periods of time.


Now, the four stages are not linear. They move in cycles, meaning, in one area of your life you might feel victimized, but in another area of your life, you may feel like a master. So, it's not like a linear stair step kind of thing, but you're constantly growing so that more and more parts of your life come under the authority of "This is for me, this is by me, this is through me, and there are moments of as me." It's a growing edge.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. And this is what's different about us and me being able to ask you about this, there are so many people who are at that level of victim. Like, I grew up in a situation, we didn't have much, but it's still in perspective, like now even looking back, like most of the world is subsisting on $5 a day. But we were in poverty, I slept on the floor, roaches, and mice and...


Michael Beckwith: They thought that was their house.


Shawn Stevenson: Right, right, right.


Shawn Stevenson: We're interrupting. Sorry to interrupt you with the lights on. But and there was a time when I... We lived next door to a crack house and many of my family members being victim to that life and ending up debilitated or dead. And it's very difficult for me to talk about or to foresee that life is happening for me when I'm in that state. So how do we get people or help them to see this process to even give them access to know that there is something beyond that when you're just trying to survive?


Michael Beckwith: Absolutely. Obviously, something happened in you for you to see beyond that. Now what happens is an individual gets sick and tired of being sick and tired. Fannie Lou Hamer coined that particular stage. They asked her how she was able to move the way she moved. And she said, "I got sick and tired of being sick and tired." Now when you get to be sick and tired of being sick and tired, you're open for change. And then a new thought will come in and a book may fall off the shelf or they may hear your podcast or what happens is something opens up in someone.


So, we have to be out there planting seeds, and what happens is those seeds hit people, and at the right time they germinate. They may not hit, may not go in the first time they hear it, they say, "Oh, it's nothing. They don't understand my experience. I'm next door to a crack house. What does he know?" But that seed is planted, and then one day when that individual is sick and tired of being sick and tired, they remember something you said, some technique, some technology, some statement, and once they become interested, see the word interest, it comes from a word, it means to love. Once you become interested in something, then the universe opens up for you. It starts to bring you serendipitous coincidences, things start to come into your... You start to meet the right people; you start to hear the right things once you're interested. And when a person becomes sick and tired of sick and tired, they become interested. So, I say pain pushes you until the vision pulls you. So, the pain is pushing.


And then you be... Something happens, you get sick and tired of the pain, you become interested, and then you start to be pulled by something else, and then a quantum leap, you have a quantum leap. And a quantum leap means that you've gone from one level to another without a ladder. It's a quantum leap, you've actually, "I'm interested in this." So now that you're interested in this, you start to see what you're interested in. Well, if you're interested in not getting robbed, if you're interested in not getting sick, you see robbery and sickness, but if you become interested in health, you become interested in prosperity, you become interested in success. You start to see life differently; you start to see possibilities. And once you start to see possibilities combined with intention, life opens... The door opens up, it's a different life.


Now, most people, the victim is asking, "What's wrong, who's to blame, and why me?" When you come out of that and you start to ask, "What's health? What is prosperity? What is success?" Now, those questions will be answered, because the universe, by law, will answer any question that you ask. So, if you ask, "Why me?" you're going to get a whole lot of reasons and excuses as to why you're in the situation you're in. But if you ask, "What is the nature of health?" you asked about your bones, you asked about yourself, "What's the nature of health?" you discovered it little by little by little, and then you applied it and you're healthy. So, you actually did that.


So, if you're going back to the person, you asked the question earlier, somebody's in the ditch, they're a victim, they want to get out, start asking an empowering question. Ask a question like, "What gift is trying to emerge through me? What is... " If you don't have any money, ask, "What is the nature of prosperity?" Just ask the question, "What is the nature of success?" Not "Oh, why did so and so do this to me? Why did they steal from me? Why is the man on my back? Why, why... "Don't, no, no, no, no, no. Those are unanswerable questions. It's pathology. Ask "What is the nature of success?" And become interested in it, and then come into your atmosphere. You'll meet somebody, a book will come to you, you'll hear this podcast, and then with that interest, you'll get your next assignment, you'll get your next level of practice, your life will change.


The law of attraction is a... What I call a linguistic convenience. For really, the law of radiation, you're actually radiating something, you're actually emanating a vibration, and then that vibration condenses itself as your experience, and it looks like you're attracting it to you, but you're actually sending that frequency out. And so, the idea is you're seeking to become the next great vision and version of yourself. And so, the law of attraction is a good entry-level conversation, "How do I attract this to come to me?"


Now you can attract something if you're not it. If you're not holding that vibration, you can manipulate and get it into your life, but you won't be able to keep it because you're not vibrating at its frequency, which is why like say, people who steal, that haven't earned it, generally lose what they steal. They can't keep it. They have to keep stealing because they don't have the consciousness of actually having that. So, you steal somebody's car, that person is just going to have the insurance company buy them a new car, that's a part of them. They're not going to... It's going to be a minor inconvenience, but they're going to get another car. But the person who stole the car is going to ditch it after a while, they have to sell it, steal another car, steal another car. They're not it, they're not the thing.


So, the law of attraction is actually, I teach the law of radiation, the law of radiance, the law of emergence. What does that mean? We live in a field of infinite possibilities, infinite potential, and things already exist in their potential form. And at their proper... When you're at your proper frequency, they emerge much like a rose emerges from a rose bush. Seed doesn't attract it; the seed is not attracting a rose. Inside of that seed, the rose bush emerges from it. Inside of an avocado seed, there's a tree that emerges from it. The seed is not attracting the avocado, it's already in there. So, in the beginning stage, as we learn these things, it's just easier to say the law of attraction.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.


Michael Beckwith: But eventually, you have to actually become that vibration. So, through study and practice, as you have done, your life changes, you actually... You are actually... You're not just teaching this stuff, you're actually living this, this is who you are. This is who you are, you cannot be separated from this. If somebody would have kidnapped you and throw you into another country, you'd still be this. And in a certain while, you'd manifest this all over again. If somebody said, "You can't live in America, you have to go live... Send them back." You got to go live somewhere else.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.


Within 30 days, you'd be up and running, because this is who you are. Do you understand? So, we segue... How do we segue? Stage two, you learn the laws of manifestation, right speech, right conversation, right affirmation, context of right visualization, seeing the kind of life you want to live. You become interested. This begins to change your habits, your mental habits, and your physical habits, and then there's a point of no return where you actually give birth to the next version of yourself.


Now on the way to that, things are coming into your life, so you say, "I just met this person, I just attracted this person, I met this person at this party. Phew. We're really getting along; we can really do this business together." It looks like attraction. It is on a certain level, but you're actually becoming that frequency. Then after a while, what happens? You don't see anything but what you're interested in. You can walk into a room and you're going to vibe with the people that you know you feel each other. And you know right away if somebody's not really bringing the truth. You're not going to be hanging with them that much. "Hey, how are you doing? Good to meet you. Peace and blessings." You know what I mean?


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.


Michael Beckwith: And then who you're going to be with are birds of your flock, your tribe, you're going to get... You feel it. It's who you are. And so, the segue is the practice at stage two, the visualization, the right speech, being and integrity with your word, all of that, until you become something different. And at the next level, you're not even really thinking about those things anymore because they're such a part of you.


And two things happen we have to be careful... Not careful, just conscious of. We get into a bubble because we're around the people that think like we think. It's like, I'm in Agape, do you know what I mean? And there's a certain mindset, there's a certain frequency of conversation. And we do have to be aware that there's large groups of people who are still suffering, large groups of people who don't understand these teachings yet but we're creating an atmosphere that's making it easier for them to come into this frequency. So, I always tell people, there are millions of people who would love, if I'm at a meditation retreat or whatever I'm doing, they would love to be here. But they can't because right now they're under the vibration of survival, they're not even thinking about meditation because they're trying to eat. So, because we can do these practices, we must for the rest of the population.


So, it's not that we're not... We don't... It's not that we don't notice that there are things going on in the world that are out of integrity, that are decadent, but we have to keep our frequency high because going down in the ditch is not going to help anybody. The only thing to help somebody is that when you're rising higher, and you bring somebody there rather than going into the pity party. You have to be at a conscious level of celebration, celebrating the fundamental goodness of the universal presence, then you can help somebody. You can't help them if you're in the ditch.


So, it's like you have your feet in two places. One, you have your feet in the eternal, one foot's in the eternal. There's no death, there's no loss, there's no birth, there's this eternal presence. And then you have your other foot in time. People die, people losing things. So, our job is to bring the eternal into time. So, we hang onto the internal, and it becomes real to us, stage three and stage four, we come into time as you said, how can I serve? How can I alleviate suffering? How can I inspire? How can I encourage? How can I assist? But I can't do it if I'm down here. I can only do it from up here and bring it into time.


The first fundamental principle is unity or oneness. We're one with the presence. And in that presence and I'm speaking reality, I'm not speaking like religion, it's just like quantum reality, there's only one thing going on everywhere, there are principles of abundance, harmonizing prosperity, health. So, you have to make sure that your speech is in alignment with that. So, you wouldn't say all the time "I'm sick" or you wouldn't say all the time "I'm broke." You don't want to have that kind of speech.


Now you may be temporarily without money, your body temporarily may not be at its optimal frequency, but you'd want to have your speech in alignment with where you want to go. "My body's healing right now. Everything in the universe is conspiring for divine health. I'm on an upward spiraling path towards prosperity." So, my speech would have to be in alignment with where I'm going. Now of course there are going to be moments where you vent, moments where you get mad, but then you have to come back, so that your speech is in alignment with where you want to go, because your word, that's a vibration, you're releasing a vibration. So, you want your... You want what comes out of your mouth to be in alignment with where you want to live.


So sometimes you have to fast from talking, just be quiet, and that's why we use affirmations. So, we're re-training our subconscious mind "I, Michael, am willing to be dynamically prosperous, inspirational and healthy." Sometimes you got to start with willingness. You can't just jump to "I am this", and mind goes, "Oh, no, you're not. You can't pay your bills; how can you say you're prosperous?" So, somebody may have to start with willingness. I'm willing to be an instrument of prosperity, abundance, health, wholeness. And then you slowly come into I am. I am a vehicle. And so, what's happening, it's re-programming the subconscious mind, and then from there, you start to feel it.


Now I've been saying for 40 years, within the feeling brings the healing. So, as you start to feel that even before it shows up, you start to feel that you're prosperous, you start to feel that you're successfully, you start to feel that you're supported. You have the feeling, then it starts to show up in your life, it starts to manifest. What does manifest mean? It means the invisible is now becoming visible. It's invisible as a thought, feeling, but then it becomes visible. It shows up as a possibility as if somebody... The door opening. It shows up as a... Or ideal employment shows up as a new friendship, it shows up, it starts to manifest, but it's not going to manifest if you're not in integrity with it in your word and in your feeling. So that's where the work is.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, right.


Michael Beckwith: Because when you're in the ditch, you're complaining, you're using all of your creative energies to find new ways of complaining, new ways and new excuse-making. I've become creative in excuse-making. But once you start to take on the principles, you become creative in how you talk to yourself.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. That's so powerful. It really all connects now. It just... I know you've got it all laid out with the life visioning, which shout-out to life visioning, makes me pick it up, it's awesome.


But when you mentioned being able to put your attention back onto the positive speech or more affirmative speech.


Michael Beckwith: Affirmative, right.


Shawn Stevenson: Because you're going to have those moments when you're like "I'm broke as a joke" or "This situation is just terrible", whatever it is, these negative things we might say, there is no way to fix this, we will say some of the most ridiculous things that we know are not true, but how do you get yourself back to that place is through meditation, it's where... You mentioned this earlier, is being able to shift and put your attention on what you want, on what is real, and so that practice really lends itself to being more formidable in this practice.


Michael Beckwith: Right. You can't do it without practice. And I'll give you a little trick that I teach the students, is that, and it's a little tricky to do this, but when you're in that downward spiral and you're complaining or you're mad, actually use that energy to affirm the truth. But do it angrily, you know what I mean?


It's like you're on a downward spiral, you slam your hand on the table and say, "Why do I always have too much money?"


"Why do things always work together for my... I don't understand it. Why do I... Why am I so healthy all the time?" But you do angrily, so you're not trying to suppress, we don't want to suppress or repress energy 'cause it's going to show up somewhere else. So emotionally backed affirmations, you're actually transmuting the energy. You're angry, so you might as well use it. And so, you use that energy, and it starts to fizzle out, but what's happened is you've re-programmed your mind passionately. Instead of... 'Cause a lot of times people will wake up, the day is just starting, the birds are singing, life is good, and they're sitting there meditating and they're affirming, and then they get on the freeway, and someone cuts them off, or something doesn't go as planned, and there's oh, and then...


They start going crazy. If you can, it's not... It's a difficult practice because when you're in it, you're in it, but if you can just get away a little bit and just say, "Ugh, why do things always work together for my good? Please show me why do I keep making so much money? Why does my body heal so fast?" The universe will answer those questions and because you've asked passionately, phew, it'll come quickly.


Shawn Stevenson: Wow. Wow. That's so awesome.


Michael Beckwith: So, you want to have a partner with that sometimes that call you on a little bit.


Shawn Stevenson: Oh, yeah.


Michael Beckwith: 'Cause when you're in it, you don't want to...


Shawn Stevenson: That's immediately what I thought about because sometimes, it's even happened recently, in the process of moving, my wife says something where I was like, "Now you know that's not true." She was like, "I know, but still."


Shawn Stevenson: That she literally put that passion into that exact thing. And what's so amazing to me is when you were talking earlier, I realized that sometimes when those crazy words and thoughts come out of my mind... I'm to the place where I'll see it coming out like, "Now you know that's not true."


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: And I'm able to bring myself back to what is real.


Michael Beckwith: Right. Well, that's authority, and that's a level of mastership when you can see it and then pull yourself back. But the person who's living in the victim stage, they can't pull themself back. They don't even see it. It just becomes a habit. So, I'll say it's okay to vent. You may vent to a person, you may have a good friend in which you say, "Hey, this went down, I don't like it," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay, you vent it. But then if you call somebody else and do the same thing again, now that's practicing what you don't want. Now I'm taking my vent and I'm making it a part of my practice. Then I'm going to call this next person and say, you've just said it to this person. Why are you going to call this person to say the same thing and then call this person to say the same thing, by the time you get to this person, you should be finished.


Shawn Stevenson: Right. And you're also spreading that energy.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. And everybody's agreeing with you about the negative thing that you're seeing.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Affirming it.


Michael Beckwith: No, you have to vent. But then the next time, it should be at a higher level of conversation.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. So, this speaks to having people in our life that are supportive of that, of bringing you back to truth. And so, I want to talk about that. I personally, and I've expressed this many times, I feel that I'm a nutritionist, so I thought food was everything. But I really feel that our relationships are the most influential things in the tangible reality on our health and just our success overall. So, a lot of folks listening right now, there are many people who are in wonderful relationships or they're working towards it, but some folks are just... That's their story. Like, I've got these people around me in my clinical practice, that was the number one thing why people couldn't.


Michael Beckwith: Toxic people.


Shawn Stevenson: It was because of "Well, my husband won't... " or "It's my kids" or constantly pointing fingers, but then not really realizing that you have the power to affect change in your relationships as well.


Michael Beckwith: Right. I used to say years ago that when you choose a relationship, you're biting off a chunk of your destiny. You're actually choosing the direction you're going to walk in. So, you actually have to choose the people you're going to be around because that's what your life is going to look like. And so, you want to transcend neediness, so you're not just being around people just to not be lonely, so that the people that you around are a part of the tribe of becoming the tribe of each of us who want to become the next great version of ourself. So there has to be a kind of an agreement among the people we hang out with that we're actually trying to be better with the awareness that wherever we are, we're barely scratching the surface to the next level of our awareness. So, we're not sitting on our laurels, "I'm all that, I've got it made."


And so, if that's a part of your tribe's credo that we're all evolving, that becomes a part of our intention, then the conversations within that tribe are supportive and helpful, encouraging, sometimes tough love, but it's all in the process of us growing. And then we have to understand what a relationship is. It's a ship of transformation. It's a ship in which individuals, whether it's business, whether it's intimate, whatever it is, we are participating in something bigger than ourselves. So, I say that a relationship is a joint participation in the good of life, meaning you have two fish swimming in the ocean, they're doing their thing. One fish may say to the other fish, "Hey, you know what? If you make me happy, I'ma give you all the water you can handle." But they're swimming in it.


Shawn Stevenson: Right.


Michael Beckwith: That one fish can't give the other fish water. So, they're actually relating in something bigger than both of them, water. So, we're all relating in something bigger than all of us, that's love. We're surrounded by love. We're surrounded by infinite potential. So relationship is a joint participation in something bigger than all of us and if we're all connected to something bigger, then I have more to share with you, you have more to share with me 'cause I'm not trying to get it from you and you're not trying to get it from me, we're getting it from where it is, but we're swimming together and we're sharing with each other and we're loving each other, we're supporting each other because it's infinite, it's not going to run out. Those two fish, they're not running out of water, so they can share infinitely and swim and dive and avoid the hooks.


Shawn Stevenson: This made me think of... To also be wary of the fish who talk that way to you, like, "I'll give you all the water you want it," because that's how... Another way that we can manipulate each other.


Michael Beckwith: Absolutely.


Shawn Stevenson: So, with that said, another big relationship that we have today is with social media, man. Just with the Internet. It's a whole new entity that never existed before in human history and I'm seeing this more and more and I'm definitely concerned about it and I'm making moves myself proactively, it starts within my own household, but also just at a larger scale because I see the potential, obviously, there's beautiful parts to it and there's the negativity...


Michael Beckwith: With anything. Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: But people establishing their value through those mediums, that a certain amount of likes or followers gives a certain level of importance. And I've seen it within myself as well, and I see how easy you can fall into that trap, and so especially for younger kids and their...


Michael Beckwith: Especially.


Shawn Stevenson: Malleable minds, and so what, from your perspective, because it's a thin line of having inspiration from the things we might see on social media to feeling that we're not enough. So, what do you think we can do to kind of traverse this?


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. I think just having the conversation, first of all. But you're right when you say that... I didn't have to deal with that coming up in elementary school, at junior high school, you actually talk with people. You actually, if you had a beef with somebody at school, you dealt with it. Now, somebody has a tool that they can actually say something to somebody that they wouldn't say to that person's face. You know what I mean? They wouldn't say it, they wouldn't say that. If you were with the person and you had an issue, you would actually talk to that person and say, "I don't agree with you." There'd be a conversation, there'd be something going on that would eventually get resolved. But with social media, I can hide. And I can say to Shawn, "Man, that's a bunch of... "


Michael Beckwith: I'll never have to even see you.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, yeah.


Michael Beckwith: So, on one hand it's dangerous because people can actually do that. The other dangerous part is, as you indicated, people are developing their self-esteem from it or self-hate. There's bullying on there as well. So, I think that, like with anything, it's a tool that can be very inspirational, very educational, and we have to encourage everyone, not just young folks, but everyone, to use this tool for inspiration, encouragement, and community building, and not tearing each other down. It has to be a tool for unity whereas now, there are silos of hate. And it's just mirroring the conscious in the world, except that now you have a tool just as human beings went from sticks and stones to bombs and guns, that consciousness was there, but then they had a way to extend it and now we're dealing with nuclear armaments and gun control. We still have to go back to consciousness so that people understand that they're one with each other. That's... It's a big job we have.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. Absolutely.


Michael Beckwith: So social media is simply a symptom of the underlying angst of humanity. It's not the problem. It's a symptom. Electricity is beautiful, but when you put into an electric chair it'll kill somebody or it can light up this light or amplify what we're saying, but it's the consciousness behind it.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. You mentioned something earlier and I just don't want to make sure it gets glanced over, but you mentioned that each person has a... Nobody can be them. And that's... It's such a unique, valuable proposition. And your mission is to be express more of you that can never be duplicated. And so, with that said, and how we're eyeballing social media with our potential envy or sense of not being enough, how can we look at it a little bit differently in understanding our value because when you said that earlier, I wanted to talk more about it, so I'm glad I could circle back to it.


Michael Beckwith: Right. First of all, this great life, whatever name you want to call it, it never repeats itself. There's nothing in the world that's exactly the same as anything else. We're all unique expressions. Every blade of grass is different. Every snowflake that comes out, they've done experiments where they've taken snow, let it melt, then they re-froze it, and it went back to the original shape. But each shape is different. So, there's nothing the same. So, we're incomparable. So, we have to teach ourselves and become aware that we are unique expressions of whatever this thing you want to call it. So, if I do not self-actualize, then who I am as a unique expression of the infinite is not going to be expressed. This piece that I'm to do is not going to happen. You can't do my piece and I can't do your piece. Only you can do your piece. Only I can do my piece.


So, we all have like a mandate from the universe to grow up and mature and to be ourselves. So, what does that give us? That gives us a level of self-love and esteem because I'm the only me in this entire cosmos with multi-dimensional universes and parallel universes and galaxies and there's only one me. So, if I don't be me, me ain't going to happen. So, we want to encourage people to understand that because what happens is when you don't understand it, you try to make yourself unique.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.


Michael Beckwith: You do all kind of weird things to be unique. But you're already unique. And so, that's a... That's what happens when you go through these stages, you start to realize your uniqueness. You start to fall in love with how you were made and where you were made from. Not just your parents, but before your parents. What is that life that made you? So that means that everyone has significance, everyone has meaning, everyone's meaningful, everyone has access to the same power, everyone has access to the same intelligence that runs through the entire universe. But am I upping my wattage capacity to allow that energy to flow through me.


Shawn Stevenson: All right. I hope that you're enjoy this compilation and this next conversation that we had. And this was actually filmed at my house when everything was shut down in the world. And he's going to be talking about how fear affects our biology. Now, on this note, something really important for us to understand is that from a biological perspective, there are certain systems in our bodies that manage our stress response and manage our response to fear. And a lot of this has to do with our hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. When we're in a state of fear, we're actually dumping out vast amounts of certain electrolytes like magnesium and also our adrenals are kind of purging for... Used by other systems, things like vitamin C and B vitamins, these are why these are known to be stress modulating nutrients.


But in particular, a 2016 study reported that magnesium is able to reduce the activity of your sympathetic fight or flight nervous system and turn on the activity of your parasympathetic rest and digest nervous system. Another study published in Pharmacological Reports states that magnesium is able to interact with the inhibitory GABA receptors that induce anti-anxiety effects. That's just one key electrolyte. Another one, sodium. Researchers at McGill University found that sodium functions as an "on off switch" in the brain for specific neurotransmitters that support optimal function and protect the brain against numerous degenerative diseases. Super powerful stuff.


We need electrolytes more than ever and this is something that I utilize. I actually just had my electrolytes before the show today. I get them exclusively from LMNT. They're sourcing things the right way, there's no nefarious sugars, artificial colors, none of that stuff, just high-quality electrolytes in ratios that they use hundreds of thousands of data points. By the way, LMNT is being utilized by major league teams now, they're swapping out... They might have a contract that they have to have Gatorade containers on the sideline, but they're filling that bad boy up with LMNT because more and more sports organizations are utilizing higher level nutrition training.


Even guests that we've had here on The Model Health Show, for example, like our friend, Dr. Cate Shanahan. She was brought in by the Los Angeles Lakers to help them to kind of reform their nutrition protocol. So, things are changing from the kind of major media perspective but also grassroots, we have access to this stuff as well. Go to and you're going to get a free gift with every purchase. You're going to get a free sample pack that you can utilize and try out all the different flavors or you can give that sample pack to a friend, which is what I tend to do. All right, go to, take advantage of this free gift offer right now and now let's get to the second segment with the amazing Michael Beckwith.


Now in this next segment, he's going be sharing some powerful insights about the state of our society's health. Plus, he's going to be sharing some invaluable tips to help you to deal with fear, especially today, when we can be inundated by things to worry about. Let's hop into this segment with the amazing Dr. Michael Beckwith.


Michael Beckwith: There are so many levels to what's happening. From the very practical fear that's gripped people's minds, that's the virus of the mind, first of all, is fear. And fear diminishes your perspective, blocks your perception, inhibits wisdom, guidance, and direction. So, the world has taken a nightmare pill, where they're living in the vibration of a worst-case scenario and all the things that come with that. From the higher perspective, we're in a deep cleansing. The Earth itself is vibrating at a much higher octave. The Earth is alive. When you look at it from the shamanic mystical vibration domain, the Earth is alive and vibrating high, which means that everything at a lower frequency is being cleansed out. From the scientific point of view, they can measure the vibration of the Earth that it's definitely increased over the last 30 years. So, from the science and from the mystical, shamanic, frequency has raised, which means that we're in a great clearing right now.


You can see when you look out on the world events, things that would have taken years for us to discover, we now find out the next day. Like politicians would tell a lie, you wouldn't know that for five years. They got away with it. Today, you can see them lying right in front of you. You know they're telling a lie. So, things are much more transparent. So right now, we're in a situation where you're looking at the death of an old paradigm and the birth of the new, but the old paradigm is very loud and trying to hold on. And the new, you have little buds of the new springing up, but they're not as loud as the old.


And so, I always like to say that those who are waking up and are embracing a higher order of being, love, compassion, generosity, service, there's no superiority or inferiority around humanity, we're all sourced from the same source. People who are awaking to that, I like to say that we are the reporters of the new paradigm that's yet to be and the other individuals are reporters of the status quo and that which is dying.


So, when you turn on the news and you look at the reporters telling you something, they're actually reporting from a status quo, an old paradigm, and it inundates people's minds. People actually believe what they're looking at, even though they forget that we live in the most censored, one of the most censored countries in the world. And you're only going to get what powers that be want you to see.


So, what looks bad, and it is terrible, death, mayhem, police brutality, politicizing of COVID-19, making it a political football rather than dealing with some serious science behind it, it's all a part of an old paradigm trying to hold on. And the first thing that has to happen is individuals have to know how to handle fear. They have to know how to navigate with that. They have to know how to not allow it to run them.


And that's a lot of the work that I have an opportunity to do, that's what you're doing, the average person is scared. And what happens when you're afraid? Your immune system diminishes. Your immune system diminishes, you catch the common cold, you catch the flu, you catch whatever is out there, and it becomes more debilitating than it would be if you weren't afraid.


Shawn Stevenson: This is just commonsensical stuff.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. Totally practical.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. I actually marvel on a daily basis at how little we know. And I'm very much interested right now in exploring the cosmos from our little perspective that we can see and the fact that we have billions of galaxies. We're in one galaxy.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: Billions of galaxies. And we get so caught up in this minutiae. We're afraid of the smallest thing. And there's so much that's so much grander than this and we forget how powerful we are. At the same time, this is a beautiful poetry that's always existing because if you take that macro perspective like, and my son Braden actually said this, he was like, "To another galaxy, we're like an ant of an ant of an ant of ant." He was like, "We don't really matter, but we do at the same time."


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: But it's just like, I use that perspective all the time to just see how big is this problem really from the grand perspective and then I can actually look at this from a more compassionate perspective and see what can I actually change because you've taught me this as well, that we do affect what's around us.


Michael Beckwith: Absolutely. I think that what you're saying is very important. We can ask ourselves "Am I going to be concerned about these five years from now, what I'm dealing with whatever it is?" And then we say, "It's probably not going to be that important." Sometimes what I ask people to do is to take out a newspaper, read it from front to back, put it away, and then pick it up six months later and read it. And you'll see all the things that was the top headlines, and everybody was concerned about this has generally faded and something else is taking its place, and what has taken its place is another fear-based way of looking at life. So, we have to understand that these things do pass. Now the way that you're describing this is, there's the universal perspective, millions of galaxies, multi-dimensional universes, the cosmos always expanding, the eternal presence that we're living in, that's timeless. And then there's time.


And so, our role is to bring the timeless into time, meaning creativity, innovativeness, resourcefulness, poetry, generosity, those are timeless. It means you've gone to a space outside of time and you've brought something into time. That's what a soulful artist does. They bring something into time. So, most people lose their perspective, and they live primarily from fight or flight, they're trying to save their life, and they're into the survival frequency, they lose their perspective of the cosmos, of their connection to the timeless.


So, this is what spiritual practice is all about. It's not about magical thinking or wishing that something wasn't happening or burying your head in the ground and pretending that a bad thing did not happen. It is about understanding that in this universal perspective there aren't any problems. There are only ideas and solutions and spiritual prototypes, and we have to go there and get them and bring them here. There's a solution for everything. There cannot be a problem and not be a solution, that's an impossibility. But you don't get to the solution from fear or being time blinded. The solution comes from your expanded awareness.


So again, you don't pretend something negative is not happening. Things... There's some destruction going on, there's some hate happening, there's police brutality happening. My brother just got kneed on and got killed. The individual was soulless. He had no... The individual that killed him, murdered him in plain daylight, plain sight, had no feeling for another human being that he was holding down. That kind of thought is still alive. And the narrative behind the thought that a person with darker skin is less than, that narrative still exists. And so, we're here to change that narrative and to act on every single level to change that narrative, from the cosmos, all the way to grassroot action from the perspective of holding a vision of what's possible. That's kind of our role right now.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for that. And we all have the capacity to do that.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: And I would like for you to, if you could, because like you said, fear is the most contagious thing right now. And my mission from the beginning of this shift that's happening, with COVID spreading was just this premise that I live by is that we fear what we don't understand.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: So how can I help people to get educated about how viruses work, how their immune system works, and it's been wonderful, the feedback from the community.


Michael Beckwith: You've done a good job on that too by the way.


Shawn Stevenson: Thank you. Thank you so much. So that's one part of it though, but I know that there's more. Like you said, there's many solutions and understanding that many people are, even if they don't realize it, likely debilitated by fear right now. If they're not taking action in their lives or they're not seeing a higher vision, if they're not seeing the opportunity and what can be done, what can we do to kind of turn that fear around and find a way to just bring that... The greater gifts that you were talking about into the real world.


Michael Beckwith: Well, first of all, we have to understand that fear is an energy, it's energetic. And energy, as you know, is never created, or destroyed, it just transmutes itself, it becomes a higher or lower frequency. So, when you begin... I'll cover this in a couple of levels. So, fear can be transmuted to excitement and excitement can be transmuted to enthusiasm. If you walk in the direction of being your better self, walk in the direction of a goal, walk in the direction of some kind of accomplishment, walk in the direction of some kind of service, you can transmute fear. So, you...


I don't teach people, well, in order to do something, you got to get rid of your fear. That's never going to happen. What you do is you become aware, okay, I'm afraid. We're all human. There's fear here. Now I'm going to walk in the direction of my good so that the fear then becomes excitement. I'm excited now. Then excitement becomes enthusiasm, enthusiasm means in God, in feels, in the presence. So, we have to do that on three levels. There's the physical level, you teach a lot about this. What is your nutrition? What is your sleep pattern? What is your exercise? So, you can control that. You can control what goes into your body. Are you doing a lot of sugar? Are you doing a lot of processed foods? Blah, blah, blah. So, on the physical level, nutrition, exercise, sleep, we talked earlier about taking a break from our devices. What did you call it?


Shawn Stevenson: Screen curfew.


Michael Beckwith: Screen curfew. Have some screen curfew time in which you pull away from that. That affects you physically. Then there's mentally. What is your inner conversation like? You got to catch yourself when you're going down a track of worry. Worry is emotionally rehearsing the very things you don't want to experience. You're rehearsing it. "Oh, I hope this doesn't happen. Oh my god, I hope this doesn't happen. What are we going to do if this happens?" Now you're rehearsing, your body doesn't know the difference between whether it's happened or hasn't happened, it's just going to give you the cascade of chemicals that match what you're emotionally rehearsing.


So mentally, we have to take dominion over our thinking. 'Cause if you're aware of those thoughts and begin to say other things to ourselves, it's going to be okay. I'm going to make it through this. I'm going to grow through this. I'm going to become a better individual because of this. You can begin to create your own self talk so that mentally you're not picking up what's in the news. You're not allowing someone else's agenda to get into your mind. It doesn't mean you're not prudent, doesn't mean you're not careful, doesn't mean you don't take care of yourself. Physically, you're washing your hands, you're showering, you're taking care of yourself, yes. But mentally, you're starting to talk to yourself differently. "I'm going to be okay. I'm going to be okay." You can just start with that.


And then spiritually, we become aware... And this is not religion. You're just not religious. Spiritually, we open ourselves up to the fact that there's something about us that's eternal, that's forever. And this is when real prayer comes in. I'm not talking about begging a god, a magical god out there. I'm talking about really communing with the presence and having an inner realization that what you're praying for, you already have it. And then there's meditation in which you are communing with the eternal. There's breathwork, there's other spiritual technologies. Your yogic practice, your other spiritual technologies that bring you into an awareness of your spiritual nature. So now you have your spiritual nature guiding your mental nature guiding your physical nature. So now you're walking in the direction of your unfolding. And what does that mean?


It means that we're... Change is always happening, but we can participate in our own unfolding. We don't have to fall prey to the world of phenomenon and all the things that are going on. I'm aware, I know this for certain, this is not conjecture. I know that everyone has a great destiny. I know that everyone has something beautiful within them. Just like every rose seed has a rose bush, it's in there already. So that's called unfoldment. When that seed is planted into proper soil, it unfolds and reveals what's already in there. There's something within us. We want to participate in its unfolding. So, if I'm walking in the direction of my own unfolding, then my fear becomes excitement. "Ooh, I don't even know what it's going to be. I don't have any idea what's here, but I'm walking in that direction." I become excited. And then when I make contact, I become enthused. Where's fear? It's been transmuted. It's been transmuted.


Now, as I said earlier, the world has taken a nightmare pill. They're in deep fear. And there are certain powers that be, that want you in fear. They can't control you if you're not in fear. They can't control you if you're not in fear. If you're not in fear, creativity happens, innovativeness happens, resourcefulness happens, spontaneous goodness happens, new inventions happen, new ideas burst into the scene, we create our own renaissance. That cannot happen if people are in fear. Right now, people are in the matrix of slavery. We actually pay for electricity and electricity is free.


We actually believe we have to pay for that. That's called slavery. But powers that be have people believing "I got to pay for this electricity 'cause one day it's going to run out." No, it's not. You could have devices that give you free electricity. People are enslaved to fossil fuels. They actually believe they need it. We don't need it. There's a new something trying to emerge. However, the status quo keeps you in the matrix of fear so that you become enslaved to being a consumer rather than a creator. People actually believe they're born to go shop rather than born to actually deliver gifts and talents and capacities and music and dance and great architecture and great books and great ways of being with each other and love and compassion and generosity. People are enslaved, they don't even know it.


Shawn Stevenson: This might be a tough pill to swallow, and we talked about this, you didn't realize, because you haven't been watching the news that there is a death toll ticker going on on television, which again, it's okay to be aware, but to have this running like it's some kind... These aren't even people anymore.


Michael Beckwith: Right. Statistics.


Shawn Stevenson: It becomes statistics and statistically scary just because the number's growing. And we don't have the reverse, we don't have the good news report, we don't have how many people are okay. "Guess what? Another person's okay."


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: That would... Literally, you'd transform humanity just to stay up to date with all the wonderful things that are happening, not to say again, that there aren't problems.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. And not that... And we definitely have compassion for people who've lost their loved ones, whether it's been in a car accident or where it's been through coronavirus or whether it's been through suicide or whether it's been through old age. Tremendous compassion for the people who've lost loved ones, absolutely. However, like you said, what if a ticker was up there that said, "This person just had a remission, another remission, another healing of diabetes." "Oh my God, this person healed cancer." What would happen to the mindset of people? We would begin to believe that certain things are possible rather than walking in a certain dread.


And right now, we're the reporters of that paradigm, whereas the reporters of the old paradigm are giving you a death ticker. So, people are going to sleep hoping that they wake up in the morning or their parents wake up or their... Again, what is it doing? Eliciting fear. I don't want to be one of those statistics. You, see? But what if we reversed it? This is how many births happened today, this is how many people did something great. The whole mindset would change. The whole mindset would change.


Shawn Stevenson: I'm really picking up from you today, fear is really driven by perspective in a big way. And one of the things we just shared on a recent episode, because what I do is, when an entity that people are listening to puts out information, I go and I look at the information in depth, and I go and look at "Okay, well, what did they say about this thing and what did they say about that thing?" And then you start to put together a more complete picture. And it's right there, the WHO is kind of the big governing body a lot of people are getting their news from, they're censoring things if it isn't in accordance to the WHO.


Michael Beckwith: That's the problem right there.


Shawn Stevenson: Now, the craziest thing about this entire situation, if people really get this, it's a game-changer, it's a shift in your fear. The WHO themselves have said that upwards of 650,000 people die every year from influenza. Now, with that said, and this is... I'm not getting into a comparison between this and that. This is a new virus, it's very infectious but my point being is that number one, this should help to reduce the fear a little bit, but more so, let's look at why have we not been upset that we're losing 650,000 souls every year, 98% of them approximately having a chronic disease which many of them are preventable? Why are we not taking care of our loved ones that we'll kind of push to the side, that we're not connecting with anymore? Why are we not getting together in community and eating together and exercising together and having classes together and learning together? All the things that can help to prevent these losses of lives but now everybody's upset to the degree that they're in fear and treating everybody even worse.


Michael Beckwith: Right. It's the first time you've had a quarantine of healthy people. It's never happened. It's never happened. People quarantining because they're healthy, so that they don't get sick. That's never happened in history. But that perspective is driving the fear, absolutely.


Shawn Stevenson: It's called shelter-in-place.


Michael Beckwith: Shelter-in-place. And people also are unaware that you're going to... According to the AMA, you have 200,000-300,000 deaths from people going to the hospital and getting pharmaceuticals that killed them or botched surgeries, things of that particular nature, 300,000 people. That's way bigger than 9/11. Every single... Yet people aren't... But we don't see the armed guards out there saying, "Don't go to the hospital."


Shawn Stevenson: Right. It's perspective.


Michael Beckwith: It's all perspective.


Shawn Stevenson: That was published in Johns Hopkins, very prestigious, Iatrogenesis, third leading cause of death right below heart disease and cancer is death by physician.


Michael Beckwith: Right. Now, you never see thousands of people dying from overdose of vitamin C. Overdose of vitamin D.


Shawn Stevenson: "You got too much, too much C."


Michael Beckwith: Too much. They did too much yoga.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. All right.


Michael Beckwith: He died of too much meditation.


Shawn Stevenson: You never hear that. Never hear that.


Michael Beckwith: You don't hear that. No.


Shawn Stevenson: And there's so many wonderful health practitioners out there, wonderful physicians, many of them listen to this show who are doing great work, who are looking at these things and they understand one of the biggest principles is, of course, is to do no harm.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: And we're looking at this in the opposite way right now unfortunately. And so, our system is set up in such a way that is wonderful for emergency medicine, wonderful. If somebody had a car accident, gunshot wound, transplant, wonderful, blood transplant, but for chronic illnesses, we suck. I'm talking about terrible, it's astronomically terrible.


Michael Beckwith: It's not healthcare, it's sick care.


Shawn Stevenson: It just continues to rise. As the decades have gone down, as we become more evolved and more technologically savvy, those things just continue to climb. We haven't even figured out how to get rid of the flu but we're waiting on a vaccine for COVID. How's the flu vaccine worked out? This is just basic things to think about.


Michael Beckwith: But you're dealing with... First of all, we don't have a healthcare system. We have a sick-care system that deal with symptoms, they take care of the symptoms with certain... Either surgery or pharmaceuticals for the most part, but there's no real study on when people have a remission, somebody has diabetes, they heal it, somebody has cancer, they heal it. There's no real study on what were the conditions for that healing, that that person does not have diabetes anymore, that person does not have cancer anymore, what were the conditions? No, they just move on to "Well, here are the people who have cancer, here are the protocols, here's your radiation, here's your chemo, here's this, here's that," but there's no real medical model looking at what are the conditions for these individuals' healing?


That's why I say we have a sick-care system, not a healthcare system, and our healthcare system is not even as good as some of the other western industrial countries, whether it's Canada or Great Britain. In America, we're kind of behind a little bit. But it goes back to what? Pretty much greed and profit. It's a system based on greed and profit, not based on the Hippocratic Oath, which is do no harm. And I think the doctors are well-meaning, but they're trained in a certain way.


Shawn Stevenson: Exactly.


Michael Beckwith: They're trained. They know more about a pharmaceutical than they know about nutrition. How can you go through medical school and not know about nutrition, but you know more about a pill? It's not good.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, it's like it doesn't matter what you put in your mouth, but here, put these pills in your mouth.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: It's mind-boggling, really. And this is why I love doing this work, is that again, I ask the questions just like, "So, okay, where does this medication come from?" So, I'll go and actually find out like where did this lisinopril come from and it's comes from something in nature.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: But it's isolated. They isolate something. This is actually from snake venom, which is crazy to consider. You got something that's coming from a snake venom which is supposed to be poisonous but just like so many different things, there's a healing factor in a lot of things. But we've got lisinopril, we've got metformin, a lot of medications are actually based on mushrooms.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: Like, 30% of the pharmaceutical drugs, they're based on some kind of fungi, should I say, not mushroom specifically. And so, nature has a lot of this stuff, but again, it's just how you're taught.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, it's how you're taught. Aspirin came from a tree in Africa, but when you buy aspirin, it doesn't have all the same powerful ingredients that you get it... If you get it direct. It can actually harm you over a period of time. But you can't patent a lot of these things from mother nature. So, it has to be synthesized in a way that can become chemicalized and then can be sold and then we put a profit on it. So, the system itself generates greed and a sense of objectifying us as commodities to extract money from rather than human beings that we're called to have compassion and heal.


And so, we're in the midst... And you talk about turbulence, I think we're in the midst of a great change. I really think that a lot of people are waking up and starting to question like you're talking here. A lot of people are asking questions that they've never asked before, whereas people used to just walk lockstep and just follow government and follow medical establishment. People are asking questions now, and I think we're in the midst of a great change, even though the negative precedes the birth of something new, we're in the middle of it right now. Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: I think you have the analogy of the chicken and the egg.


Michael Beckwith: Yes.


Shawn Stevenson: And I think that that was very poignant for this time because I've had this statement run through my mind many times over the years and I'll try and push it away, and I've said it to my wife many times that, "I think that this is going to get worse before it gets better."


Michael Beckwith: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: And I've seen that play out, especially when you're changing a paradigm, when you're moving to another level, it's just like this old thing has to be taken care of, and it will really hang on. Like, McDonald's market share just started to tank once folks like Vani Hari, the Food Babe, who we've had on the show, gotten out, helped to change some... Even working with legislators and things like that. But McDonald's is like, "We're not going out like that. We got kale shakes now."


Michael Beckwith: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: Right? So...


Michael Beckwith: And salads.


Shawn Stevenson: Right. We got salads. Salads to go. We got the shaker salads or whatever. Just like, "We got some kale in here." They're adapting but it's just like what is the heart of this entity? Where is the heart at? And the thing is for me, I got to a place also where I do appreciate the change because sometimes change is going to come from entities that might have been what we might consider a little bit on the dark side.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. I don't mind people making profit, but you can transition into having a business that's profitable but that's also doing good work, it's also embracing something that's non-polluting, not tearing up the Earth, not killing the ozone, not tearing up the rainforest, not polluting the oceans. You can have a great thriving business that's in concert and in alignment with the fundamental principles of reality and the earth, absolutely. So, I don't mind them changing. We want to move towards a non-polluting environment. I don't care if they make money doing that, but this changed the paradigm. The thing about it is, nothing changes unless individuals actually re-enchant their imagination about the possibility.


Call it naive if you want, but every great change has come through people who have imagined something different and said, "I wonder if this is possible?" And they may have been thought crazy at the time, but eventually, that re-enchantment of the imagination leads to thought, leads to inspiration, leads to action, leads to change. And so, right now you have groups of people that are just stymied by fear, their imagination has been hijacked into "Oh, I got to save my body. I got to... I'm afraid of being dead. I'm afraid of being annihilated," and their imagination is not with "What kind of person do I want to be? Where do I want to grow? Five years from now, who do I want to be? What gifts have I... Do I want to give before I leave this planet?" We have to bring people to a higher order of questioning, rather than being caught in the fear that they're in right now.


Shawn Stevenson: I want to do something really practical for folks and their nuclear families that were suddenly that construct is very different now for many people. Alluding to something that we're, for the most part, all of us are experiencing on one level or another, some folks are isolated. They haven't seen their family for a while or they'll do the drive-by wave, where I've seen many drive-by parties take place recently. Or some folks are... They're sheltered in place with their nuclear family, their kids, or the spouse and/or spouse. Maybe the dog's getting on your nerves right now.


Like, "I didn't like your bark." I used to like your bark, it was cute, but then you're just tired of it. So, knowing that our constructs are different, what are some of the things that we can start to do so that we can love each other more because I don't... You probably are aware of this, but relationships, divorces, problems in marriages right now, they're starting to edge into a higher place.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, things have become more intensified. Now, before I answer that question, I saw something on Instagram, like a joke, and it had this guy being interviewed, and he was saying, "If you have to be quarantined with your spouse and your kids, A... " No, if you had to be quarantined, A, would you be with your spouse and kids or... A, he said, A... "


Before he can get to the next... Before he can get to B, he said A. No, I don't want... No, he said B. No, he said B. He said "B" before he even knew what B was, which deals with the intensity that you're talking about. So, the first thing you talked about was the drive-by, and so I think that individuals at that level are beginning to come to an understanding not to take things for granted. Your ability to see your mom or your friend, you can't see them right now, and there was a time where people may have taken that for granted. "Ah, I'll go by and just check on mom later," or "I'll go see dad next week, he'll be there." And now they realize no that they may not, we may not be able to see them. So, I think people are growing in a level of not taking things for granted and are reaching out more, they're doing not only drive-bys, they're texting each other, they're calling each other, how're you doing, checking in, so that's a growth in compassion and a level of intimacy.


Now, when it comes to tight quarters, generally, people think they're mad at the other person, but they're actually mad at an assumption they have in their mind about what they think the other person should be doing. And so, they're actually...


Shawn Stevenson: His looking over at my wife there.


Michael Beckwith: I know. They're mad at their own... They have their own assumptions and they're bumping up against their own assumptions and projecting it onto the other person. So, we have to take responsibility for what our own assumptions are about what we think somebody else should be or what they should be doing at this time, and we have to own that, and then we have a level of patience, and instead of living in what should or shouldn't be, we have to deal with what is. "I'm not in a good mood," you're not in a good mood, don't put that on anybody. You're feeling tired and caged in, you're feeling tired and caged in, own that, but don't put that on somebody else because you're feeling tired and caged in.


Somebody's done something you don't like, you assume they were going to do something different, own that energy, this is subtle stuff, but if people began to just practice accepting what is rather than what they want it to be, their joy, their baseline of joy would be higher. There'd be greater spaciousness and then a greater compassion and then a greater ability to dialogue, to have conversation and you know what? It's not... There's nothing wrong with "I need a moment." There's nothing wrong with that, there's nothing wrong with "I'm going to another room. I'm going to be by myself." If people gave people that opportunity, "I just want to hang out by myself right now," then I think that the intensity that people get into, 'cause if people get into intensity, they're trying to get that other person to fit their assumption of reality that they're holding. "And you shouldn't done... " No. No, no, no, no. No.


Shawn Stevenson: That's a core truth right there because... And I've seen this, what we tend to do when we're upset with our significant other, to really just kind of break it down to its bare minimum is they're not doing the thing that you want them to do.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: And the crazy thing is we get mad about that, but that's the nature of humanity. You can't walk in somebody else's shoes; people are always going to do stuff you don't want them to do.


Michael Beckwith: Absolutely.


Shawn Stevenson: And life will be boring. It just brings some variety and spice of life, so I started to look at the things that my wife would do that didn't necessarily want to do as like, "Oh, that's cute." And to change it, and to change that energy. And think about just the...


Michael Beckwith: That's interesting.


Shawn Stevenson: But it's just really... I took away from that because it's really us, but it's a healthy version of "It's not you, it's me." It's not the break-up version, it's the healthy relationship version.


Michael Beckwith: Right. And what happens is we ratchet it back from this I get mad at you, and I ratchet that back to my mind is just mad, it goes back to why is my mind mad? My mind doesn't have to be mad. I can actually take responsibility and look at those thoughts and not send them out anywhere, so I'm not mad at you. First, I go back to "I'm just mad" and then "Hmm, what is that thought that's driving that mad?" This is all part of introspection that we all have a lot of time for. People have a lot of time particularly if they take the curfew to just look at their own mind, just look at it. Where are those thoughts coming from? Are they, my thoughts? Did I inherit those thoughts from previous relationship, from growing up? Do I have to keep them? No, I don't. I can choose a higher thought. I could actually do that. I actually have dominion and actually choose a higher thought, expand my awareness. And so, I think that the benefit if we can say that the corona bonus is that people can actually use this time to do a great reset of their own awareness.


Shawn Stevenson: That's powerful, so powerful. So I reached out to you, a couple of weeks ago I sent you a voice memo, and I just shared something that I only shared with my wife because I found myself thinking thoughts and saying things out loud that I don't normally say, and it takes a lot for me to feel the way that I was feeling, and the word, and I'll share it here, what I expressed is that I was feeling a sense of disappointment. I was feeling very disappointed in humanity, in the way that we were responding, I was feeling very disappointed in the so-called leaders, the people who monetized their platforms and always sharing this and that but not really stepping up and speaking truth and doing their homework and finding a way to help. They're just... They continued on their little... Get my vitamin or whatever the case might be.


And so, I was just feeling this sense of disappointment, which I just... It was so... It made me feel so off-center, and I listened to one of your messages, something you guys had posted on one of your platforms, and it just got me like I woke up, I remembered, "Oh, let me ask a different question." Let me see what this is really about, because I was so in it. So, can you talk a little bit about that? When you're so in it, how do you get from being in it, in the muck, in the dirt, to being able to ask that empowering question?


Michael Beckwith: Right. That's called the quantum leap, where you go from one level to another without a ladder. And so, one of the ways of doing that is being able to ask a question. One question, if a person is in a really dark space, 'cause there's depression going on now too, there's people that are having some very hard times. So, you ask a question such as, whatever this thing is, whatever the person thinks is causing the depression or causing the dark thing, if that were to last forever, what quality would I have to grow in order to have peace of mind? If you ask that question, the mind will go on a hunt, what quality, where they'd have to go. Oh, is it kindness? Is it patience? Is it forgiveness? The mind will go on a hunt and eventually you'll find what you need. Oh god, I need to be more forgiving. Then what happens is, the mind will start going towards forgiveness, I'm just using this as an example, and then the condition will recede in significance and then forgiveness would open a window for you to see life differently. The perspective will change.


So, the question is, if this, whatever this thing is, would it last forever? What quality would I have to grow in order to have peace of mind? The mind goes on a hunt, so that's one way of doing it. The other thing that you did was you began to ask a different question; you began to ask a different kind of question. Now, here's the deal. Universal principle says that the universal presence through the laws will answer any question that you ask. That's a principle. Now, most people will ask, "What's wrong? Who's to blame? How did this happen? Why me?" Those are disempowering questions. They don't take you anywhere, but into a downward spiral. What's wrong? You start to get into what's wrong, and this is wrong, and this is wrong. Who's to blame? Oh, they're to blame. They did this. Why me? How did this happen? But if you ask another question, "What is the meaning of this for me?" You could ask what is the meaning.


For instance, sometimes when I have to do a memorial service, I just did one recently. And I'll say, instead of asking what is the meaning of this person dying so young or... I'll say, ask this question, how can I give my life meaning based on knowing this person? How can I give my life meaning? That changes the energy. Oh, this person was very gregarious, he's very loving, very forgiving. Oh, I can get my life meaning by taking some of those qualities and keeping him alive in my heart as I go on to life. So, we can ask what is the meaning of this? How can I grow? How can I become more myself? Which, if you ask that question, the universe is going to answer it. It's going to be subtle or it's going to be a book may fall off a shelf or somebody... You'll pick... You'll hear a CD or something, and say, oh, the universe will answer it. But we have to be sincere in our asking, we have to really stop asking disempowering questions.


They're called life's futile questions. What's wrong? Who's to blame? Why me? Those are futile questions. They have no answers to them. But if you ask a higher question, you start to ratch it out. Now, it doesn't mean that condition changes immediately, but as you said earlier, your perspective changes and then answers, guidance, intuitive hits, direct knowing, creativity, innovativeness starts to happen regarding the condition. You end up being a changed person. And then, what do you do? Years later you look back and you say, that was the best thing that ever happened to me. That negative thing, whatever it was that I hated, I look back at it now, it's grown me into this being.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. So powerful. The last thing I want to ask you about, of course, there's many other things I want to talk about, but I think that this is very timely and important right now. My mission is, we never really necessarily... I can't personally save someone's life. It's a choice from within. Of course, there's a situation to...


Michael Beckwith: Somebody is drowning.


Shawn Stevenson: Movie scenario... Right, I'd dive... I got you. I'd dive in and do my merman thing and save somebody, but outside of that, it's a decision. And right now, we're in the midst of a really frightening time for the ramifications of how our society has shut down. And what we're looking at now is being labeled as these deaths of despair. And if you look at some of the data coming out from public health officials in Australia, they're looking at potentially 10 times more death from suicide than from COVID.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: And we're seeing the potential from here, same thing, not just suicide, because people think unemployment and they just connect that one thing, it's also about 50% increased risk of heart attacks. Homicide goes up, jail goes up. There's so many other conditions and we're looking at potentially... And if it unfolds the way that it's going right now, this is going to be several million lives lost. I think I just want to do something about it. I want to do the very best that I can to help to curve that. It's not already done. So is there anything that we can do as far as like... If you can speak to people that are having a hard time, or also like, what can we do to help transition this movement and change the direction, personally, if we are in a good place, but we want to change this narrative?


Michael Beckwith: Right. Again, it's at least two levels. Anybody who is suffering, of course, we want to embrace beings with compassion, people are suffering, they have lost their jobs, they've lost friends and family, and we want to, again, help them think about something differently. We want to begin to help them have an awareness that... It's called hope. I was talking about this with somebody yesterday, it starts with hope, just a little bit of hope that things can be better. And then hope opens its way up to faith. Faith is you start to believe something that you can't even see yet, and then faith then births conviction. "I know, I know it's going to be better. I know it's okay."


So, people that are hopeless, we want to give them a little hope. We want to show them scenarios of people who were in the same situation they were in, but there were answers. There were ways of changing, ways of embracing a higher order of their own being. So again, we can't be callous, there's suffering going on. Where we're concerned, we cannot go into the vibration of that suffering, that doesn't help. Compassion, there's sympathy, which means I'm feeling exactly what you're feeling. We don't want to be sympathetic; we don't want to be empathetic, which is I'll feel for you, we want to be compassionate, which means I'm not going to go into the ditch with you, but I'm going to ask this question, how can I serve you? So that's what compassion says, how can I serve you, not how I can feel what you're feeling.


There are some people who are empaths, they just feel it anyway. But how can I serve? So, I think if we all ask, how can I serve, we'll get an answer that's one, universal, and two, individual. Somebody may serve by going to the soup kitchen and serving meals. Somebody may serve by making a tremendous or as much as they can donation to suicide prevention or to work in the suicide hotline, funding that.


So, if I ask, how can I serve, I'm going to be given a unique prescription for me, this is how I can serve. And then we must be aware of this, that everything is in flux right now. The whole world. Nothing is normal, nothing as it was, which means this is a time for great change. But we have to be the architect of that change, not the old paradigm. We have to do it. So, we have to be empowered to have new vision, new dreams, we have to begin to describe the world we want to live in. We have to describe it. Right now, we can describe what we don't want more than what we do want. So, what are we going to get? What we don't want. So, everyone is charged to write down the description of the world they want to live in and write down the description of how they can serve. Universal law will take that over. And this is what we were seeking to do a few days ago with the May Day World Meditation, have millions of people began to stop, reset, and re-imagine the world we want to live in.


We have to do that. If not, the old forces that want to control your life and extract money from you by any means necessary, will define the future. If you want to know what the future is, create it, and you create it by defining it. This is what the law says. The law says not you describe what you see, the law says, you see what you describe. So again, on the individual level, I ask how can I serve, on that universe level, we have to all ask, we have to begin to describe the world we want to live in particularly during this time of great changes, 'cause nothing is... Everything is malleable. Nothing is set anymore. Nothing is set. So, we saw, it's like Play-Doh, it's clay, we can... The clay is hot, it's... We can make some changes if we come out of fear and begin to describe the world we want to live in, and then I ask myself, what’s my role in that, what can I do? And we all walk in that direction, excitement, enthusiasm, hopelessness, to hope, to faith to conviction, things will change.


Shawn Stevenson: Thank you so much for tuning into the show today. I hope you got a lot of value out of this. This is one to share up with your friends and family. So many incredible nuggets of wisdom here. And of course, you could take a screenshot of this episode. Tag me, I'm @shawnmodel on Instagram and tag Michael Beckwith as well. He's @michaelbbeckwith, and listen, we are just getting warmed up. I've got some incredible master classes, world class guests coming for you very, very soon. So,  make sure to stay tuned. Take care, have an amazing day and I'll talk with you soon.


And for more after the show, make sure to head over to That's where you can find all of the show notes, you can find transcriptions, videos for each episode. And if you got a comment, you can leave me a comment there as well. And please make sure to head over to iTunes and leave us a rating to let everybody know that the show is awesome. And I appreciate that so much. And take care, I promise to keep giving you more powerful, empowering great content to help you transform your life. Thanks for tuning in.

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