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TMHS 868: Burn Fat, Eliminate Injuries, & Increase Your Healthspan – With Mark Sisson

Filtered by: "Personal Development Articles"

In this video you’ll learn some time-tested strategies for achieving all of your most inspiring goals this year. So many people struggle with their New Year’s Resolutions because they don’t have proven strategies in their hands like this. Get a pen and paper ready to do the exercises, and watch all of the amazing things …

Have you noticed… I mean REALLY noticed that most “Health Practitioners” and “Health Care Professionals” are ridiculously out-of-shape?  I mean, we really need to take a good hard look at this… These are the very people who are giving you advice about what you should be doing to have the health and fitness that you …

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who has had the greatest impact on me and my health today.  Every time that I go into my kitchen, I see the Jack LaLanne Juicer and it instantly puts a smile on my face to see how far I’ve come. Though myself and many others have never …

Your life is the exact result of the decisions that you make.  The conditions that you are experiencing right now are the “receipt” for the choices that you’ve made in the past weeks, months, and years that have led up to this moment. Case in point, the decisions you make right now will tell the …

Here in this video you’ll learn about the newly discovered part of the brain that is most responsible for what you can achieve in your life. This is ESSENTIAL information to have! Once you understand how this part of your brain functions, then you can actually gain leverage on the results that may have eluded …

Have you ever heard the saying, “It’s all in your head”?  Well that wise old adage is the way that things are actually functioning in you.  You are quite literally taking in BILLIONS of bits of information each microsecond, through endless fields of receptor sites in the cells of your body.  And all of this …

