Listen to my latest podcast episode:

TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods 

The Model Health Show is the #1 Health & Fitness podcast on Apple Podcasts!

Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!

Since the beginning of humanity, I’m sure there’s been a fascination with the accumulation of a lot of “stuff”. There were probably a bunch of cave-people who had way too many animal skins and rocks hanging around just for the sake of showing off to the cave-folks in their neighborhood (this is basically the premise …

Have you ever avoided posts on social media just so that you don’t see any spoilers for a movie or tv show you were looking forward to seeing? And have you accidentally seen too much anyway… and you try to lie and tell yourself that you didn’t see what you saw? I’ve literally closed my …

Have you ever let fear stop you from doing something that you really wanted to do? Fear of rejection? Fear of failure? Fear of what other people might think? Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Fear is often used as a tactic to control people. The media at large today, for example, utilizes fear to …

There’s hardly anywhere you can go in our modern society and not get your hands on a cold, fizzy soda pop. Whether you call it a soda, soda pop, pop, or just a plain old Coke, they’re as much a part of our world as reality tv, smartphones, and tiny dogs. Fun fact, in certain …

Is our ability to endure tough circumstances, whether it’s in sports performance, in our careers, or in our relationships, designated to the strength of our mind? You can never take our physical health out of the equation too. There’s no doubt that when we are physically fit and feel well, we’ll tend to be able …

New leaders in the world of personal development have emerged. And they’re not about fluffy sentiments that don’t hold any weight in the real world. This new guild of superheroes are all about action, mastering mindset, service, and results. With our hyper-distracted world, we need leaders who can really grab our attention and snap us …

One of my favorite definitions of the word diet is “habitual nourishment”. We can unknowingly develop tunnel vision and think that food is our only source of nourishment. True, food is a huge part, but our diet consists of far more than what we are putting in our bodies. Our movement practices, our exposure to …

When everyone shows up to the theater and sees their favorite superhero on the big  screen, we are just seeing the end result of an incredible process. Superheroes, and champions alike, are made when no one is watching. When the lights and cameras are all off, the best of the best are putting in work. …

Being in the health & fitness field for over a decade and a half, I’ve been fortunate to see some big shifts happening. There’s been huge shifts in our society’s overreliance on processed, convenience foods (my idea of healthy when I first began my career was a lean cuisine microwave dinner… hey, it was low …

Relationships can be a lot of work. There’s no denying that. But, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything more impactful on the quality of your life than your relationships. So, isn’t it a good idea to make good investments into them? Today you’re going to learn about the most valuable tracking metric we have for …

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Eat Smarter Family Cookbook


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A family that eats together, thrives together.

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