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TMHS 863: Make Your Mental & Physical Health Your #1 Priority to Go HIGHER – With Big Sean

TMHS 495: Master Your Mindset & Create The Life You Want – With Dr. Michael Beckwith

“We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” – Oprah Winfrey

We are constantly evolving, both figuratively and literally. As our cells turn over in our body, we essentially become renewed. Simultaneously, our experiences, thoughts, and perceptions shape who we become and help us evolve over time. The process is inevitable, but your participation in your growth is up to you. 

If you ever wanted to learn more about transformation, unlocking your potential, and becoming an active participant in your evolution, there is no better teacher than Dr. Michael Beckwith. Dr. Beckwith is one of the greatest thought leaders in the space of personal development, meditation, and manifestation. He is a highly regarded speaker, meditation teacher, author, and seminar leader. He is also the founder and Spiritual Director at Agape International Spiritual Center. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Michael Beckwith is back to share enlightening insights on raising your frequency, eliminating limiting beliefs, and practicing life changing gratitude. He’s also sharing wisdom on finding opportunities and beauty during dark times, and why our society is going through a great awakening. There is a ton of valuable, transformative information packed into this episode, and I hope you are open to receiving it. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why the human body is like a lightbulb.
  • What it means to treat your body like a temple. 
  • Why it’s critical to have a clear purpose for your existence.
  • An important distinction between energy that informs and energy that transforms.
  • What it means to participate in your transformation.
  • The importance of being cognizant of your words.
  • How to raise your frequency with your thoughts.
  • Why fear and negativity can stifle your growth.
  • How gratitude can change your life. 
  • The two biggest imposters and how to overcome them.
  • What it means to watch your own thoughts.
  • The four windows of manifestation.
  • Why we need to change our perspective and ask empowering questions. 
  • How Michael’s meditation practice has evolved over time.
  • The difference between being special and being specialized. 
  • Why opportunity doesn’t just knock once. 
  • What malicious hypnotism is.
  • Why we’re in a great awakening and how to take advantage of opportunity.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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SHAWN STEVENSON: Welcome to The Model Health Show. This is fitness and nutrition expert, Shawn Stevenson, and I'm so grateful for you tuning in with me today. On this episode, we're going to be talking about how nutrition goes outside the normal realm of just fitness, of just what we consider to be health. But how does our nutrition affect our level of success? How does our nutrition affect our personal development? And this is going to be a really interesting dynamic conversation, and a new way to look at things, and just for us to start to stack conditions in our favor with our nutrition being such a powerful embodiment of more than just our body. We've got one of the foremost experts in the world in talking about the bigger picture when it comes to health, wellness, performance, and just overall success in our lives.


And we're also going to dive in and talk about this current situation that we're all experiencing right now in the age of COVID. What are some of the lessons that we can take away from all this? What is the value? Even though it sounds crazy right now, what kind of value might we be able to extract from such a trying and difficult situation? And I think you're really, really going to be surprised at the answers to this. And I know that just being able to have this conversation today, I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement, with energy, and with gratitude because we've got a lot of good things ahead of us, but it's up to us to take control and to take advantage of it.


So again, this episode is incredibly powerful. And just building on that foundation with our health, and our performance, and our overall wellness, obviously, having access to real whole foods is the foundation. Food first. But the time we're experiencing right now, we are not living in times where our genes are just experiencing "normal environmental influences". We're immersed in a plethora of different environmental stressors that the human genome has never experienced these kinds of exposures. Just within the last couple of decades, we've made advances light years ahead of where we were with our technology. But what are the ramifications of that?


There's this crazy thing I'm going to share. We don't often use a microwave. Matter of fact, I've written and done some of the science around microwaves. Now, some folks might think that the microwave's not a big deal, but there are definitely some concerns there, alright? These are certain waves that cook things. Now, what's so funny is that if, by chance, Alexa is playing at my place, and somebody turns the microwave on... And now, we don't usually engage with the microwave. I'm keeping it 100. I don't think... I can't even remember the last time that I'm partaking in microwave activity. But the microwave comes on, and Alexa starts getting staticky, and starts messing up, getting like...


You know, I'm listening to Juvenile, Back That Thang Up, but it's like, "Girl, who is you playing? Back... Thing up." It's just like it's jumping. And the question is, how are these microwaves interfering with the expression or the radio waves or whatever type of waves are trying to spit out of Alexa?


All this technology is influencing the environment around us, and all of those waves are passing through our bodies without a problem, alright? It's going right through the tissues of our bodies, right through our cells without any type of interference. It's just passing right through, all the Wi-Fi, all of it. We don't know the ramifications. We don't know the kind of impact that it's going to have on us long term. It's all new. It's all new. And so, for folks to just assume... You know, listening to a study from cellular phone companies about how their cellular phones don't cause any problems, come on! They don't know. Well, matter of fact, we can get into some... They kind of do know. And I actually talked about this in my first book, Sleep Smarter, international bestseller. But I did a little chapter talking about... A little subsection of a chapter, talking about cell phone radiation and just some of the peer-reviewed evidence on it. And it's pretty shocking, looking at the increase in midbrain tumors, for example, with increased cell phone usage. And these things are documented. There's even court cases on this stuff. But it's just like we can't just take this stuff for granted at face value that there's nothing happening.


When we're tinkering with stuff... Humans are tinkerers, we like to tinker, tinker bells. It's all good, or is it? You know what's so crazy, we say it's all good, even when it's not. But technology can be wonderful, but it's really how we put these things in their proper place and perspective. And also, we've got to ... With all that we're doing, we've got to stack conditions in our favor to make sure that our bodies are more resilient to the exposures that we're now having. And with that, we're having a lack of exposure to nature, to sunlight, to fresh air, to movement in the environment, all these things. We're creating more exposure in the form of technology, and less exposure to the thing that our genes really expect from us, that our DNA expects us to do.


So, with all that said, to make our bodies more resilient right now, I am a major proponent... I mean, for years, I was just like, "Food, food, food, food first, a little sprinkle of this and that with the supplements," but right now, man, we've really got to stack conditions in our favor because we're not getting the basic nutrients that our bodies really need to thrive. And right now, is a time for us to acknowledge the role that vitamin C plays. When I was in my nutritional science class in college, I was taught this very myopic view of what vitamin C is. It's just, "There's one vitamin C," end of story, but even that is not even remotely true. There are multiple forms of vitamin C. It's not just one thing. And there are synthetic versions, and then there's whole food versions of vitamin C. And they do different things.


One is more bioavailable than the other is. But vitamin C isn't just about our immune system, which again is of the utmost importance today. Our immune system health is of the utmost importance today, I can't stress that enough. It's one of the things that's not being talked about. And our immune system is so powerful. We have an innate immune system and an adaptive immune system. We are hardwired and designed to be able to adapt and to thrive, that's what humans do. But we've got to be able to support those things from happening, and not proactively destroy or suppress our immune system function.


So, vitamin C is important in that, but vitamin C is also an important building block for creating new tissues in the body, even our skin. Vitamin C interacts with other co-factors to create new tissues, like sulfur, for example, and many other important nutrients. But vitamin C is one of the most important because it plays so many roles in the human body, also a very powerful antioxidant, on top of all that. And to specifically highlight how a synthetic vitamin C versus a whole food form of vitamin C matches up in the peer-reviewed evidence, listen to this. This study was published in the Journal of Cardiology, and it had 20 male smokers consume either a whole food concentrate from a very specific food, a whole food concentrate of vitamin C over the course of a one-week study period, or a synthetic form of vitamin C, to monitor what happens with an intrusion, like smoking, this environmental influencer for our body. What can vitamin C do up against that?


And what they discovered was that the whole food version, the whole food concentrate of vitamin C, led to significantly lowered oxidative stress and reduced inflammatory biomarkers like C-reactive protein. But with the synthetic form of vitamin C, there were no changes in these markers. This is a synthetic vitamin C group, again, going up against a whole food concentrate. So, there were no changes in markers in the people who received the synthetic version, this ordinary vitamin C tablet, the kind of conventional thing that's often seen out there.


For the researchers, this indicated that the combination of other antioxidants from this super food, whole food concentrate, which is from the camu-camu berry, had a more powerful antioxidant effect than standard vitamin C synthetic products alone. So, camu-camu berry, the highest botanical source of vitamin C that you're going to find. This provides about 700% of your RDA of vitamin C in just under a teaspoon, and this is why one of my all-time favorite things that I take on a regular basis is the Essential C Complex from Paleovalley. They have a concentrate of camu-camu berry. And also, one of my other favorite things, amla berry, which a study published in the journal, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, found that amla berry significantly improved endothelial function and reduced biomarkers of oxidative stress and systemic inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes.


So endothelial function is a major player here in the age of COVID. It's one of the things that really, it's damaging the endothelium, that is where it's really targeting and creating a lot of problems through that. So, it has amla berry, it has camu-camu berry. It has my third favorite vitamin C source, acerola cherry, all-in-one incredible supplement. Again, whole food-based, no fillers, no binders, no unnecessary ingredients, no preservatives, none of that stuff, just the good stuff. And it's all sourced the right way. It's organic, and this is one of the things that I keep on hand at all time in my super food cabinet, highly recommend you checking it out as well, it's the Essential C Complex from Paleovalley.


Go to That's forward slash model. Use the code "model", and you're going to get hooked up with a 15% off discount. Go to And my team, we're over here snacking on Paleovalley snacks as well, pretty much every time we record. Check out their incredible snacks, they're great for the kids as well. They got some wonderful bars, and just pop over to check them out. They're doing stuff the right way, And I also love their turmeric formula, too. I just love them so much, Now, let's get to the Apple Podcast Review of the Week.


ITUNES REVIEW: Another five-star review titled “Life-Changing Information” by State of Grace. "I started listening to the podcast after reading the book, Eat Smarter. You can only cover so much in a book, and I love how this podcast complements and expands on the information Shawn covers in the book. I've begun implementing the things I've learned in the book and on the podcast, and have lost some weight, have more energy, and I'm feeling much better."


SHAWN STEVENSON: That's what it's all about. Thank you so much for sharing that review over on Apple Podcast, and I'm so happy that you found The Model Health Show. Listen, everybody, please leave a review for The Model Health Show on Apple Podcast. That's how more incredible people get access to the show. And we've got a big mission ahead, we've really got to work to get our society healthier, so it really, really does mean a lot. Thank you so much for leaving that review. Now, let's get to our special guest and topic of the day.


Our guest today is Dr. Michael Beckwith, and he's the founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, and he's also the best-selling author of multiple books and programs. And he's had a huge impact on my life, personally. He's been featured everywhere, from The Oprah Winfrey Show, to Larry King Live, and you name it, he's been featured there. And somebody that, over the years, I've had the opportunity to learn a lot from. Just listening to his audiobook, for example, and taking some of his courses, has been an invaluable source of inspiration and insight in my life, and has been one of the things that's really helped to move me forward and to get out and to share my gift in a bigger way, and he's such an inspiration in that. And I don't know if The Model Health Show would be what it is in the context, and the dynamic, and the flavor that it is without his support and information. So, I'm really, really grateful to be able to have him on and to share him with you, especially in this time when these insights are more valuable than ever.


So, let's jump into this conversation with the one and only, Dr. Michael Beckwith. So, we've been talking a lot about longevity on the show lately, and I'm a big proponent of listening to people who actually have longevity, it just would kind of make sense. But you've been teaching for over 40 years now and being a leader for over 40 years. So, this question, I want to know this, personally, because just spending time with you and just seeing how invested you are in your health and nutrition, why do you feel nutrition is such a big part of personal development?


MICHAEL BECKWITH: First of all, I'm honored to be here with you. This is...


Shawn Stevenson: It's my honor.


Michael Beckwith: This is fantastic. The body temple is a carrier of energy, and we have the capacity to hold infinite amounts of energy flowing through us. But the temple, just like a light bulb, has to be able to hold that wattage. Just as there are certain light bulbs that can... Like there are 10 watts, there are 50 watts, there are 100 watts, the body temple, when there's proper nutrition, proper exercise, proper thought, proper hydration, et cetera, you're able to hold more of the energy that the cosmos is trying to flow through you. So many people develop a lot of stagnation. They're eating incorrectly, they're eating dead food, they're eating food that's not conducive to their health, so that creates a condition of disease and disharmony. So, nutrition... If we actually think that this is a temple, this is a temple of the living God, you're going to treat it properly. It's not just a bag of bones, as they used to call it back in the day. It has an intelligence of its own, it listens to what you're thinking, the cells hear your emotions and your feelings and your thoughts, and replicate that in chemistry, toxic or tonic, depending on what mood you're in, and food does the same thing.


And so, if a person is wise, then they'll be very mindful of what they put in the temple, as well as what comes out of their mouth, because obviously, the tongue can be a blessing or a curse. So it's what goes in and what comes out. So, I've developed a practice over the years of being mindful about what goes in the temple, and it's been adjustments along the way, and being mindful of what comes out of my mouth. I don't want to... I only want to say what I want to experience. So, I'm not going to curse somebody out 'cause I don't want to be cursed, and I'm not going to put anybody down because I don't want the universal law to bring me down. So, it's affirmation coming out, and it's good food with good nutrition and energy going in. And therefore, based on karmic propensities and so much other... Your body temple... We're gifted to live a long time. Most people check out way before they're supposed too physically.


Shawn Stevenson: Check out early.


Michael Beckwith: They say, you know, they check out like they...


Shawn Stevenson: You get an early check out at least.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. They think 75 years is a long time, but the body is coded to go 100, 110, 125. So that also begins in thought. You have to actually think like that, and you actually have to have an underlying purpose for your existence, not just fitting into the status quo, accumulating a bunch of stuff until you die. There has to be something larger than that to keep you around. Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. You're the first person that I heard that from, that truth about being able to handle that type of energy. A lot of people go to events, and they learn things, and they want to transform their life, but I think a lot of people have wondered and questioned and it's like, "Why don't people change?" They get the information, they get the experience, but what I'm hearing is sometimes we can't hold that energy. We might have to... Even if we hear something powerful and we want to go and take action, we got to lay down and take a nap. We just can't even contain that energy.


Michael Beckwith: It's absolutely true. I was thinking about that on two levels. I was watching people who get famous, and they're not plugged in to the energy within themselves, and then fame takes them down. It overloads their circuits, they become addicted to the energy that's feeding them temporarily, but they can't really hold it themselves, and then they find that they actually need an audience to give them that energy, so they become addicted to that. You, see? And then the average person, as you say, they get a lot of information. Well, there's information that informs and there's information that transforms. And so, a lot of people are accumulating information, but it's not transformative. They're not digesting it. They don't have a practice that's actually assimilating the information until it becomes real knowledge.


And so, they may go get high for the weekend at a seminar, but then by Monday, they've reverted back to their own patterns because they don't have an underlying practice and a higher purpose to keep them going. And oftentimes, they're not really going to change, they're going to get something. "If I get that, I'm going to be happy." But real transformation is about an inner dynamic of change within yourself, which is not an easy thing to do. It's simple, but it's not easy. But if you're willing, you can participate in your own transformation. And so, there are people that just want to accumulate information and we become very academic about things. There's nothing wrong with academics at all, but they'll have a lot of information, but it's not embodied yet.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. You call that a human filing cabinet, right?


Michael Beckwith: A human filing cabinet. You see a lot of people that... The universities, the ivory towers, they can teach it, and I've seen this a lot of times with the business classes, people are teaching all things about business, they'd never had a business! You know what I mean?


Shawn Stevenson: Yep, absolutely.


Michael Beckwith: I remember a professor at USC one time said, "All this... People staying at home and watching videos, that's going to die out." He was in the business...


Shawn Stevenson: Oh, wow.


Michael Beckwith: When Blockbuster was getting big and then it was transforming into what we have today, Netflix and all these different things. He said, "Oh, this is the fad, people aren't going to stay home, they're going to want to go out all the time." He had no idea about what was emerging, he had all this information, but wasn't tapped into what was happening.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, he thought people would still enjoy the hunt of going to Blockbuster and searching for your video.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. So, it's so interesting because you just said something really profound, it's not just what is coming in, which is what we're making our body out of, what we're making our brain out of, but it's what's coming out as well. And so, for both of those things to be in sync. And so, you mentioned a universal law, basically speaking things into reality.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: Isn't... Just speaking something, that's a creation in and of itself, isn't it?


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, it's energy. When we hear the different scriptures say things like, "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, the word was God." It's speaking... I call it a soulular logos, it's the logos, it's that energy, it's a vibration that then becomes flesh. It becomes... It condenses itself into perception, it condenses itself into thoughts, it condenses itself into experience.


So oftentimes people are just casual with their conversations, not understanding that they're actually setting something in motion. You know, "Oh, my poor back." "Oh, I don't like this person," gossiping, talking bad about themselves, even. This is setting things in motion. So, I like to say, "I don't want to say what I don't want to experience. I want to say what I want to experience." So, I'll say, "It's a magnificent day, life is good. There's a way out of this. There's an answer to this issue. There's a solution somewhere." I'm going to stay there until that becomes flesh. But it's practice because individuals, particularly now, people have normalized negativity. They've made fear popular. You know what I mean?


And that's become... You're an odd ball, if in fact, you're operating at a different level, they think you're just weird. And so, you'd rather be an odd ball in a crazy world than to be normal in a crazy world. Yeah, but I always caution people. And I'll check people who will do it with me, I say, "Woah, wait a minute, no, there's unlimited good here. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not here." There's unlimited possibilities, don't block yourself in to what your mind thinks is possible, "This is the only way that some good is going to come into your life." It becomes, "That's blocked. No good is going to come in." Infinite ways. Infinite ways can... Miracles can happen, your mind will call them miracles, but they're just demonstrations of truth. So why block yourself in? Just stop it. Just say you don't know how it's going to happen right now, you're available to it and see what happens. Let the universal presence through its laws shock and surprise you.


Shawn Stevenson: Normalize that.


Michael Beckwith: Right, normalize that.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, I'm literally just still ruminating on normalizing fear.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: It's a system within us that, of course, it's provided us value over our evolution for sure. But today to live in that state habitually, we're not wired up to live that way, we're not designed to be that way, and so even with so many folks having their aspirations, goals... Everybody listening right now has incredible potential to achieve things beyond our wildest imagination. But I think so often in fear being a big driving force of this, we get caught up in what if instead of what is. So how do we go from what if to what is?


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. Well, what if can also be used positively. What if everything works out? What if I have more than enough money? You can go there, and you'll get to what is. 'Cause what it is, is that right here and right now, all of the power, all the presence, all the intelligence, all of the love, all that is, is already here, it's already here. It may be latent within us, but it is here. And as we begin to think like that and contemplate that truth, our frequency rises, we begin to hang in that awareness. Now, what has happened is that individuals have normalized fear, which means their attention is more on what they don't want than on what they do want. So, what people don't understand is that anything you don't want, you're having a relationship with it, it's existing, and you're not wanting it. And so, people walk out, "I don't want to be broke, I don't want to get sick, I don't want to contract Corona, I don't want to catch the coronavirus, I don't want to... I don't want to... " So in that moment of I don't want to, the law doesn't distinguish between what you want and don't want, it only knows what you're interested in. And so, if you're interested in not getting robbed, not getting poor, not catching a disease, you're in a relationship with that, and then that's what you manifest.


Now, it may not... You may not manifest that exactly, but your body temple doesn't know the difference, you'll still produce toxic chemicals, immediate toxic chemicals, immediate create condition for disease. So, I teach people, you get what you want or don't want, the law doesn't differentiate. So, stop placing all of your attention on what you don't want to happen and begin to place your attention on what you'd like to see unfold in your life, begin to describe it. The law says you don't describe what you see, you see what you describe. So, if you're living in an accurate description of possibility, then the law starts to bring that into manifestation, you see.


And now, most people... People should be taught this in elementary school, but instead, we have the nefarious forces that keep people in fear and keeping them, all pumped up about what to be afraid of next. "Oh, the Russians. Oh, corona. Oh, aliens," whatever it is, people are nervous. We're not meant to be like that. We are an absolute reflection of the entire cosmos, what do we have to be afraid of? There's no such thing as death. So, there's no loss in the cosmic scheme but everybody, they've allowed themselves to shrink into being a little low something and then they normalize their fear. Shakespeare said a coward dies a thousand deaths, constantly, even before anything happens, they've rehearsed all the negative stuff. It's not funny, but it is kind of a comedy what human beings do to themselves.


Shawn Stevenson: I love this so much, this is what... I wanted to ask you about this today, I wanted to ask you about the comedy of life and the sickness that we can get caught in of taking life too seriously, of taking everything so seriously. So, let's talk a little bit about that.


Michael Beckwith: Well, first of all, there's nothing serious going on in the universe, nothing at all. The universe is a big explosion of joy and ecstasy in bliss. So, if... You're got to stretch your perception a little bit. There's no such thing as death and there's no such thing as loss. Yeah, you're going to exit a body temple in it's your time. In the world of the phenomena, things come, things go, we don't deny that. But there's nothing serious happening. So, since there's nothing serious happening, what is happening? What's happening is the universal presence and all of its creation is continuing to expand, to reveal the infinite nature. So that means you get to play... It's our time to play in this. You know, now we create seriousness, NBA championship's going on, we create a serious time crunch. Time doesn't really exist, but we play with it, "Okay, we only have this many minutes into the game. Whoever has more points, they win, and the other person loses, oh that's serious!" It's not really... It's called a, it's called a... We call it a consistent irrelevancy. You know what I mean? It's irrelevant, it's consistent, it's fun at the end of the day.


Shawn Stevenson: It's a social agreement. We... Yeah. Truly, we just made that up. We just make it up.


Michael Beckwith: It's all made up. Yeah. So, the idea is that we are here as joy babies. We need to tap into that joy, and the thing about it is, when you move into conscious joy and gratitude... Now, you may have heard this from your mom, and it probably spans all cultures, our parents saying to us, "If you don't stop crying, I'm going to give you something to cry about," it's pretty common, right?


Shawn Stevenson: Oh yeah, I've gotten that one.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, yeah. The universe says, "If you don't stop being grateful, I'm going to give you something to be grateful for," it's the same law.


Shawn Stevenson: I like that.


Michael Beckwith: So, as you lift your attention to being grateful for anything, for the next breath you're about to take, the next beating of your heart, then the universe will find something that matches that field, and it will shock you because it will come outside of your present perception. We have a perception of life and in this perception, we want this, we want that to be happy, we want that to be happy... We don't know if all of this exists, but if you go into the feeling of gratitude, then all of this opens up for you and this is when you're surprised by things. You meet the person you were supposed to meet, you didn't even know that person existed but that's the person you needed to meet to go to the next level of your unfoldment. Opportunities show up, possibilities show up that you didn't even know existed just because you're in the feeling tone of possibility, you see, we're not taking it seriously... What I say is, we don't take things seriously, we take things reverentially.


Michael Beckwith: I have a reverence for life, I have a reverence for that plant, I have a reverence for the trees, I have a reverence for the ground, I have a reference for mother nature, I have a reverence for human beings. I revere it, but it's not serious. It's a reverence. So, sometimes in religiosity, they will mistake the two, they think reverence means serious. No, no, it means, my heart is open, I really appreciate the flowing of the rivers, I appreciate all sentient beings. I have a deep reverence. And it's spiritual, that's open-hearted.


Shawn Stevenson: The reason I wanted to ask you about that is because I think it's a lot easy... I know it's a lot easier today to get wrapped up in the seriousness of all of the attention, for example, that we might get with social media, like just... There was a little meme going around that... Essentially a meme was like, the internet is crazy, you're never supposed to know this many people. It's just like, we're not. We're not supposed to know 5,000 people. That's never existed before and caring about the opinions of 5,000 people. And so, I think carrying that level of everything is so serious, if somebody that is 20 times removed, 200 times removed from actually knowing you, says something negative about you and it can just take you down. And so, carrying a little bit more of a light heart with things, to even not take ourselves so seriously, for example, I think it could be a helpful tool today.


Michael Beckwith: Right. Yeah. We don't take ourselves seriously, we love and appreciate ourselves, and we learn not to be overly concerned about what other people are thinking about us. And then we learn not to be overly concerned about our own thoughts about ourselves, 'cause we don't know where they came from. It may have come from our parents, maybe come from people in high school that said something crazy about you, all that stuff may be going around. We learn to be conscious of what the presence is saying about us. I've always loved the Scripture, I'm not a religious man, but I'm a spiritual man.


So, when I look at scripture, I see the spiritual essence, not the literal. And I've always loved the Scripture that says, “God's eyes are too pure to behold inequity”. That is, his presence doesn't see anything but itself, it only sees potential. It doesn't see anything negative, because if it did, that meant that that negative would last forever, 'cause God only sees the eternal. So, God's eyes are too pure to behold inequity. And it goes on to talk about the fact that I know the thoughts that I think towards you, thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end. So, on a spiritual level, the presence is saying, "I know what I think about you, thoughts of peace. I know your potential; I know what's going to unfold already." So, we want to think like that. And then... I mean, of course, we're not allowing the ego to steal it, like, "I'm better than someone, I'm superior than someone," not any of that, just as a unique expression of infinite potential, "I'm here to reflect and to reveal the cosmos in a way that only I can. And nobody else can do it like me, and I can't do it like anybody else. I'm incomparable." We're all incomparable, you see. And it frees us.


So, you're able to go out in the world and the two impostors, criticism and praise. Those are two impostors. You're able to sidestep 'em, you're not running towards praise and you're not running from criticism. You just look at them, see what you can glean from them, "Oh, this person doesn't like me. Okay, is there anything for me to learn there? Any place for me to grow?" "Oh, there's some praise, I don't want to get addicted to that. You know, I can take it, it's feedback... Oh, okay, I'm doing something right, that's cool, I love it, beautiful," but I'm not living to run towards one and run away from the other. It's just feedback. I'm actually going in and getting my cues from my interior awareness.


Shawn Stevenson: That's powerful. That's also... I think it's really challenging for a lot of folks to do.


Michael Beckwith: Oh sure.


Shawn Stevenson: And so...


Michael Beckwith: And you just said it.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.


Michael Beckwith: People are on this internet, they're on this social media, and they actually think that somebody out there is saying... Whatever they're saying is important.


Shawn Stevenson: And more than ever today, I think it was you, WMDs, weapons of mass distraction...


Michael Beckwith: It's distraction, right.


Shawn Stevenson: And all of this stuff going on is stealing our attention and making us outsource things to the external world a lot more. I think a lot of folks are... They're so deeply tied into it that it makes it difficult to go within. So, what I want to ask you is, how do we turn that around, how do we get closer to what's most real about us?


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. That question right there, if an individual would ask that question of themselves, how do I get closer to what's real within me, their mind will start to turn inward rather than outward, and they'll start to catch insights and revelations and wisdom and guidance because they're interested in it. Rather than how can I make that person like me, how can I get closer to me? And then we'll be guided. But of course, there's age-old practices of concentration, contemplation, meditation, these are all ways of watching our own thoughts, our own moods, and then something sweet and wonderful happens. You'll have an insight that, "Wow, all this stuff passing through, that's not even me. That's just stuff passing through. Who's me? Oh, I'm the one watching." And the moment you realize you're not the stuff passing through, that's a step-in enlightenment. That's like, "I'm not identified with all of that stuff passing through."


I teach people... We have the ocean, and then you have the content of the ocean, there's seaweed, there's plankton, there's fish, there's boats, there's human pollution. All that's in the ocean, but it's not the ocean. We are consciousness, and then this stuff in us, thoughts, opinions, points of view, interpretation of past experience... Until the person has some kind of reflection, they actually think that content is who they are. "Well, my grandmother was, so I am." "This runs in my family and... " That's just content. It's not who you are. But once you realize that you're not that content, you're waking up from the intoxicated sleep. And now you're being sourced from within rather than from without.


Shawn Stevenson: I love that. That first step, and I remember it so clearly, I'll never forget it. It's basically two lives that I've had...


Michael Beckwith: That's right.


Shawn Stevenson: Was my mother-in-law, the first meditation that she taught me, and I realized I had never really had a conscious thought my entire life. I was thinking, but I was aware, suddenly, that there was this thinking going on and my life afterwards, it was a couple of years of re-integrating back into what this life is with this new perception and it was so beautiful, but it was also very challenging as well. And I think that's part of it, too, is I think that folks are chasing happiness, they're chasing enlightenment so that they don't have to go through stuff, and not really understanding that sometimes this is going to require work, it's going to require some challenge and obstacles. What part does all that play in the story?


Michael Beckwith: Oh, that's the small print. What happens is, what you've described, we have our sub-personalities, our personality, all the content that it's generating that we've identified with, every aspect of our personality we've gotten from time and experience, you know, the people you associate with, things that have happened, you develop coping mechanisms, defensive mechanisms, all kinds of things to survive. So, what happens is when you start to contemplate reality, meditate, pray, whatever your mode is, what happens is those roles begin to melt. And as they melt, that's the challenge. It's like, "I don't know who I am, I'm confused," that's called the crucifixion. That personality self that you've identified with, this is who I am, it's being crucified, and then there's a slow death, and then there's an emergence, expanded consciousness, that's called the resurrection or the rebirth. And then you're operating at higher levels of freedom, you're free, being free from the content flowing through, and then you get to a point of...


There's a fork in the road, so to speak, where there's freedom and ecstasy and pleasure, and many people are up for pleasure rather than bliss. Now, if you go with the bliss and freedom, you get pleasure. But if you go to pleasure, you may not get the bliss. You know how they talk about these... "He or she is a pleasure seeker." That becomes another level of addiction. I know I'm probably talking a lot here, but the idea is, it is challenging because when your identity starts to break up and you don't know what you believe anymore, that's a good stage in the development. Your whole inner world is like, "I used to know exactly who I was, this was my personality, this is how I handled life. Now I'm changing." And then there's a greater expansion of awareness, this is all part of the practice of every spiritual path, will say it in a different way, the breakdown for the breakthrough. Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: Thank you for that. Because I know a lot of people experience that. They might be in it right now. And just to have that permission to know that it's a part of the process and that you are working towards something, I want to ask you this because you're one of the people who has really identified and expanded the awareness of different universal laws, like the Law of Attraction. And there's always this set of beliefs that make it hard to accept that that's going on, even though it might be the only thing going on, that, what about negative things that happen? How is it that I attracted this "bad thing" into my life? Can you speak to that?


Michael Beckwith: I will, and I'll tell you a story. I was getting ready to go on The Oprah Winfrey Show again, and she comes into the green room, and she says, "I'm getting these letters from people wanting to know, why do these bad things happening to good people, and did they attract it? " 'Cause we were speaking about The Secret and Law of Attraction. And she said, "Michael, I'm going to ask you that question." And then she said, "Listen, you don't have time to teach a class, 'cause you have to give it in sound bites." And then she left the room and I'm thinking, "I'm going to talk about this? And in sound bites?" So, I sat and meditated, 'cause we're about to go live. And what it's called the windows of manifestation came into my awareness. Just went...


So, we go out and we're talking, and then Ms. Winfrey says, "Michael, I'm getting all these letters, why is it that bad things happen to good people? Are they attracting it? What's going on?" And I said, "Well, there's these four windows of manifestation, the first window is you basically experience your thinking, whatever your thinking is, it will transmute itself into an experience, it's a window number one. Window number two is called a lesson. Let's say you have a goal, a vision, you're putting something out there, "I want my life to be this particular way," but you don't have the energy to hold that life yet, so the universe, it will give you a lesson that you may not like, but at the end of the day, you say, "You know what? If that hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't be the person I am today." While you were growing through it, it's like, "Why is this happening? I don't want this going on? Why did this occur?" but you asked for something larger, so the universe is making you a larger container, but it has to process you first, that coal has to become diamond. And so, it's intense. When you come out of it, you realize you're different. Now, you're vibrationally worthy to have the life that you were envisioning, that's lesson.


Window number three is called a blessing, meaning there are actual individuals who have come to the planet who have taken on certain things, in order to raise the vibration of compassion on the planet. Very quick story, there was a woman who was clairvoyant, clairaudient, and she would work with people. There was a particular woman who was very wealthy, but her heart was closed. She didn't have any friends, no love in her life. She was with her lover, she ended up having a baby, and the baby at this time, back in those days, it was called mental retardation... She loved this baby. And her heart opened. She became a different person based on having this child, philanthropic, giving, generous. Age of 11 or 12, the boy slipped into the pool and died.


And so, this lady, Helen Greaves, comes on the scene, and she talks to the boy who had passed over. She had that kind of ability. Discovered he was a tremendous avatar, tremendous high state of consciousness, who had purposely taken on this incarnation to open up her heart, 'cause he had known her in other lifetimes. So, what looked like, "Why is this boy born like this? And then why did he die? Oh my god, there's so much tragedy?" He actually had taken on that incarnation to become a blessing to these people. Window number three, it happens with large groups of people, Holocaust, slavery, at times, different things that have occurred, individuals or groups of people will sometimes take an incarnation to raise the whole level of humanity. So, humanity will say, "That should never happen again, we need to have laws against child labor, we need to have laws against racism, we need to rise up." So sometimes... We shouldn't by judge by appearances because we don't know why a certain thing is happening in a person's life. It could be their thinking, it could be a lesson they're learning, or it could be that they're actually bringing a blessing.


And the fourth window is the group consciousness. The first one is individual, how I'm thinking. The fourth one is, as long as there's a belief, collectively, in lack, scarcity, disease, limitation, as long as that's a collective belief, somebody's going to experience it, unless they're strong enough to transcend it. So that's what came through, those four windows. And of course, it doesn't explain everything, but it keeps people from judging by appearances, because we don't know what a person's growing through, whether they're confused or worried, worried themselves to death or worry themselves into a disease, or whether they're in the midst of a lesson. I remember a friend of mine who was an attorney that went through some very hard times, and when he came through it, he became a minister, actually. And he didn't give up his legal life, but while he was growing through it, he actually... It transformed his life, and he would say, "Man, I'm so glad that negative stuff happened to me," it was negative at the time, but it purified his soul.


Shawn Stevenson: That's powerful. When you said it, I immediately thought that the worst thing that ever happened to me, I'm so grateful for...


Michael Beckwith: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: It's really one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade it. I mean, it's terrible, absolutely. But also, I realized that within that, I could have stayed. I could have stayed stuck in it. And I think that that's one of the challenges that we face today, is when the thing is going on, it's not very fun, it's not an easy situation for us to be like, "You know what, this is going to be the best thing that ever happened to me some day."


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: So, it's being aware in those moments, and I think it just goes back to having those tools so that we can process the information, so that we can have that meta perspective when it's going on, this is... Even a day-to-day context when something you don't like shows up, just having that sense of presence that... For me, like I said, I could have really got stuck in that. And also, the environment would have given me permission.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: You know, nobody necessarily expected more of me. But there was something within me that said, just keep moving forward. Keep moving forward.


Michael Beckwith: Absolutely. When we're stuck in that loop, the mind wants to go to wishful thinking, "I wish this wasn't happening," but it is. I wish it... "I wish I wasn't where I am right now," but you are. And, "I wish I hadn't done whatever I did to set this in motion," but you did. So, the mind will try to take you into wishful thinking, but if you can grab the mind and say... One thing I'll teach people is to say, "If this, whatever this thing is, were to last forever, what quality would I have to have to have peace of mind? What quality?" And what happens is, if you ask a question like that, your mind will start to go towards that quality, less towards the resistance of what's happening. And then that will become a cauldron of transformation and when it's over, you'll have more of that quality, because that's what you are interested in. It's tough. I'm not saying it's an easy thing, that's why we have coaches. That's why we have practitioners. That's why we have enlightened therapists that can coach a person through that, keep their attention high while they're going through the most dark period of times.


I remember that... This ring right here that I wear, this was made by a jeweler, gave it to me as a gift. I had done his wedding, two months later, he calls me from jail, and he says, "Reverend Michael, I want you to pray for me for my wife. I'm going to have to do probably five, I got caught going through Texas with a trunk full of marijuana," before it was all legal and everything, and still not legal in Texas probably. And I say, "Wait a minute, God doesn't really know those kind of prayers. God only knows qualities like freedom, love, joy." I say, "Let's try an experiment." I said if I sent him a book... "'Cause I want you to read this book every day. I want you to read the 91st Psalm every day." Said, "Then I want you to write down what you're going to do with your life when you get out of jail."


He said, "Man, I'm not going to get out for five years." I said, "Just write down what you're going to do when you get out of  jail. What do you want your life to be about? You want to be a lifetime marijuana dealer? What do you want to do?" He said, "No, no, I want to be a jeweler, I've had this idea of doing jewelry and that... I'm an artist." I said, "Okay, write it down." I said, "Now, bless the judge, bless the prosecutor, bless your attorney and stay out of the legality, don't... That's their job, that's not your job. Your job is to see your life, how you want it to be, bless everybody and hold this space." So, he goes for the arraignment, prosecutor is there, prosecutor picks up his briefcase, the papers are lost. All of the evidence, all of his evidentiary processes, he doesn't know where it is. The judge is livid. And the judge has to set him free, but they have 30 days to re-file. And anyway, they can't keep him.


He flies to Hawaii with his wife. They never tried to get him again. So, he ended up starting this one jewelry company, so he made me a number of rings that he's made me. He's got two companies in Hawaii, he's a great artist, great jeweler. Totally walked out of there free. I'd say it that the presence, whatever name you want to call the presence, it only knows freedom, but you have to vibrationally match yourself to that. So, he was doing this drug deal to pay off his child support, then he became aware that his life was full of abundance, great possibility, he didn't need to do it. And that was the worst time in his life, being in jail, but it became the best time in his life, 'cause he learned all about his own mind and speaking of his word and the law and how it works. So, every now and then he'll call me, or he'll send me a piece of jewelry or something to that effect, and...


Shawn Stevenson: That's powerful. That's a launching pad, it was a launching pad. Even in that, you instructed him basically to ask questions, like, "What does my life look like?" And questions really can, in many ways, be... You know, this is the time when there are Olympics trials, Olympics are coming up, and I'm thinking about a springboard. Questions could be a springboard that you could do all kinds of crazy flips and twists with. Or you could belly-flop, if it is the wrong question, yeah.


Michael Beckwith: You could, if he asked his own question.


Shawn Stevenson: And so, I'm just thinking it back to, when everything changed when I was in the worst time, the worst moment of my life... Why is it... And I'm going to ask you this question, I'm going to circle back to it, why is it in that moment, that I finally asked the new question when things were as bad as possible? But it took things to get to that place for me, I was habitually asking and wishing, I was a human wishing-well, just throwing pennies at myself. Like, "I wish that somebody would help me, I wish that I would be... " whatever the case might be. But after hearing from all these experts that I couldn't be well, that I would never walk normally again, that I would be in pain for the rest of my life, at just... I was a kid, still, I was 20 years old. Everything changed when I simply asked a different question, and it changed, I asked, "What can I do to get healthy?" And my entire universe changed.


Michael Beckwith: That's right. Absolutely. The universe will answer any question you ask, that's the nature of it. Most people ask disempowering questions, "What's wrong?" "Who's to blame?" "Why me?" "What should I do about it?" "Why did this happen?" So, we live in a multi-dimensional universe. So, as long as you're asking that question, you're at the lower rung of the dimensions. There's a whole another world. And so, when you begin to ask an empowering question, you're actually lifted out of that world, you're not in that world anymore. You're in another world, instantly. I'm up here now. And up here, from the mountain top, I have a different point of view than if I'm just in the valley. I see things differently, I'm hearing wisdom and guidance and direction, answers are flowing. And I'm in a different world.


It's difficult to teach at time, because this is where you start moving from metaphysics to mysticism, you're at a whole another level of seeing. It's a whole different world that exists, but most people are content, they think they are any way, to live in this small world, when this other world exists, but you have to ask the right question to get there. The password: "Who am I?" The password, "Who am I?" "What do I represent?" "What am I here to reveal?" "What gift do I have to give?" "What does my life really mean?" You got to ask a different level of questioning.


Shawn Stevenson: This is making me inquire, because this awareness is who you are now. Like you mentioned earlier, some people are a human filing cabinet and then others... You're it, you embody it. And with your practices, because it also is a practice, it's a continuous practice, I would love to know how your day is set up, like, is this something that you start your day with? These practices? What does your morning routine look like? For Michael Beckwith.


Michael Beckwith: It has evolved over the years, because with every moment of inspired wisdom or inside this greater integration and greater embodiment... So, I can remember over the years, I would meditate for hours, go on meditation retreats. Just live a life of meditation, until, as a moment comes where I'm not really out of that space... I do my meditation in the morning, but I'm always in kind of a reflective awareness, I'm aware of what my mind is doing. But what I do is, I wake up and I will go into a moment of gratitude, I put it... I'll actually put a smile on my face, even if I don't feel like it. And you probably know this already, but just when you smile a ton of chemicals flow through your body, even if you're not feeling it. So, I smile, I'll be grateful that I'm... I'm grateful that I exist, I'm grateful that I'm alive, I'm not grateful for stuff yet, just that I'm alive.


And then, I surrender to life, like, I yield to the potential that's within me, and then I ask for the strength to do whatever my assignment is for the day, whatever comes across my path. Okay, so that's just... That's when I wake up. Then I will sit. And have moment of... Moments of meditation. Then, I'll go workout. Now, that particular sitting is not a long sitting. I'll go workout first, get some sweat on, then when I come back home, it'll be a longer sitting. Something about either doing yoga or lifting or something that prepares you to sit. So now I'm sitting, and that's a longer period of time. The minimum is 22 minutes, the maximum will be whatever my schedule allows me to do. So, then throughout the course of the day, there'll be moments of sitting with a staff member, or praying, and then in the evening, have a moment of sitting. So, it's integrated into my life. Now, before, it was really...


Over the years, it was really intense. Then after... It doesn't have to be that intense for me anymore, even though I love it. I did an intense meditation training couple of months ago in Sedona, and it was 7 days of intense, biofeedback, polygraph machines, hours and hours of feedback. And I do that. That's a reset, I do that every couple of years. Love it. It's intense, but you're changed when you come out of there. So, I still love... I'm a solitary guy, I love my aloneness. I love people. But I think my base is I like being by myself. But I love people. And so that practice, it varies. Sometimes I'll do... I have... The magnets we talked about, they're right by my bed. I do the magnet, I do the Qi-gong moves, and that would be my meditation. So just... It's just very... I do breathwork every day. I do breathwork before I speak. But now that I'm talking to you, the things that I do, I forget about them because they're just part of...


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, right.


Michael Beckwith: Just part of the deal. I'm not saying, "Oh, I'm going to sit down and do breathwork now." I just know that "Okay, I'm getting ready to speak, I'm getting ready to... I got so many minutes." I just go in and meditate, and I start doing the breath of fire, then I do slow 8-4-8-4 counting breath, and then I'll go up and speak. So, it's all integrated into my life, but it's not like I'm doing a spiritual practice, it's just like part of me.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, I love that. And the magnets, those we talked about, I think it was Peter Ragnar...


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, right.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, who put us onto that. 'Cause I got to actually... I don't know if I told you this, I got a magnetic mattress pad at one point.


Michael Beckwith: I did too.


Shawn Stevenson: Dude, dreams were crazy.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, I did too.


Shawn Stevenson: Crazy.


Michael Beckwith: I slept on that. I used to sleep under a copper pyramid over my whole bed, for years.


Shawn Stevenson: So, you was on some...


Michael Beckwith: That was years ago.


Shawn Stevenson: John Carter. You was showing up on Mars.


Michael Beckwith: Actually, I've always been going to the edge of whatever. And then I remember having a dream that the pyramid broke. I took that as a sign that I didn't need to do that anymore.


Shawn Stevenson: Right, right.


Michael Beckwith: So, I don't even know where that pyramid is, but it was 100% copper, and the dreams were intense, and it was much easier to leave your body and go flying and things like that. And then that was over. Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: I love that too. That's another thing about some of the great leaders and teachers, is that willingness to experiment. The willingness to listen to that inner guidance system. So, we got the magnetic aspect, we've got the Qi-gong, we've got the meditation. And when I was with you at your place, I was surprised by... 'Cause I was wondering about that, do you exercise first and then do your meditation session? And then, because of you, I started... I flipped it. The funny thing is, which is not even that funny with everything is funny, is I've enjoyed my meditation in a different way now by doing a little bit of getting my heart rate up, getting my blood moving, and then doing my practice.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: So, because at prior, I was like, I'd get up, do some reading, do a meditation session, and just kind of like a very...


Michael Beckwith: I still do that.


Shawn Stevenson: You know, slow vibe. But then, like you just mentioned, yeah, especially if it's a shorter thing. But for a longer session, I found a little bit more juice...


Michael Beckwith: There is.


Shawn Stevenson: Like doing a little bit of exercise prior.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah. People forget that yoga came into being to prepare one for meditation. In the West, it became more of an exercise, physique kind of thing, but the advent of yoga in Egypt and in India, is how you prepared yourself for meditation. You would do your asanas, build up your chi, be able to hold more energy, then you would sit. It wasn't, "I'm going to sit and then do the yoga." It was the other way around. You do the yoga, then you would sit. So, the same way, you do your exercise first, and then it's easier to sit. You're not as fidgety because you've expanded your vessel to hold more energy, you can sit for longer periods of time.


Shawn Stevenson: There's two things. So, yoga, helping to build up that potential for holding that wattage, and the same thing with our nutrition.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: So, both of these practices integrated. I love that so much.


Michael Beckwith: Yet some people would say... Nutritionists say that nutrition is king and exercise is queen, and then the exercise people say, "No, no. Exercise is king and nutrition is queen," but they're both. You got to have both.


Shawn Stevenson: Meditation is the kingdom.


Michael Beckwith: In meditation.


Shawn Stevenson: So, with everybody again, and I want to reiterate this, it's something that we talk about frequently, just the absolute infinite potential that every person has. We're so wonderful, and I think that sometimes we can lose track of that, I think a big part of that is our education system and the way that we come up, we're kind of inundated with misinformation or miseducation about who we are and what we're capable of. What can folks do if they're wondering... They hear wonderful people and all these incredible speakers and writers and successful people, and they're just like, "I'm not that." What can people do to help to uncover who they are, what they are, what their gift is?


Michael Beckwith: First of all, there has to be a shift of perception. When they're looking up to somebody, anybody great, we can name a bunch of people, they all were "a nobody" at some point. And nobody is special, I say people have specialized. It's just like, you see somebody playing the piano and they're killing it, they specialized in that, they took classes, they practiced, they put in hours. So that we can look at it and say, "Ooh, he's special," no, he specialized in that. In whatever walk of life, we can talk about Nelson Mandela, we can talk about His Holiness the Dalai Lama, we could talk about great athletes, we can talk about doctors, we can talk about influencers, they specialized until that became second nature. So, I have to remind people that they have the same powers, but you have to put in the time, you, see?


The two greatest technologies are earnestness and sincerity. And if you're earnest, meaning you practice whether you feel like it or not, and you're sincere in your motivation, you're going to bear fruit. But it's not magical thinking... Like doing one affirmation and saying "Poof, my life has changed." I have to actually put in the time. So, if people can catch... As you said, we are wonderful. But it has to be activated. It has to be activated. Olympic athletes aren't just going to go out and run a nine-one, they got to get to do to work, or you're going to pull a muscle and hurt yourself.


Shawn Stevenson: Right, or all the muscles.


Michael Beckwith: Or all of them. Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: You know what? There's this term that we have, like somebody's a natural, "Look at them, they're natural." They would never know if they didn't pick that thing up. I was thinking about Serena Williams when you mentioned athletes we look at and we aspire to. She could have never picked up a tennis racket, she could have been a teacher, she could have been a judge.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: And so, it's the investment. I think it's experimentation.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, her father had her out there all the time, working. What she's doing to her daughter right now, showing her the steps. Yeah, and I will say there have been prodigies, people born that they can play the piano, but I don't believe in different lifetimes, I believe it's just one life with different chapters. So, in another chapter of their life, they learned that skill and didn't forget it. And they came here. There's so much we can talk about that. You look at somebody like Beethoven, who was deaf. Deaf. Most people forget that this man was deaf and created full symphonies. He was listening with the ear that's beyond the ear, not the... He never even heard a tune. But would write a full symphony. How does that happen? There's so much more than meets the eye of who we are and our capabilities.


Shawn Stevenson: And I think this will go back as well...


Michael Beckwith: Oh, let me just say one other thing.


Shawn Stevenson: Sure, absolutely.


Michael Beckwith: I need to say something about education, which is exactly miseducation, because the system that was set up was set up for workers, it was set up by the aristocracy to have people be prepared to have jobs. It wasn't set up for like real learning and education. It was set up for... So, they would have the people to be able to do certain things proficiently in the job sector. So, we don't have a really good educational system, we have a system that fits people into holes to plug up things in society. I would say... I used to tell kids years ago, before the Internet and all that, I would say, "I know a place, you can learn anything you want, you get all the information and all the knowledge," they say, "Where?" I said, "The library!" Ooh, it's a very mystical place. Today, you can study anything. You can study anything. Nothing prevents a person from studying anything you want and to become proficient in something.


Shawn Stevenson: Such a gift. When things are as crazy as they are, you also have opportunity like you've never seen.


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: You just said it, anything, anything. You can learn from the top people in the world in their respective space for free.


Michael Beckwith: For free. Business, athletics. The phone that we have, when the first people went into outer space, they didn't even have that much technology. We have more technology in our smart phones that the first astronauts had. We have that in our hand. We're unlimited.


Shawn Stevenson: We can skyrocket our lives to a different stratosphere.


Michael Beckwith: Totally.


Shawn Stevenson: We've got a quick break coming up, we'll be right back. Mental performance is more important than ever, and there are specific foods that are proven to enhance our cognitive abilities, like few things can. A study published in advanced biomedical research found that royal jelly has the potential to improve spatial learning, attention and enhance our memory. And to add to that, it was found to be anti-microbial, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory. One of the biggest issues we're facing with cognitive decline, with diminishing brain health, is neuro inflammation, specifically hypothalamic inflammation, with our hypothalamus being a master regulator of our endocrine system and our nervous system. And addressing this helps not just our brain work better, but our body working better as well.


Royal jelly has also been found to facilitate the differentiation of all different types of brain cells. And to top it off, researchers in Japan discovered that royal jelly has the power to stimulate neurogenesis in the hippocampus. This is the memory center of the brain. Very few things ever discovered have been found to be able to do this. This is the power of royal jelly. Royal jelly has been prized for centuries for all of its metabolic and cognitive benefits. But this is just one of the most remarkable super foods for the brain. Another one of my favorite things is a bacopa. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled human trial, the gold standard of clinical testing published in 2016 found that after just six weeks of use, bacopa significantly improved speed of visual information processing, learning rate, memory consolidation and even decreased anxiety in study participants.


Now I've got both of these powerful superfoods together, one of my all-time favorite neotropics and it's called B.Smart from the incredible folks at Beekeeper's Naturals. They're dedicated to sustainable beekeeping, that's where this amazing royal jelly comes from, to deliver the cleanest most bio-available forms of bee products. And they're committed to third-party testing for over 70 pesticide residues commonly found in bee products, with some of the most pervasive offenders being things like DDT, that's again, commonly found in bee products. They also test for a wide variety of other things commonly found in bee products that a lot of folks don't know about, like heavy metals, like arsenic and lead, and also testing for E.Coli and salmonella, and things that you do not want coming through with the incredible bee products that we're trying to get and get the value from. We don't want toxins and poisons coming along with those things.


So, I'm a huge fan of Beekeeper's Naturals and my favorite thing... My favorite neotropic is B.Smart from Beekeeper's Naturals. Go to for 15% off the B.Smart and all of their other incredible products, you've got to  check out their superfood honey as well. It's amazing. Go to Again, you get 15% off all of their incredible products. B.Smart is a must have for mental performance. Pop over there. Check them out. Now, back to the show.


Shawn Stevenson: Within finding our gifts, and I think this also goes back to asking those questions as well, what is my gift, what... In different challenges, for example, what quality is wanting to emerge from me, and picking these little traits up, but what if... Okay, so let's say that we are tapping into our gifts, we know the thing that we want, for example, you gave the story about the gentleman who was a jeweler. But what if we bump into the situation where we feel like we know what our thing is, what we're passionate about, what we're moving towards, but we feel like we missed an opportunity. Can you speak to that?


Michael Beckwith: Well first of all, there are infinite opportunities. There used to be an old superstition, opportunity only knocks once, or something like that. You know what I mean? There it is, it's gone. But that would be in a limited universe. Opportunity is infinite, possibilities are infinite. So, if an opportunity has passed you by, you learn the lesson, you weren't ready, you weren't prepared, you didn't have your stuff together when that opportunity came. Now, get it together, 'cause it's going to keep coming, opportunities are always here. And so, people have to let go of the superstitious thought that opportunity only knock once. It's knocking now for everyone, it's beating on our heart saying, "Let me in, I got possibilities to express through you. Let me in, let's do this. Come on now," because the graveyard carries so many unfulfilled dreams.


People were afraid, afraid of success, afraid of failure, afraid of looking silly by doing something and that had never been done before. So, it just died with them.


Shawn Stevenson: Opportunity only knock once that...


Michael Beckwith: Who said that?


Shawn Stevenson: The person controlling opportunities.


Michael Beckwith: Right, right, right.


Shawn Stevenson: Trying to control...


Michael Beckwith: You blew it.


Shawn Stevenson: That's so interesting. I remember the statement also, where there's a will there's a way, it makes me think of that too, and that's even limited because where there's a will, there's infinite ways. I think we tend to get caught up in the paradigm that we exist in, that we are currently in, that this is the way, this is the only way to the solution, and we miss out on all the dynamic... And the thing is, this is the thing about humans as well, that until we're pressed with a situation that causes us, that triggers us to think more creatively, to innovate, to become more, we just don't do it, we don't know that that's a thing.


Michael Beckwith: And there comes a day where your growth is your most important thing. I like to say where there's willingness, there's a way, and when there's willfulness there's a wall. So, if you're willing, ways will show up. But if you become willful, "This is the only... " Then you create a vibration of wall, you're working against yourself. So, human beings, I invite people to become willing even... You don't have to know how to do it. Just become willing. He didn't know... This guy didn't know how to start a business. He didn't know anybody in Hawaii. He didn't think... He was undercapitalized, but he became willing, and then angel investors, different things came up that he didn't even know existed that allowed him to move forward. He became willing.


Shawn Stevenson: And It's happening all the time as well. I know that all of us, we love to hear those stories, those success stories, and there's so many... Those are the people that we think of, and we see and I'm thinking about my friend Jesse Itzler, he's been on the show, and he's married to the founder of Spanx.


Michael Beckwith: Well, my cousin is a good friend of her.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. And so, she's... Incredible billion-dollar company, billion-dollar brand, and if you know her... Beyond humble beginnings, basically in a room, she's got a roommate, the whole thing, just trying to put stuff together herself, cutting things up, cutting the legs out of pantyhose and all these things, essentially broke, and growing that to a billion-dollar brand, but we see those things happen, and we think that that's for that person. It's those people over there. How do we... I think, first of all, and I... Just talking with you... This is the thing about talking with you is that I already know the answer when I say it out, but we identify with that because it is in us.


Michael Beckwith: Yes.


Shawn Stevenson: So how can we cultivate that even more?


Michael Beckwith: Association with individuals that are going to hang in that kind of conversation. We have to not associate with people who live in the field of impossibility, put you down if you're trying to go forward, telling you you're off-base if you're trying to do something that's out of bounds. If you associate with individuals... As the old statement goes, it's better to be by yourself than to be with bad company.


So, if you associate with individuals that are talking possibility, more possibility is going to flow through you. Now, these kind of stories are very inspirational, particularly in light of the fact that most of the things that we're bombarded with via the media are all the negative things that happen, the lowest common denominator of the human experience. So, you'll get all of this whole thing about all the negative things that are happening on the planet, but they never balance it with, "Look at all of these beautiful things that are happening. Look at all these remissions, look at all these inventions, look at all this art that's being produced." You don't get that.


Shawn Stevenson: Look at all these people who are safe.


Michael Beckwith: Right. Safe. "Ooh, they didn't die tonight. The house didn't blow up." No. And so, we have to... That's called malicious hypnotism, that our media is basically hypnotizing people through seduction, provocation and intimidation into a small point of view. And you have to not only withstand that, you got to opt out, just like you get credit cards, or you get programs and say you can opt out anytime. People have to wake up every single day and opt out of that paradigm. I'm opted out of the paradigm of fear. I'm opted out of the paradigm of lack and limitation, scarcity...


Shawn Stevenson: Take me off the list.


Michael Beckwith: Take me off the list. I don't want it. I'm not subscribing to that anymore; I'm ascribing to something else. And feed yourself with that possibility until it becomes so ingrained in your being, that's where you're living. And then you become... You actually repulse the negative. You become impervious to it. You, see? That's why I'm saying it's a comedy because I'll just watch people just like... "Why are you so scared of everything? What are you doing? What are you eating? What are you taking in?" Stop. Stop it. Take care of your mind.


Shawn Stevenson: What if... And I'd never even thought of this before, but I was talking about Sara Blakely, Jesse's wife who founded Spanx, what if that was the dominant thing that we did see on the news? These wonderful stories and all the opportunity in creation, that's possible. Me having that thought is a creation. And that could be even somebody listening right now. And a lot of amazing people who work in the news listen to the show. Shout out to everybody, the people out there doing the good work, good reporting, who right now it's a challenge for them as well to get things published, to get their stories run, if it's not fitting into that narrative of fear. And not to say that there's not things to be conscientious about or cautious about...


Michael Beckwith: Sure.


Shawn Stevenson: But it's a formula and it is dedicated to keeping us in a trance with fear, and we've done... We've talked about this quite a bit on the show and just even some of the signs behind it. But I want to ask you about this... This is one of the most important things that I wanted to have you on for, is right now, and you set something up really well earlier, mentioning when it's a big situation, a whole society, for example, that goes through something, what we consider to be bad, and the big change that can come from it. Right now, we're still in the grips of something really tremendously negative in a sense, very challenging.


A lot of people losing their lives, a lot of businesses lost, a lot of people experiencing more challenges to mental health than ever before, relationships crumbling, people just living in fear, losing their homes, the list goes on and on. And this is just the beginning stages, we haven't even seen the full ramification roll out of this thing. What could this mean for us? I know you... Because of who you are and the work that you've done, you can see from a different perspective what it's all about. Can you give us some insight...? Because you helped me with this too, because I was really having some challenges in the beginning of this, because I thought we were better than this. I thought that this would be an opportunity, which I still... It is...


Michael Beckwith: It is, yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: To focus on what's real, to focus on health, to focus on love and support...


Michael Beckwith: Yes. All of that.


Shawn Stevenson: So please, if you got any insight...


Michael Beckwith: Well, you know, what I see is that we're in the middle of a great awakening. And you're seeing the crumbling of the old paradigm, and you're seeing the emergence of what's happening new, both in the same space and the same time. In Newtonian physics, that can't exist, you can't have two objects in the same space, same time. But in quantum reality, you can have everything in the same space at the same time, but they're vibrating at different levels. So, you have the old paradigm: Fear, fear, fear, fear; worry, worry, worry, worry; lack, limitations, scarcity, not enough, not enough jobs, not enough this, not enough that. That's not real, that's made up. And so, what's happening is, is a crumbling of the old, where people are going to be forced to really get a sense of who they are and stop leaning on external things like governments and politicians and things of that particular nature. I'm always shocked that people actually believe these guys. You know what I mean? It's like, "You believe the government? Who does that?" You know what I mean?


Shawn Stevenson: Just a little side bar, we're here in LA right now, we're here in California, and you shared this with me before, prior to a lot of this stuff coming forward that they could tell a lie, you could literally see them do it right in your face and you know that it's not true. And this happened with our governor here, when there's lockdowns happening, social distancing...


Michael Beckwith: Right. He's out partying.


Shawn Stevenson: Mask... He's literally at a restaurant with a group of people, not social distancing, not wearing a mask, and then making it a mandate that people do these things, to the degree that people are having legal issues, people are having issues with stress and aggression and violence and all these different things, but he's not subscribing to it himself. So, you could see these things taking place right in front of you, and then the craziest part is our friends and family, close associates, people who you might think are able to see this stuff taking place are just still listening to them like, "Oh yeah, he just... He made a mistake," or whatever the case... And that's true. People can make a mistake...


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: But I'm shocked at the level of... I thought we were past this, we knew that the news was doing this kind of stuff, that the politicians were...


Michael Beckwith: No. People outsource their authority. I tell people, "The only authority you have is the authority of your own conviction." That's the authority. You can't outsource your authority to someone out there, those people work for you. You don't work for them. They work for you. And so, your attention has to be on what kind of life you want to live and how that can assist you to live that life. Now if you don't have a vision, then they're going to tell you what your vision is. If you don't have your own possibility for your own life, then you're going to listen to these people and they're going to run your life, you see.


So, the idea is that we're in a great awakening, everything is shifting, the world of phenomena is moving really fast and there's an emergence taking place. There's people becoming more sovereign, people taking their authority back, people that are saying, "hell no," it's very similar to the vibration of during the Vietnam War, people woke up and say, "Whoa, wait a minute, we're going to go kill these people we don't know? Why this is... Why are we doing this?" And nobody could give an answer. You know what I mean? So, it's a stream of consciousness that's happening. And again, you don't see it 'cause it's not on the news. But there's many people that are coming to an understanding that their own authority is here. It's their connection to the universe, not connection to a party, Republican, Democrat, Independent. It's connected to something else.


And you'll also notice these days that people that used to be diametrically opposed to each other are now sharing some of the same... They're in agreement with some of the same things. Used to be, everything was black or white, Republican, Democrat. Now it's like, "That guy over there, I agree with what he's saying." So, there's. A...


Shawn Stevenson: For growing number of people that is happening. Yes.


Michael Beckwith: Yes, so there's a whole breaking down of what used to be black and white, this and that, to, "There's something happening." And I think that's a precursor to something breaking down to something else emerging. We have our inner authority connected to the presence, we begin to have a vision of the kind of world we want to live in, we start to walk in that direction. Again, the reporters are reporting from the old paradigm, we're seeking to report from something new that's emerging. That means you have to see the invisible in order to do the impossible. Every great thing has ever happened in life, it was invisible. Somebody saw it. Nobody... I remember when people used to say apartheid was going to be here forever.


That was the thing. It's no way that these people are going to give up control and power, but it was... Somebody saw it. And in one day, that was the new paradigm. Berlin wall came down, that was never going to come down. So, there are lot of things we're dealing with now, the highest frequency always wins. That's a law. The highest frequency is more powerful than the lower frequency. A thought that emerges from a field of fear, worry, control, domination, manipulation has less power than a thought that's emerging from a field of love. So, love is always going to win. Now, a dictator may be on the throne for a while, they can't stay there. It's impossible. Universe is progressive.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. We needed to hear this. I was just sitting with my son, Braden, the other day, and I turned on the television, but then I realized I needed to send an email, and it might have even been to your team or something, I don't know. But I remember I had to jump on an email real quick. And the TV automatically turns on this news channel, Spectrum News, it's just because of the cable that we have, I guess. And so, it's just playing in the background because we were about to watch something together, and it was about 10 minutes that I was doing this email and maybe nine minutes into it, I was just wrapping up, and my son, Braden, he's nine years old, he was like, "Dad, why is there so much bad news on the news?" And he had been... It was just kind of he's playing with his Legos, but he was just still... Can pick up what was being said. And it's just continuous feed of all the bad things, and we don't watch the news. This kid has no association of experience with it, and he just says this, I'm just like... That's the brilliance of our children.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, he saw the contrast.


Shawn Stevenson: So he says this to me and I was like, "You know what, bud, it's because... : And similar to what you just said, "They're reporting from an old paradigm, an old reality that all the things that are going on are 'bad things', and they're not talking about all the good that's going on at the same time, and all the people that are doing well that are getting healthy, that are safe, that are loving each other, that are taking care of each other... " And I shared that this other thing, those type of things have not... Those are not popularized, they're not as interesting for folks right now, rather than this fear and all these negative things.


Shawn Stevenson: And here's the crazy part, and I didn't share this, I might have mentioned this on the show before, but just the day before we were walking with his best friend next door and their parents... The news, it runs... It's running on a TV. We were just walking, we go for walks, me, my son, Braden, and his best friend, and his best friend was like, "So did you guys hear the news today?" And he was talking about some people who were murdered, and I'm just like... There's two different realities. It's not to say, and this is for me, it's not to say that this bad thing didn't happen, but that's 90% of what he's getting fed when that news channel is running 24/7, or even for a couple of hours, and that's what I love about your work as well, is that we don't have to ignore, we're not...


Michael Beckwith: No.


Shawn Stevenson: We're not about ignoring what's going on in the world. We just don't have to be controlled by it.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, it's limited. You know, what happens is then you become addicted and interested in that, and you can't even see all the good that's happening around on the planet. And so, there's the good news, they used to call it the gospel. That's the good news.


Shawn Stevenson: And it exists in a big way.


Michael Beckwith: It's happening. Yeah. I was in Costa Rica recently and I was with some folks, and some conversations came up, and they knew nothing about it 'cause they don't watch any of the news. They had no relationship to COVID, they had no relationship to so many things that people are interested in. And they said, "No, we're healthy. We just go into town and get our stuff, you know, and we see people walking around being afraid of this and that... " I said, "You guys healthy?" "Oh yeah, we're healthy, why would we be sick? We're not interested in sickness, so we're not going to get sick." But it was just they're living in a different... They're living in my reality. And it was just fun. Just to see that.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah. And you would think with the marketing campaign behind what's taken place, you know... And we've talked about this on the show multiple times, but one of the craziest things is these news networks, they're funded largely... Billions of dollars invested by pharmaceutical companies, for example, and there's kind of vested interest. And there's no nuance, there's no context, it's just, "This is your option. You're going to die or you're going to take a drug." And nothing else really exists. And anything... Even if somebody doesn't take the bait... Any experts that they have on, you have to take the bait, you're not going to be featured on the network.


Michael Beckwith: No.


Shawn Stevenson: And the crazy thing is, I've done the news shows. I've been on the major news, and it's such a small... And this past... When Eat Smarter came out, I made a conscious decision that I'm not doing that stuff unless it's just so magnificent. Because people are not even coming there for that. They're coming there to find out how bad it is, plus the weather and sports, and then here's my little three-minute segment telling you to eat some avocado or whatever, you know. It's just like, I think my time could be better served doing something else, but I'm not against hitting the airways like that, you know, we're still planting seeds, but most people are tuning in for something else. And we want to come offline a little bit more and consciously tap ourselves into positive media, enlightened media. And you've got an event coming up here, a big celebration...


Michael Beckwith: Right.


Shawn Stevenson: Coming up for people to have that experience, to connect with something, to remind us of how powerful we are, to provide tools and insights from a plethora of absolute world changers. Can you talk a little bit about this?


Michael Beckwith: Absolutely. The summit, it's a summit. And the summit's theme is Saying Yes to You. And so, I have Queen Afua, Danielle LaPorte, Don Miguel Ruiz, Neale Donald Walsch. They're going to present and then we're going to be in dialogue, like you and I are in dialogue right now. It's going to be peppered with other wonderful people bringing yoga practices and prayer practices, it's going to be... Shaman Durek is going to do some opening for us. Koya Webb is going to do some things for us...


Shawn Stevenson: Koya's been on this show as well.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's...


Shawn Stevenson: Incredible. Will be teaching.


Michael Beckwith: Emerged out of Agape, I'm so proud of her. Sadhguru is going to give a word. Bob Proctor is going to give a word...


Shawn Stevenson: Bob Proctor. Yeah, legend.


Michael Beckwith: And he's 80 something years old still.


Shawn Stevenson: Out here on his motorcycle, just...


Michael Beckwith: Killing it boy. Both him and Sadhguru both ride motorcycles.


Shawn Stevenson: Oh wow, Bob too?


Michael Beckwith: Yeah... Oh you know, I'm talking... Yeah. Bob doesn't do it anymore but...


Shawn Stevenson: Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Michael Beckwith: Sadhguru does, for sure but... Yeah, so it's Say Yes to You. And it's free. This particular offering on July 21st is at no cost. You know, there are some other iterations that you may want to pay for it down the line, but it's just like an honor of the birthday, and it's...


Shawn Stevenson: Your birthday.


Michael Beckwith: My birthday...


Shawn Stevenson: Of your birthday.


Michael Beckwith: My appearance day, right.


Shawn Stevenson: Yes. July 21st. Shout out.


Michael Beckwith: July 21st. That's free. And it's a fundraiser, there'll be ways that people can give if they feel compelled to do that. But the whole idea is, how do you say yes to you?


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.


Michael Beckwith: And you have to know who you are, you have to actually give permission, and most people are still looking for external validation and somebody to give them permission, "Please give me permission to be great, give me permission to have my needs met." No, no, no, no. You have to say yes to you. And so, we're going to go into the core of that, to up-level people thinking about saying yes to who they are and the ramifications of all of that. So, tune in and get a tune-up.


Shawn Stevenson: Yes, I love it, I love it. A mental and physical, emotional tune-up.


Michael Beckwith: Absolutely.


Shawn Stevenson: So, you already mentioned some of the folks that are going to be speaking and sharing and...


Michael Beckwith: And you're there too.


Shawn Stevenson: Of course.


Michael Beckwith: 'Cause we're taking... We're taking... This is summit part two, but we're combining it with summit part one that you were involved in.


Shawn Stevenson: Part one. Yes. Such an honor, such an honor. But so now got Danielle LaPorte, we've got Don Miguel Ruiz from the The Four Agreements, this is more legendary... Sadhguru, Bob Proctor, you've got Sterling K. Brown.


Michael Beckwith: Sterling's going to interview me and I'm going to interview him. It's kind of a fun thing we're going to do, he's going to... I don't know what questions he's going to ask me here about whatever, you know.


Shawn Stevenson: So, most folks know about him from the television show, I know about him from Black Panther...


Michael Beckwith: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: That's where I first became aware of him.


Michael Beckwith: Yeah, he was in Black Panther, and This is Us.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.


Michael Beckwith: It's interesting because I know he's a great member of Agape, but once I realized the depth of his acting, then I started seeing him in all these movies over the years. And he popped with This is Us when he got... The first Black to get an Emmy, then he got another one, but he's been... What does it take? 30 years to become an overnight success? He's been doing this for a long time. And his wife, Ryan, they're killing it.


Shawn Stevenson: You got such an incredible community at Agape... It's not an accident. I mean, everybody from Stevie Wonder to Russell Brand, to Sterling K. Brown.


Michael Beckwith: Russell Brand, he just texted me last night, he's going to be on... That week, I'm doing an Instagram interview with Russell Brand, with Dr. B. Sirius, with Karen Ward, and with Lauren London. Different one every day. Just speaking to the same thing of Saying Yes to You.


Shawn Stevenson: I love this. So, everybody, again, this is a free event. Right now, take action, go to Together, N-O-W-S-U-M-M-I-T, for special access to this once-in-a-lifetime experience, an event to celebrate the one and only Michael Beckwith truly. This is such a gift... For folks that are watching on YouTube, that we're here at our new studio, and to have you here for the first episode, and I told you about different things going on in the world to line this up, for you to be the first guest is... I don't feel that it's an accident at all, and it's such an incredible gift for me. And you're an incredible gift for all of us, we're grateful to have you on the planet right now.


Michael Beckwith: It is my joy. I've said yes to me. You've said yes to you. And here we are.


Shawn Stevenson: That's it. That's it. Everybody, the incredible Dr. Michael Beckwith.


Michael Beckwith: Peace and blessings, everyone.


Shawn Stevenson: Thank you so much for tuning in to the show today. I hope you got a lot of value out of this. This is yet another reason to stack conditions in our favor. Even with our nutrition, it's not just applying to the out-picturing of our physical body and the things that we can do in the world, it's also about our mindset. It's also about our ability to hold on to the things that we bring in, the information that we bring in, to be able to manage and contain and utilize that energy, that wattage, it's really based on the energy that we make ourselves out of. It's not just you are what you eat, it's also you are what you drink, you are what you breathe, as we talked about recently with James Nestor on The Model Health Show, and it's also what you think, so the ideas that we take in. What is your idea diet looking like? What are you taking in for your mental food? And can your cells actually hold the goodness when you take in a powerful message? Is your body able to sustain that kind of higher voltage? And so, this is yet another reason to stack conditions in our favor and to eat real food, to nourish ourselves, to nourish our bodies and our minds through our nutrition. And also, again, this is such a great opportunity to expose ourselves to information and empowerment.


We have the opportunity to tune into the messages that keep us uplifted, that remind us of who we are and how powerful we are. As he mentioned, this time right now is presenting us a great opportunity. I can't say that there's anybody with any integrity who wanted this situation to take place, but it's presented us with an opportunity to become better, to get off of our assets and to take action in the world, because we've really been, so often in our lives, sitting back waiting for things to happen, waiting for things to manifest, whereas this has really encouraged us to think differently, to value things differently, whether it's our freedoms, whether it's our relationships, it's presented an opportunity for us to grow and to become better and to demand that we all procure a certain standard of living, a certain standard of rights or whatever the case might be. It's presenting an opportunity for us to really think about the things we might have taken for granted, and to ensure that everybody has these," inalienable" rights as human beings, to make sure that that's a real thing, there's nothing outside of us that can take those things away from us.


But it starts with us, and it starts with us recognizing that this is an opportunity for us to grow. But the most important thing and the biggest takeaway is that we have to envision what that reality looks like, despite the appearances of what we're seeing right now, to get a vision of what a community looks like, our society looks like, when everybody is healthy. When health is the rule and not the exception, where things are flipped. Right now, here in the United States, about 88% of our citizens are not metabolically healthy. And this is according to a recent peer-reviewed study that we've mentioned multiple times in this show, but that means 12% of US citizens, approximately 12%, only 12% are metabolically healthy.


Let's catch a vision where those numbers are flipped, where 88% of our citizens or more are metabolically healthy, are living up to their potential, are happy and raising more happy humans who care about the environment, who care about each other. Start to paint that vision. Start to hold it. Whenever you get a tinge of irritation from the things going on in the world right now, it's okay, it's alright to be in some pissed-osity. But to tune back into that vision with that energy of irritation, that anger and trans-mutating that into something that is advantageous, putting that strong energy into seeing what the world will look like, and that could be, what it will be. And if enough of us say it's so, it shall be so. But it's up to us, we have to carry that vision, we have to see it. Get it as clear as we can possibly make it, alright? That is the job, that is the modus operandi, that is the mission, alright?


I appreciate you so much for tuning into the show today. If you got a lot of value out of this, please make sure to share this out with your friends and family on social media, and you could tag me and tag Michael Beckwith. And we're both on Instagram as well as Facebook and all that good stuff as well. But most importantly, make sure to check out the free summit to celebrate his birthday, but just world class, very few people can get this many thought leaders and superhero successful human beings together for one event. Go to, N-O-W-S-U-M-M-I-T and get signed up for this free event coming up, here when this is getting released, within just a few days. So go and take action right now. And again, we've got some epic shows coming your way very soon, some world class masterclasses and incredible guests, so be sure to stay tuned. Take care. Have an amazing day, and we'll talk with you soon.


And for more after this show, make sure to head over to That's where you can find all of the show notes, you could find transcriptions, videos for each episode. And if you got a comment, you can leave me a comment there as well. And please make sure to head over to iTunes and leave us a rating to let everybody know that the show is awesome, and I appreciate that so much. And take care, I promise to keep giving you more powerful, empowering, great content to help you transform your life. Thanks for tuning in.

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