Filtered by: "Personal Development"
Becoming empowered is a process of gaining knowledge, and then putting it into action. When I started my career in the health field, my intent was to empower people with the tools to help them reach their goals—whether that be losing body fat or reversing disease. I’ve been fortunate enough to serve countless people in …
Continue reading “TMHS 300: 300th Episode Celebration! My Top 10 Favorite Moments”
No matter what your goal is, a clearly defined purpose is key to success. If you haven’t outlined why you’re working toward change, you’ll quickly become unmotivated and give up. But it’s not enough to simply have a motive. In order to create lasting change, your why should have meaning behind it. Your why should …
Continue reading "TMHS 299: The Comfort Zone Myth & Motivation through Empathy with Drew Manning"
What could you accomplish if you weren’t afraid? Have you ever held yourself back because you were worried what other people might think? Have you ever rejected an opportunity because you feared rejection or failure? We all experience fear, but what truly matters is how you direct that fear and ultimately overcome it. Often we …
Since the beginning of humanity, I’m sure there’s been a fascination with the accumulation of a lot of “stuff”. There were probably a bunch of cave-people who had way too many animal skins and rocks hanging around just for the sake of showing off to the cave-folks in their neighborhood (this is basically the premise …
Have you ever let fear stop you from doing something that you really wanted to do? Fear of rejection? Fear of failure? Fear of what other people might think? Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Fear is often used as a tactic to control people. The media at large today, for example, utilizes fear to …
Continue reading “TMHS 285: How to Uncover Your Unique Gift & The Truth About Fear with CJ Quinney”
Is our ability to endure tough circumstances, whether it’s in sports performance, in our careers, or in our relationships, designated to the strength of our mind? You can never take our physical health out of the equation too. There’s no doubt that when we are physically fit and feel well, we’ll tend to be able …
New leaders in the world of personal development have emerged. And they’re not about fluffy sentiments that don’t hold any weight in the real world. This new guild of superheroes are all about action, mastering mindset, service, and results. With our hyper-distracted world, we need leaders who can really grab our attention and snap us …
Continue reading “TMHS 282: Get Financially Fit, Upgrade Your Identity & Maxout with Ed Mylett”
Relationships can be a lot of work. There’s no denying that. But, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything more impactful on the quality of your life than your relationships. So, isn’t it a good idea to make good investments into them? Today you’re going to learn about the most valuable tracking metric we have for …
Continue reading “TMHS 278: Daily Self-Care & 8 Signs that You Need to Move on from a Relationship”
Today, more than ever, we are mistaking being busy for being effective. Great work is more valuable than ever today. Whether it’s work related to health and fitness, real estate, tech, art, or any other field, the quantity today is massive. But quality is what we truly desire. For those willing to engage in deep …
“We have met the enemy, and he is us.” These are the wise words stated in the long-running comic strip Pogo by Walt Kelly. Who knew a comic strip could drop such profound truth?! The greatest obstacle in our success is not something or someone external… our greatest obstacle is our own minds! We all …