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TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods 

The Model Health Show is the #1 Health & Fitness podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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Filtered by: "Fitness"

Keeping up with the Joneses is not just reserved for material objects. Today, more than ever, keeping up with the Joneses means measuring up with your body and physical appearance as well. For decades, if you wanted to fit in with the fitness “in” crowd, slim and lean was the standard. Think, Sharon Stone in …

Is our ability to endure tough circumstances, whether it’s in sports performance, in our careers, or in our relationships, designated to the strength of our mind? You can never take our physical health out of the equation too. There’s no doubt that when we are physically fit and feel well, we’ll tend to be able …

One of my favorite definitions of the word diet is “habitual nourishment”. We can unknowingly develop tunnel vision and think that food is our only source of nourishment. True, food is a huge part, but our diet consists of far more than what we are putting in our bodies. Our movement practices, our exposure to …

When everyone shows up to the theater and sees their favorite superhero on the big  screen, we are just seeing the end result of an incredible process. Superheroes, and champions alike, are made when no one is watching. When the lights and cameras are all off, the best of the best are putting in work. …

Something’s not adding up. We’ve got more gyms, more fitness classes, and more health food stores per person in the U.S. than any other country in the world. Yet, we are continuously at the top of the list of countries with the most obesity and chronic illness. Either we just need to make our continent …

Every human has the capacity to achieve great things. That’s undeniable. But what makes the difference between those who step into that greatness, and those who let their potential dwindle and die? I think the answer to that question can be summed up in one word: will. When the inevitable challenges arrive in the pursuit …

Where did we get the idea that a tight, toned core was the ideal thing to have? Aesthetics have long been a part of human culture, for sure. But, collectively WE get to choose what’s beautiful… and WE get to choose what’s ideal. Did you know that in some cultures, having some jelly on your …

Bipedal walking is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of human beings. Unlike most other creatures (and especially other mammals), we are designed to travel around on our own two legs. What’s so fascinating is that our ability to walk on two legs activates some pretty magnificent neuroendocrine programming. Walking makes essentially everything in your …

There are a lot of different ways to look at strength. The typical definition revolves around a capacity for exertion or endurance. You can see strength on the field, strength in the gym, and strength on the track in its various forms. But, there’s another definition of strength that is often overlooked. It’s the ability …

When you understand motivation, you finally take the training wheels off on your ride to success. If you can actually hone in on why we do the things that we do, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. Without motivation, even the smallest tasks feel gargantuan. But, with motivation, there comes an overflow of …

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