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Searched for: "super nutrition"

For decades, breakfast cereal has been a cornerstone of American mornings, served in homes and schools across the country as the highly regarded “most important meal of the day.”  Cereal is often marketed as heart healthy and full of vitamins, but cereal companies have a long track record of deceptive marketing practices, including making healthwashing …

No one is immune from injuries and ailments; they are an inevitable component of life. But when you’re faced with an opportunity to heal, certain strategies, tools, and mindset shifts can help you feel better faster. That’s what you’re going to learn on today’s show. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re …

Hormones are always hard at work behind the scenes of a myriad of biological processes. Everything from metabolism to gut health can be affected by what’s happening on a hormonal level. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about some of the most notable ways your hormones might be sabotaging your health efforts, and actionable …

Over the last several decades, our food supply has become pumped full of additives, artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, and other chemicals. And when consumed as a large portion of your diet, these ultra-processed foods can have serious, lasting ramifications on your overall health.  On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re diving into five shocking …

One important tenet of living a longer, healthier life is eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods. In the landscape of diet wars, nutritional dogma, and predatory marketing tactics, it can be hard to cut through the noise. So what exactly should you be eating to increase your lifespan and health span? Today’s guest, Dave Asprey, …

Today more than ever, there are a wide range of factors in our society that are diminishing our overall health and disrupting our sleep quality. From our subpar food quality to constant access to the internet, making poor health decisions has become the norm. But if you want to make better choices, what’s the lowest …

There’s a lot of noise out there when it comes to fitness, nutrition, and reaching your body composition goals. But if you want to create results, the best mode of action is to follow those with a proven track record, like my friend Mike Dolce. Mike is a four-time World MMA Trainer of the Year …

Routine is an important component of creating healthy habits, but around the holidays, it can be tempting to throw your routines out the window. Having strong sleep hygiene year-round can help lower inflammation, fight off diseases, and help you enjoy your holiday celebrations with your loved ones. On this episode of The Model Health Show, …

One of my missions is to help folks create a culture of health and wellness in their own families. Habits like eating packaged ultra-processed foods and consuming meals in front of screens have become normalized. But if we want to create true health for ourselves and our children, it’s critical that we have an understanding …

When most people think about the gut, they primarily think about digestion and nutrient assimilation. But the humble gut plays a pivotal role in your overall health. In fact, having a healthy gut is one of the most essential pieces of human health. It serves as the foundation for many critical functions and processes in …