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TMHS 796: How Obesogens Cause Weight Gain & Detoxing Your Environment – With Dr. Vivian Chen

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Did you know that something as simple as a change in temperature can drastically improve your health? Today you’re going to learn how to harness the power of thermogenesis in order to burn fat, promote longevity, build resilience to stress, and so much more. On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re diving into …

There are many pervasive myths in the health and fitness space. It’s no wonder so many folks are confused about fat loss, building muscle, and how to eat in a way that supports their goals. This is why it’s critical that you obtain your information from a science-backed resource, and that’s exactly what I have …

Did you know that your level of optimism can predict your health outcomes? Having a positive outlook is linked with longer, healthier lives and faster recovery rates. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear the science-backed benefits of being optimistic. Our guest today is Dr. Sue Varma. She is a …

Hormones are always hard at work behind the scenes of a myriad of biological processes. Everything from metabolism to gut health can be affected by what’s happening on a hormonal level. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about some of the most notable ways your hormones might be sabotaging your health efforts, and actionable …

The standard approach to losing weight, calorie restriction, tends to overlook critical biological elements like hunger hormones and the body’s innate intelligence. Meanwhile newer weight loss methods, like GLP-1 agonist drugs, can produce substantial weight loss, but have lasting effects on long-term health. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about how to implement a …

Most people believe that declining cognitive function and loss of memory are a natural side effect of aging. But the truth is, we can train our brains to be both structurally and functionally fitter. The best prescription for sharpening your brain health is simple, free, and effective: exercise. Our guest today is Louisa Nicola. She …

The winter months are known to be time when we’re more likely to come down with illnesses like the cold and the flu. On today’s show, you’re going to learn how our biology and our immune systems fluctuate with the seasons, and why infectious illnesses are more common during the winter. We’re going to explore …

Life’s stressors are a normal part of human existence. In fact, your body’s stress response system is a critical survival mechanism that allows you to respond in the event of a threat. And while we can never entirely eliminate stressors in our lives, we can improve the way we respond to stress. On this episode …

Having a larger waistline is linked to a whole host of risks, including a higher propensity for heart disease and diabetes. While it isn’t possible to directly target belly fat through exercise and diet, there are some steps you can take to facilitate overall fat loss, resulting in a reduction of dangerous visceral fat. Today’s …

“Negative perception of aging was the strongest correlation to accelerated biological aging” ~ Mike Mutzel A new 40-year study gives new life to— “The older the violin, the sweeter the music.” Believing that is true, having a positive outlook on aging, has been proven to slow the biological aging process. Small changes are the starting …

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