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TMHS 867: Lose Stubborn Weight & Transform Your Fitness When Your Hormones Change – With Autumn Calabrese


5-Minute Fat Burners – Super 100 Level II

Think you can’t revolutionize your body and burn body fat in 5 minutes? Well, I didn’t think so at one time myself, but the results speak for themselves!

This is a Level II version of my patented 5-Minute Fat Burners. If you’re more physically fit, go through this program just as the model is doing on this video, rest 3 minutes then repeat the circuit again (I personally do it 3 times!)

Use this to your advantage and get fit for the summer!

Have you tried any high impact strength training programs like this before? Let me know what you’ve tried in the comments section below.

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  1. Hi Shawn,

    I love your exercises and even with her”comments” during the workouts, I do the Jillian Michaels Revolution..I do them cautiously and what I can do, I do the complete workouts. Shawn would you be willing to do a workout online for someone with degenerative spine disease as well as herniated cervical spine discs. I don’t want to do more damage, yet I want to lose my last 20 pounds. I’d like to do it by eating very healthy as you do…I’ve taken your info now: no carbs at breakfast, I drink a 15 gram plant morning drink, and I use my Vitamix to make a great tasting green drink.I’m Just looking to tweak my physical, spiritual and have a better body for me…ps I thank you for the Qigong podcast w Tristan. I’ve incorporated Qigong am and pm now. I found lots of youtube videos on Qigong. So keep up the good work!!!!

    Jean Somers

    1. Jean, what a wonderful message. Thank you! I definitely have it in the plan’s to create an entire program on helping people to reverse degenerative spine/bone/disc issues and herniations. It’s a mid- to long-term project that I have my eye on because it will take quite a bit of energy to put it all together. Stay tuned! And huge admiration for you for taking the action for yourself that you already have.

  2. I ordered the Onnit products and I love them.I absolutely love your podcast! Just so you know, I am blind and the links to your videos are not labeled for use with screen readers. I launched my own web based business this year. I create and sell accessible, Eyes-Free Fitness programs so we all have more health choices. Some day I want to be on your show and you to be on mine. Grin. I hear “The Power Of Now” in your words.

    1. Mel, I can’t even tell you how awesome it is to receive this message. Thank you so much! And thank you for listening. Definitely stay connected and we can see what the future holds for an interview :). I’m really curious about your strategies for thriving, and how what I teach is adding value to your life. And I’ll take action to find out about the video screen readers you mentioned. Wishing you nothing but greatness!

      1. What a kick to hear from you so quickly! I am not surprised though because this project has been in a magical flow since day one. When the time is right, we will talk. If it feels right, go check me out.

        Peace and good health to you,
        Mel Scott

  3. Shawn,

    I’ve been listening to your podcasts and reviewing this information. Thanks for the resources!

  4. Hi Shawn,

    Just stumbled on to your podcasts and workouts. Great stuff! A quick question: Is there a substitute for inverted rows? I prefer to work out at home and don’t have any type of bar that I can pull myself up on. Would a dumb bell row with alternating arms do the trick?


  5. your ideas are wonderful Shawn, and altho I cannot afford any weight loss nor fat burning, it is awesome that I CAN incorporate some new ideas into my own series of exercises. Despite the title – I watched that and said: how cool, I will now stay on the balls of my feet for my squats, and I already like to pull [massage] my ears [called yoga for the brain] so my arms are up and out. It made them that much better! I passed the idea along to my chiropractor. And i am also able to add in the “dips” even tho I don’t have any equipment 🙂

  6. I will have to try these. I would prefer these to the beachbody programs where they have you exercise almost grueling pace for nearly an hour.

    5-20 minutes appeals to me so much more. i still like rebounding at any ole time of the day, and stretching/qi gong/yoga/ floor exercise type stuff whenever i feel like it too. yardwork seems to do a lot for me as well as walking/jogging the trails at local parks.

    for real fitness though, for real results, i want to try these 5 minute fat burners and see what power and magic they really have in store. from the fat loss code, right?!


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