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TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods 

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Filtered by: "Personal Development"

Every second of everyday, our minds and bodies are transforming. Transformation is a part of life. But all transformations are not created equal. Personally, I’ve transformed from a thriving athlete, into a couch potato with extra cheese and bacon bits. I’ve transformed from being incredibly self-centered, to dedicating my life each day to serving others. …

Have you ever thought about how much humans are like computers? We have hardware. We have software. We can catch viruses. We process data in the form of everything from food to ideas. And, like a computer, our real power shows when we link up with other computers around the planet to affect change. Now …

There’s a Japanese proverb that says, “You have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.” This statement reflects something beautiful, chilling, and very real …

Do you remember the scene in the movie The Matrix where the main character Neo wakes up from his incubated sleep covered in pink goo? It wasn’t the goo that was alarming (strangely enough) it was the fact that he woke up to a very different reality than the one he believed in. He thought …

How often do you read good fiction books? There was a stretch of maybe half a decade where I, although an avid reader, avoided reading any fiction because I believed that it was not productive. I read countless nutrition books, books on fitness, books on personal development, and more. They all contained a lot of …

For many of us, we believe that our past = our future. We often carry a subconscious belief that no matter what we do, things will always be just more of the same. Even as we grow older, there’s a tendency to replay just slightly different versions of the same year over and over again. …

I love the quote from Marianne Williamson that says, “With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp.” How much does confidence really play into our lives? Well, if we take a step back we can see that confidence plays a major role in ALL of …

Scientist believe that approximately 50 percent of our happiness is genetically predetermined, while 10 percent is due to life circumstances, and 40 percent is the result of our own personal outlook. Whether or not you believe in genetic determinism, none of us can argue that our personal outlook (and in many ways our life circumstances) …

People, places, things, and ideas… This doesn’t just describe what a noun is… this also describes what your destiny will be. These are the things that make up your environment at any given time. And these are the things that inherently influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If you want to adjust the thoughts you …

Before you have a physical transformation, you must first have a mental transformation. All change begins in our mind. So, change your mind and change your life. It sounds pretty simple, right? But trying to change your mind can be like an American Ninja Warrior obstacle course. There are barriers, pitfalls, and outlandish obstacles scattered …

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