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TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods 

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Filtered by: "Personal Development"

Our modern lives are stressful. Between balancing work, relationships, and personal development, we all have a lot on our plates. But above all else, studies show that money is the number one stressor keeping Americans awake at night.  This is a pervasive issue in our culture that can have adverse effects on our physical and …

There’s a big movement in our culture today regarding body positivity and self-love. On a broad scale, things are changing. Clothing brands are removing retouched images from their ad campaigns, the entertainment industry is casting a wider range of body shapes and sizes, and social media influencers are beginning to take the emphasis away from …

Whether you’re trying to advance your physical fitness, career, or relationships, the way you think and operate emotionally will determine your results. If we want to change the course of our lives for the better, we have to learn how to build our emotional intelligence.  On this compilation episode, we’re going to cover how to …

A big part of my personal story involves overcoming—overcoming health struggles, overcoming my past, and most importantly, overcoming mental barriers and limiting beliefs. On some level, we all are guilty of subconsciously holding ourselves back. Whether you’re dealing with deeply ingrained beliefs from your upbringing, or simply just not feeling good enough, changing that story …

Tibetan teacher Mingyur Rinpoche said, “The only difference between meditation and ordinary social interaction is that the friend you’re gradually coming to know is yourself.” If you’ve ever practiced meditation, you’ll know this to be true.  Conversely, if you’ve never tried meditation, you might be thinking it sounds too difficult or too abstract. I can …

Where do your aspirations truly come from? Are your goals rooted in something deep inside of you, or are they a product of societal pressures? So many of us lose sight of our internal voice due to deeply ingrained ideas of what we should be like and what we should achieve.  If you can truly …

We can all agree that for the most part, your level of fitness is within your control. But for some reason, we tend to think of our brain power as a fixed skill set. For years, you’ve probably heard people say that it’s best to learn new skills like instruments and languages as a child. …

What holds you back from becoming your best self? What are the limitations and excuses that you see in your path? Chances are, those limits are self-imposed. Your potential is immeasurable, but for some reason we tend to unconsciously self-sabotage.  I know I am guilty of this, and you too have done it. We all …

Henry David Thoreau made an insightful point when he wrote, “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” Whether you’re in a season of challenges, conflict, joy, or change, each season holds its unique ups and downs. But if we …

True wellness is multi-faceted—it encompasses nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and so much more. Interesting research is emerging suggesting that we are healthier (and we live longer) when we have meaning and a sense of purpose in our lives.  But what does it truly mean to have a purpose? This idea has become distorted in …

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