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TMHS 179: 5 Things Kids Can Teach Us About Living A Happy, Healthy Life

The secrets to health and happiness can sometimes be found in the most unexpected places.

When we are children we are endowed with a mastery for joy and health that we can lose track of as the years roll on. Our search for a return to health and happiness can consume us. But because we are so preoccupied with looking into the future, we often forget to take a second and look down at the little heroes who are passionately showing us the way.

In today’s special episode you’ll discover the 5 specific things that kids can teach us about living a happy, healthy life. Many of the things you’ll learn are backed by surprising and powerful clinical research. Yet, you don’t need a study to tell you just how good it feels to put these timeless, brilliant activities into play for yourself.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How playing impacts your genetic expression.
  • Why our mindset around play shifts as we get older.
  • The surprising ways that play impacts your brain health.
  • How to incorporate more play into your life.
  • Why all of your emotions are valuable.
  • What we need to learn from kids about emotional wellness.
  • Why imagination is critical to success.
  • How your imagination and memory are intimately connected.
  • How your imagination can help you reframe and heal from past experiences.
  • Why you need to take more control over imagineering your life.
  • Which powerful supplement is being studied for its neuroprotective effects.
  • How a childlike curiosity can benefit us as adults.
  • What children can teach us about achieving our goals.


Items mentioned in this episode include:

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  1. I loved this show and it got me to thinking about how I normally react to me teen daughter’s persistence when she wants something. She just hammers away and my knee jerk has always been to make her wrong for it but why??? You reminded me that this is a great quality. Why am I squashing it?

    So I came up with the idea to do a “Celebrate My Kid” week for each of them where I take every opportunity to point out the qualities that make them great as many times as I can remeber to do it.

    Sure I will still say no and tell her that she needs to give it a rest before asking again but I want her to know that persistence is a great quality and will take her far in life. It may need to be rechanneled but never extinguished.

    So thank you and Jade for reminding me that parenting is a job that is literally built into the fabric of each and every thing we do, say, and even think.

    Love you guys!


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