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Camu Camu Berry Benefits – Leading The Superfruit Revolution

The amazing Camu Camu Berry is a fruit that grows in the Amazonian rain forest of Peru.  This superfruit fruit is quickly being recognized as a nutritional powerhouse that’s changing the face of health and wellness around the world.

The Camu Camu Berry is the #1 source of vitamin C of any known botanical.  It’s actually 3 percent pure vitamin C by weight.  To give you a comparison, that’s about 30 to 60 times more vitamin C than oranges!

Most people know about the importance of vitamin C for a healthy immune system.  I can’t even tell you how many times one of my clients has called me when they (or one of their family members) were coming down with an illness, and I had them take my Immune Boosting Vitamin C Formula (mainly consisting of Camu Camu Berry) and they were able to knock the illness right back in just a couple of hours.

What most people don’t know is that vitamin C is CRITICAL for many other functions in the body as well.

*Vitamin C is needed for the health of your skin, hair, and nails

*It’s an antioxidant that protects your body from free radical damage

*It’s an essential nutrient for healthy vision

*It protects your body against viruses, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Here’s an excerpt from my book The Key to Quantum Health on the power of the Camu Camu berry:

The highest and most potent source of Vitamin C in the world (by far) is the Camu Camu Berry.  In a comparative study of the most powerful botanicals in the world Camu Camu ranks #1 in effectiveness for:






*Gingivitis/ Periodontal disease




*Migraine headaches



*Parkinson’s disease

(And this is just some of the list)

Camu Camu was also ranked #2 against depression and #4 in antioxidants overall.  It’s an excellent food for balancing your mood, as it naturally supports an increased serotonin level in the body.

Not only is Camu Camu a rich source of vitamin C, it’s also loaded with phytonutrients, essential vitamins and mineral, amino acids, and enzymes.  This is a remarkable superfruit that’s leading the way to better health and wellness for those who are fortunate to know about it.

How to use Camu Camu Berry

You can find Camu Camu Berry powder that’s easily added to several different recipes.  Take note to be sure that you’re getting low-temperature processed or freeze-dried Camu Camu powder, because the valuable vitamin C in it is extremely heat sensitive.

Here’s where I get mine:  100% Wildcrafted Camu Camu Powder

Because of the high concentration of vitamin C, Camu Camu has a very strong acidic, tangy taste to it.  It’s excellent when you add it to your citrus beverages and juices.  Try this:

2 fresh squeezed oranges

1 fresh squeezed grapefruit

1/2 tsp of Camu Camu berry powder

Add to a bottle with a lid, shake, and serve.

Camu Camu is one of the most potent superfoods on the planet, so a little goes a long way.  Just one fourth of a teaspoon and you are far surpassing the so-called “Recommended Daily Allowance”.

It’s an excellent food to add to your superfood shakes, as well as tangy salad dressing recipes.

Please leave your questions and comments below.  And for more on Camu Camu berry and 21 other superfoods you need to know about, be sure to check out Chapter 14 “Welcome to the World of Superfoods!” in my book The Key to Quantum Health

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  1. Hi! I was just listening to your interview on Ed Mylett’s podcast. You referenced a study about smokers using camu camu berry and lowering their CRP. Do you have a link or a way to share this source? I’d love to read and share this study with my dad who is being heavily medicated for a high CRP, smokes and has severe degenerative disc disease like you did. Thank you so much for your time.


  2. love love love your show.I listen every morning and evening during my daily walk.So much good information i need to listen to many episodes again and take notes.You have transformed the way i live and i feeling great because of your wisdom. Please continue to share your greatness so that everyone that cares enough to listen can live a full life of living well!!

  3. Hi Shawn,
    Thanks for giving us information about Camu Camu berries… I have to order this:)) Just for the record, I just received my VitaMix! I am sooooo happy about this… If anyone is interested VitaMix does have a payment plan deal:)) I just got my maca powder and some raw nuts, lots of them. Thanks again, keep up the great work:)

    1. That is SO AWESOME getting your Vitamix, Nereida! And thanks for sharing the info about their payment plan. It’s such a valuable piece of equipment for people to have in their home for their health, and having payment options will help a lot of people. I have to suggest making a chocolate elixir as soon as possible! Get some aloe and make The Longevity Elixir and enjoy! Here’s that video for easy access (and remember, you don’t need to have ALL of the superfoods, the aloe, maca, goji berries, and cacao are more than enough).

      1. In reference to the Aloe..
        All I find out here in NYC and even in WholeFoods is conventional Aloe leaves:( Although you believe in Raw, it ok to use the conventional ones, since yr filleting the skin off anyways?

        1. Excellent question. If something is grown with the use of pesticides and fertilizers, it really doesn’t matter whether we ate the skin or not because the soil composition of that plant has been compromised irregardless. When it comes to aloe, most of the big leaves you find in places like Whole Foods are grown in good conditions even if they’re not labeled organic. It’s more than fine to go ahead and take advantage of those.

  4. Seth, that recipe sounds fantastic. You’re like me adding in the cayenne pepper. It just seems to do something special along with the cacao. I’m so glad to see you’re experimenting and coming up with great approaches like that. I’m sure that the info you’re acquiring will be used to help a lot of people’s lives that you come in contact with.

    All the best!

  5. Wow Shawn thank you for going more in depth and breaking down this high ranking superfood, and for sharing your own source with us! I mostly considered the hot toddy to feel better in a hurry, never even thought about the camu camu method.

    This morning I made breakfast as a young coconut with meat and water as base, some freshly ground cacao beans, some cinnamon, some cayenne pepper, an apple, 2 baby bananas, about a tsp of msm(without camu camu 🙁 …(lol), and even a touch of spring water to thin it out just slightly, a tsp of maca powder. and i think that was about it, but wow it was delicious! i could have used something to sweeten it more yet this was sort of an experiment kind of smoothie. normally i use more veggies and fruits, but i wanted to do a more dessert tasting kind. it is great i feel good and all that! and after hearing the benefits of msm from you and knowing it gets complimented and amplified by vitamin c, i am very excited to try it with camu camu some day. i have 2 family members that could really benefit from camu camu berry as well, based on the powerful information you’re providing. im so happy im subscribed to these updates! im making improvements i can see and feel which is not short of amazing to experience. thank you for sharing


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