One of my main missions is to remind you how powerful you are in your ability to create change. Whether it be your health, your relationships, or your career, the potential to affect change is entirely up to you. And that change begins with the power of a decision. Our entire lives are built upon …
In honor of celebrating 500 episodes of The Model Health Show, it seemed like an appropriate time to reflect one of the main tenets of the show—to remind you of your potential and instill in you how powerful you are to affect change in your life and the world around you. This episode is a …
Continue reading "TMHS 501: 8 Inspirational Messages To Listen To On Repeat!"
“This I know for sure: who you’re meant to be, evolves from where you are right now. So learning to appreciate your lessons, mistakes, and setbacks as stepping stones to the future is a clear sign you’re moving in the right direction.” – Oprah Winfrey One of our main purposes in life is to grow, …
Continue reading "TMHS 500: 10 Breakthrough Lessons That Will Transform Your Life"
One thing I love about fitness is that no matter who you are or what your skill level is, there’s always an opportunity to improve. Whether you’re on day one of your fitness journey or you’re a seasoned gym rat, you can always implement new training methods, lift heavier, run faster, and become a better, …
Continue reading "TMHS 499: 6-Pack Secrets & Getting Superhero Fit – With Guest Don Saladino"
There’s no denying that what we eat is important, but emerging science shows that when we eat also plays a significant role in many facets of our overall health. Eating in sync with your circadian rhythm can have profound effects on your digestion, microbiome, mental alertness, and so much more. Circadian nutrition might sound like …
Continue reading "TMHS 498: Circadian Nutrition: The Groundbreaking New Science Of Meal Timing"
Inflammation is a critical part of our evolution, survival, and our overall health. Without it, we could never heal a cut or fight off a fever. But in our culture, our body’s inflammation responses are in overdrive, which over time can damage our cells and organs. Chronic long-term inflammation is linked to a myriad of …
Despite the low-fat trends of the past few decades, mounting evidence points to the importance of dietary fat for human health, particularly brain health. In fact, the dry weight of the human brain consists of about 60% fat. Fat is essential for brain function, but we need to consume certain types of fat in order …
Continue reading "TMHS 496: Neuronutrition Masterclass: The 3 Dominant Fats Of The Brain"
“We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” – Oprah Winfrey We are constantly evolving, both figuratively and literally. As our cells turn over in our body, we essentially become renewed. Simultaneously, our experiences, thoughts, and perceptions shape who we become and help us evolve over time. The process is …
There’s no denying the incredible power and resiliency that our bodies have. Every cell and system in your body is constantly at work trying to keep us alive and healthy. But due to our fast-paced lifestyles and convenience-based food systems, we’ve lost touch with the habits and patterns that support our body’s natural health promoting …
Have you ever noticed an uptick in your mood after a great workout or a relaxing massage? This is no coincidence, thanks in part to serotonin. Serotonin is a dual hormone and neurotransmitter that’s responsible for several critical roles in the body, including modulating mood, aiding in digestion, memory formation, and much more. On this …
Continue reading "TMHS 493: 7 Ways To Boost Serotonin Naturally"