When I started The Model Health Show nine years ago, I stepped up to the microphone with a profound passion and desire to teach folks how to create a unique model for their own health and fitness. Nine years later, I’m proud to say that I’m still committed to that mission, and I’m honored by …
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“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” - Helen Keller Pain is an inevitable, universal part of being human. While the challenges that life throws at us can sometimes seem overwhelming, our power lies in our ability to overcome, heal, and grow. If you’ve ever felt …
Continue reading "TMHS 578: How To Transform Your Mind, Body, & Mission – With Eben Britton"
Gut health is at the foundation of human health—it impacts everything from mental health to blood sugar, to skin health, and more. The more we learn about the impact of gut bacteria on human health and diseases, the more we can make changes that promote vibrancy and healing. One of the pioneers in the space …
We know that people who have underlying metabolic dysfunction, such as type 2 diabetes or obesity, are at a higher risk of developing complications and poor outcomes from COVID-19. When it comes down to the root of what’s causing our underlying susceptibility to this virus, the topic of immunometabolism cannot be overlooked. The growing field …
Did you know that a healthy self-esteem is associated with better health outcomes? Studies show that people who possess a positive sense of self-worth have fewer mental health conditions, tend to live longer, are generally healthier overall. This is due in part to the fact that the beliefs we hold about ourselves dictate who we …
Continue reading "TMHS 575: 10 Powerful Ways To Improve Your Confidence And Self-Worth"
In recent years, the science of gut health has rapidly evolved. The more we learn about gut health and the microbiome, the more we understand about human biology in general. At a time when inflammatory conditions and food sensitivities are at an all-time high, taking a look at what we can do to positively influence …
“Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” – Swedish Proverb Our relationships are the most impactful, integral elements to our success, our happiness, and our health. Learning how to cultivate and foster healthy interpersonal relationships is a necessary life skill that we can all work on. And at a time …
Have you ever been introduced to a person, and then immediately forgotten their name? Or have you ever read a passage from a book, but then realized you didn’t actually process or retain what the words said? Our brains are extremely powerful, yet we can easily find ourselves in these situations where our memory and …
Billions of folks log into social media platforms every day to share life updates and photos, form connections with other humans and create communities based on similar interests. When you sign up for an account with one of these popular platforms, you must agree to their terms of service. This means the company can decide …
Our personal relationships have a far-reaching effect on our happiness, our success, and our health. Our connections with others are the truly the backbone of all aspects of our lives. Studies show that having strong social connections can boost your self-esteem, lower your susceptibility to mental health problems, and even increase your longevity. Having social …